Sorcha Faal

World Braces As United States Supreme Court Marches Socialist “Deep State” To Guillotine

An intriguing new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today says that since President Donald Trump unexpectedly expressed his willingness this past Friday to hold a summit with the leaders of Russia, China, Britain and France (the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council) to discuss arms control, further signs being seen that the United States government is beginning to detangle itself from its three-year long fit of anti-Russian hysteria include their stunningly yesterday deleting from their North Korean sanctions list Russian oil producer Independent Petroleum Company (IPC) and four names of its subsidiary IPC-Primornefteprodukt—that was near immediately shockingly followed, also yesterday, by the US Department of Justice appearing to balk at even starting their civil trial against the Russian company Special Counsel Robert Mueller had filed his “joke indictment” against to harm Trump—all of which is occurring against the backdrop of the US Supreme Court figuratively marching the socialist “Deep State” to the guillotine in order to behead them in the case Seila Law LLC v. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau scheduled to be argued before them later today—a case involving this “fourth branch of government that skirts the usual system of checks and balances by exercising powers reserved for each of the three branches, frequently without any oversight or control by anyone”—one of whose main socialist leaders of is the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau director who “is one of the most powerful and unaccountable people in Washington”—and whomever this unaccountable director may be, “has to the power rework a large part of America’s financial system and there’s almost nothing any elected official could do about it”—which explains why the world is bracing for the outcome of this case, as it’s hard to believe the “Deep State” will accept their looming execution without a fight.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Putin Prepares “Fortress Russia” After Trump Admits “He Had To Do It” Defense Bill Outrage

An interesting and very informative new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting President Putin revealing that this past week was the worst for global oil markets since 2008, says the nation most affected by this market turmoil is the United States whose shale oil drillers need a miracle to keep their production from falling—a miracle, however, not being seen on any horizon coming to their rescue any time soon, as America is continuing to outrageously pour the bulk of their national treasure into their military forces—an absurdity as Russia’s new hypersonic weapons have now made gargantuan spending by other nations on military deterrence programs meaningless—to include a Russia that has cut its defense budget so much it now ranks just seventh in the world in military spending—thus enabling Putin to prepare a “Fortress Russia” to “create conditions so that NOBODY wants to fight us”—the reality of which is known to the US military who are racing to catch up with Russia on hypersonic weapons—most particularly their Commander-In-Chief President Donald Trump—whom Putin just stunningly stated about” “Donald told me that they have adopted an insane military budget for the next year, $738 billion…He told me that the costs were too high, BUT HE HAD TO DO IT”—with Putin, also, amazingly stating about Trump: “He actually advocated disarmament”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Mysterious Spacecraft Joining Up With Newly Discovered “Mini Moon” In Orbit Around Earth Prompts Concerns

An at first seemingly ordinary new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today detailing the discussions held on Friday between Chief of the General Staff General Valery Gerasimov and Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley becomes extraordinary upon one’s reading the section titled “As Mutually Agreed Upon”—a section that has listed two items, the first being the United States and Taliban signing deal aimed at ending war in Afghanistan, and the second being President Donald Trump agreeing to meet with President Putin as well as with the leaders of China, Britain and France to discuss the issue of arms control—and after listing these two mutually agreed upon items, then sees this report amazingly noting that these immediate measures were needed due to information contained in a Planetary Defense Coordination Office (PDCO) file—the appendix of which attached to this MoD report contains an urgent message received this past week from doctor-scientists at the Novosibirsk Institute of Nuclear Physics, who are presently racing to unravel the mystery of the 1908 Tunguska catastrophe, the world’s biggest explosion—a mystery now being joined by a mysterious spacecraft filmed by International Space Station scientists—that upon leaving the region of this space station, shot itself into outer space where its trajectory joined it with an equally mysterious “Mini Moon” discovered on 15 February to be in orbit around our Earth—and is, also, a mysterious spacecraft near identical to the one involved in the Kecksburg UFO Incident that occurred on 9 December 1965, at Kecksburg, Pennsylvania, United States in North America. […]

Sorcha Faal

Atomic Bomb Threat Between US-Russia At Greatest Since 1983 As Pentagon Prepares For Rebellion And Space War

An ominously worded new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the Northern Fleet being ordered to continue its testing of nuclear warhead capable hypersonic missiles, states that the alarm being expressed by President Putin and other Members of the Security Council (SC) over the rapidly unfolding crisis in Syria necessitated this action after Turkey invoked Article 5 of the NATO Treaty asking other members of this Western military alliance to come to its immediate aid—an action which now brings the threat of a nuclear war between the US and Russia to its greatest level since 1983—and sees Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov warning the West “the situation in Syria does not give NATO cause for joint retaliation in accordance with the alliance’s own fundamental documents”—a warning quickly replied to by top US defense expert Scott Ritter, who said: “even NATO is unwilling to touch Turkey’s Syrian mess with a ten-foot pole”—an assessment seemingly supported by facts and evidence, as instead of the US military preparing to engage in a nuclear war with Russia, it appears to be otherwise occupied with other concerns—such as the grim situation across its northern border in Canada where ANTIFA terrorists have crippled that nation’s rail system, to include their blocking another major rail line this week, as well as one of their suspected terrorist members having attempted to blow up a car in the Pentagon parking lot this past Monday—an attempted ANTIFA terrorist attack immediately responded to by the US Army warning the citizens of North Carolina to be aware that elite Special Forces are spreading themselves out throughout this State, and these peoples will be hearing explosions and seeing soldiers acting as ”guerrilla freedom fighters” between 6-19 March—and with fast-spreading stories circling the globe that the coronavirus COVID-19 disease is linked to feared Chinese 5G technology, the Pentagon has, also, ordered the US Air Force to immediately team up with  SpaceX for a “massive” live fire exercise set to begin on 8 April that will see SpaceX Starlink satellites linked up with multiple armed forces systems—the same SpaceX Starlink satellites that are now being reported have been put into place to defeat Chinese 5G technology.  […]

Sister Ciara

They Died For The Crime Of What They Knew—Where Is Your Name On The Death List?

The questions “What did she know?” and “Who wanted her silenced?” rushed to the forefront of my mind the other day when I heard of the tragic and sudden death of Miriam Wuolou, a barely known 34-year-old woman who was in her seventh month of pregnancy, except for those of us in the ecclesiastical world who knew Sister Miriam as the “gatekeeper” for Pope Francis. For years Sister Miriam managed the Vatican guesthouse called Domus Sanctae Marthae (aka Santa Marta), where she worked as a kind of gatekeeper for Pope Francis, as well as for his bishops and cardinals—a place Pope Francis chose to live at after his Papal appointment in 2013 when he refused to live in the grand papal apartments in the Vatican because he found them too elaborate—and is where rumors began to swirl last year after she became pregnant, even though she had long been separated from her husband—and is, also, where her lifeless body was discovered this week—the most troubling aspect about being: “Investigators have heard several witnesses, including family, friends and acquaintances.  A circumstance that concerns suspicious investigators is the fact that the woman had been dead for several days but, despite being pregnant and suffering from a disease, no one was aware of the incident”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Revenge-Fueled Democrats Watch In Rage As Trump Judges Begin Laying Waste To Leftist America

An interesting new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting President Putin emphasizing that judges may heed respected people’s views, but the law supersedes all else, remarkably is, also, giving rare praise to the 193 US Federal Judges appointed by President Donald Trump and confirmed by the US Senate—rare praise based upon these Trump appointed federal judges taking just three short years to begin laying waste to decades of lawless leftist court rulings—the process of which has seen Trump’s federal judges expediting to the United States Supreme Court critical leftist rulings to be overturned—which in the past week alone has seen this Supreme Court protecting the religious rights of its citizens and companies from leftist tyranny—its preparing to overrule leftist objections to a much needed energy pipeline—its protecting US border agents from being sued for just doing their jobs by leftist legal activists—and its protecting Trump’s new rule ordering that all immigrants entering the US must support themselves, and won’t be given federal handouts—a money saving ruling that allowed Trump to then expand healthcare access for 13-million American citizens—all occurring at the same Trump federal judges took firm control of the most radical leftist court in the US called the 9th Circuit—and after taking control, saw these Trump federal judges this week banding together to lift three leftist injunctions against a Trump administration rule that denies federal funding to clinics that refer women for abortions—and is, also, a 9th Circuit whose previous leftist rulings are now being systematically targeted for destruction by the Supreme Court itself—best exampled yesterday when the Supreme Court laid waste to and overturned the 1973 leftist 9th Circuit ruling that established without law what was known as the “Bob Richards Rule” on determining tax-refund distributions—and in wiping out this 47-year-old leftist 9th Circuit rule yesterday, saw Trump appointed Supreme Court Associate Neil Gorsuch declaring war on all of the remaining leftist federal judges in America with his warning words: “We took this case only to underscore the care federal courts should exercise before taking up an invitation to try their hand at common lawmaking”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Cuts Trade Ties With US As Black Swan Rides Coronavirus-Locust Apocalypse Wave Across World

A very concerning new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the unprecedented degradation of Russian-American ties due to anti-Russian statements made by the participants of the US election campaign, says there is no choice left but for Russia to suspend the work of its trade mission in the United States—a trade mission suspension coming at the same time Russia is projected to retain the crown as the world’s top wheat exporter for third year in a row as US wheat harvest numbers continue to fall—and for this year, also, has experts warning that the weather factor, including a snowless, warm winter, is increasingly becoming a “black swan” event for Russian farmers—which refers to a rare and unpredictable occurrence that has severe consequences for financial markets—is now confronting President Donald Trump, too, as he faces a “black swan” threat to the economy and reelection his leading allies acknowledge could present an existential political threat—all being caused by the coronavirus threat that’s now crashed the entire Chinese economy to its lowest level on record—and to make this grave situation even worse, now sees China being attacked by the apocalyptic locust plague sweeping the globe—thus creating a “Global Economic Pandemic” neither Russia or the US can collaborate on mitigating because of trade tie cutoffs—which Trump has now responded to by warning his citizens that if the Democrats win the White House, “there will be a stock market crash like you have never seen before”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Hillary Clinton Scheme To Upend 2020 Presidential Election Warned Doomed By Iran Coronavirus Vote

An insightful new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today commenting on the 20 February war game exercise held at United States Strategic Command Headquarters in Omaha-Nebraska where Defense Secretary Mark Esper ordered nuclear weapon strikes on Russia, says Federation Council Member Sergei Tsekov was correct in calling the organizers and participants of this war exercise “sick people”—which they would have to be in even contemplating a nuclear war that would annihilate our planet—but whose truer purpose for this latest “See how tough we are on Russia!” charade must be viewed in the light of this war exercise coming within days of the latest Russian election interference fairy tale that’s so absurd even the fake news network CNN has now discredited it as being false—but whose real purpose behind this latest lie could be seen in the leftist Washington Post headline “Bernie Sanders Briefed By U.S. Officials That Russia Is Trying To Help His Presidential Campaign”—a lying headline appearing just hours prior to the socialist Democrat Party Nevada Caucus vote on 22 February meant to damage Sanders—which spectacularly failed when Sanders eviscerated the conventional wisdom about why he can’t win after he wiped out all of his opponents in this caucus vote—a stunning win now being followed with the news that Hillary Clinton is conspiring with multi-billionaire Michael “Mini Mike” Bloomberg to steal the Democratic presidential nomination away from Sanders so she can run for a second time against President Donald Trump—a plot, however, that’s doomed to failure because the 2020 presidential election season in America comes right in the midst of their common cold virus season that starts in late August-2020 and will continue into early April-2021 when this contest will long be over—with the significance this time around being that common cold coronavirus striking the US will be the deadly COVID-19—whose spread of throughout the US computer scientists have now predicted will be 100% by the 2020 presidential election season—and whose consequence of a COVID-19 infected nation conducting a nationwide vote of its citizens was just displayed in Iran—where yesterday Iran’s conservatives claimed victory in a general election marked by the lowest turnout since the 1979 Islamic Revolution seeing a participation rate of only 42.6 percent—a result not surprising at all to anyone who has read the American scientific study published in 1949 titled “The Influence of Liberalism and Conservatism on Voting Behavior”—wherein this study documents how conservatives allow virtually nothing to impede them from voting—as opposed to liberals who value their personal safety and well being more than any national issue affecting them.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Russian Disease Expert Talks To US Intel Expert About Coronavirus In Iran—She Gets Thrown Into Spanish Prison, He Gets Bullet In Head

An absolutely horrifying highly-classified “Of Special Importance” new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that upon an urgent 16 February request-notification made to the SVR by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA), an investigative file has been opened into the present circumstances of Russia citizen Olesya Krasilova—a multilingual biomedical expert working as a translator for the All-Russia Plant Quarantine Center [English], which is part of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (ROSSELKHOZADZOR)—and who, on 14 February, traveled with a team of Russian doctor-scientists to Tenerife (the largest and most populated island of the eight Spanish archipelago Canary Islands) where they joined other international disease experts to examine the puzzling case of a German tourist who contracted the deadly coronavirus on the remote island of La Gomera in the Canary islands—but on 16 February when Olesya Krasilova was at the Tenerife South Airport preparing to board her return flight to Russia, saw her being seized by Spanish police and thrown into prison in what Foreign Ministry officials said “may probably be linked with some sort of request from the American side”—which immediately prompted an SVR surveillance of the most recent contacts made by Krasilova—the most concerning contact being a 15 February call she received from a former US intelligence expert named Philip Haney—whom Krasilova knew from her time while working as a clerk-translator at the American Embassy in Moscow—and during this call saw them discussing the mysterious deadly coronavirus outbreak in Iran whose percentage death rate is higher than that in China—but whose further examination of Philip Haney is no longer possible, because within five days of Krasilova being thrown into a Spanish prison, on 21 February, he was found assassinated next to his vehicle in California with a single gunshot wound in his head—an assassination immediately responded to by his close friend Jan Markell who said: “My friend Phil Haney was found shot yesterday in CA…I had lunch with him a month ago…He warned something could happen to him…He was to get married in a month…It will be falsely called a suicide”—and—Republican Party US Congressman Steve King who stated: “Phil Haney was a friend & patriot…He was a target because of all he knew of Islamic terrorist coverups…He insured his life by archiving data that incriminated the highest levels of the Obama administration…Phil Haney didn’t kill himself”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

ANTIFA Terrorists Cripple Canadian Rail System As Train Derailment Attacks Begin Striking America

An alarming new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov warning that “the United States is embarking on a highly dangerous game as it’s determined to pursue the path of confrontation and keep lowering the threshold for the use of nuclear weapons”, says of even greater concern about this “dangerous game” being played by the Americans is its not being centered on the external threats they face from foreign adversaries, but those enemies it faces on its own soil—best evidenced this past month when elite FBI Counterterrorism Fly Teams (small, highly trained cadres of counterterrorism investigators—including special agents and intelligence analysts—based at FBI Headquarters in Washington D.C.) rushed to South Carolina on 7 February to the scenes of two train derailments—on 8 February were rushed to a train derailment in Illinois—and on 13 February were rushed to a train derailment in Kentucky—with the commonality of these four train derailments being that they were all moving shipments of energy supplies—and comes at the same trains in eastern Canada have been at a near-standstill for more than two weeks—a crippling of the Canadian rail system now expanded after CN Rail announced it would be shutting down all rail traffic in eastern Canada and Via Rail announced nearly all passenger traffic across Canada is being stopped—all being caused by anti-energy ANTIFA terrorists derailing trains, and who’ve declared that the elected Canadian government and the entire country of Canada is illegitimate—and now sees the ANTIFA website North Shore Counter-Info not only calling on supporters to sabotage rail lines in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en native peoples, these terrorists have also made several posts taking credit for rail sabotage in Hamilton, Guelph, Burlington, and elsewhere in Ontario, claiming at least a dozen acts of sabotage.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Moscow Prepares To Fire “Operative Trump” For Not Aiding Russian Invasion Of Ireland

A rather brief new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov warning NATO that “the lack of military-level communication, and an almost complete lack of mutual trust, can lead to a mistaken interpretation of each other’s intentions” as America begins it largest European war exercise against Russia in 25-years, says this “ramped-up struggle” against two “non-existent military doctrines” attributed to Russia concocted out of thin air by the Pentagon, has now been joined by Obama’s former CIA Director John Brennan pushing a Deep State un-sourced leak to the leftist New York Times accusing President Donald Trump of abetting a Russian covert operation to win the 2020 election—after which then saw Brennan calling the American people who support Trump “a very debased group of people”, as well as leftist-lunatic MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell becoming completely unhinged from reality by his declaring: “The president is a Russian operative…That sounds like the description of a bad Hollywood screenplay, but it is real…It is Vladimir Putin’s greatest achievement”—a declaration, if true, would mean that President Putin must be tried for treason and immediately executed because his greatest achievement “Operative Trump”, since taking office, has slammed Russia with 52 actions and sanctions in an attempt to destroy its economy—is today massing tens-of-thousands of American troops on Russia’s borders—and this week ordered his US special services to launch an anti-Russia campaign in Eastern Europe—all of which leads one to conclude that “Operative Trump” must be fired because these actions prove that he won’t support the Russian military invasion of Ireland—an invasion “exposed” by a leftist Washington D.C. think tank that claimed Russian spies were secretly mapping undersea cables coming into Ireland in preparation for the invasion of this country to take control of all global communication systems—but whose invasion preparing Russian spies, one could logically think, wouldn’t do anything in secret, as they could just go to one of Ireland’s own government websites, which posts the exact latitude and longitude of those cables for all to see.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Democrats Know End Is Near As Trump Revenge Onslaught Accelerates

A fascinating new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting President Putin’s refusal to grant the newly-appointed government any time for warming up, states that even though he further once again thanked the United States for its help in stopping a terrorist attack in St. Petersburg, his concerns about the US remain high after provocative and dangerous incidents such as just occurred in Syria when an American armored vehicle attempted to push a Russian military scout vehicle off an open roadway—a dangerous provocation occurring at the same time America’s main national security publication The National Interest correctly warned that just one of Russia’s three active Borei-Class Submarines “could render the United States uninhabitable”—but are such things to be expected from a nation consuming itself from within by blind rage and hatred—the latest example being the firestorm erupting after President Donald Trump appointed US Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell to be his new Acting Director of National Intelligence yesterday—an actually normal such appointment as Ambassador Grenell has vast government experience—is loyal to Trump—has been excited about the wave of conservatism that has hit Europe to destroy leftist ideologies—plays rough like Trump, but keeps a low profile on social media—and is an openly gay cancer survivor who modestly describes himself as: “I’m stronger after cancer, my dog runs my life, an imperfect follower of Christ”—the latter of which has socialist Democrats and their leftist media lapdogs crying like children who’ve had their candy stolen from them, as this appointment destroys their lying narrative that Trump hates gay people—and because Trump stole their “candy”, sees top Democrat lawmakers calling Ambassador Grenell’s appointment “an outrage”—as well as the leftist media calling it such things as “a national disgrace” and “an alarming choice”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Populist Superstorm Slams Into Oregon And Britain On Same Day As End Nears For Global Leftist Forces

A thought-provoking new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today contemplating the “worst possible scenario” should NATO Member Turkey launch a military operation against Syria’s legitimate authorities and armed forces, says such a move coming at the same time the US is flooding Europe with massive numbers of troops and equipment as part of its largest war exercise in 25-years leaves open the question of whom would be the beneficiary of the global war that would follow such an attack—as any attack on Syria by Turkey would necessitate a Russian military response against this NATO member, that in turn would place Russia in direct military confrontation with the United States and the European Union—thus leading to a potential catastrophic conflagration whose only winner would be the demonic Anti-Christ globalist-socialist forces already intent on destroying our world in order to remake it into their own sadistic image—demonic socialist forces that during this past year alone, has seen their politicians and policies crushed by President Donald Trump led national-populist forces in elections occurring in Italy, India, European Union, Australia, Britain and Ireland—a global populist superstorm that’s now circled the globe back to an America where Trump has now designated its largest socialist-controlled State of California as being “Occupied Territory”—a designation supported by millions of national-populist citizens in California and its border State of Oregon who are now calling for their being able to join the State of Idaho so they can regain their freedoms—with one such urgent plea to Trump saying: “Rural counties have become increasingly outraged by laws coming out of the Oregon Legislature that threaten our livelihoods, our industries, our wallet, our gun rights, and our values…We tried voting those legislators out, but rural Oregon is outnumbered and our voices are now ignored…This is our last resort”—and was an urgent plea heard all the way to Europe yesterday where the new national-populist government of Britain listened to its citizens and barred from its nation non-English speaking migrants and low-skilled workers—all of which shows these leftist globalist forces that their reign of tyranny is nearing its end. […]

Sorcha Faal

Over 250,000 US Combat Forces Deployed As “Something So Big In Play It’s Going To Shock The Conscience of the Nation” Revelation Nears

A grimly worded new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov unable to get a reply yesterday to Russian peace initiatives from NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at the Munich Security Conference, states this refusal of the West to make clear its intentions comes during a time when President Donald Trump has increased his military war spending to its highest level in a decade, and under whose leadership now sees more US troops in the Middle East than when he took office—US combat troop numbers now standing at nearly 64,000 in a Middle East where the Americans aren’t even engaged in a serious conflict with any enemy—who are joined by the over 113,000 US combat forces standing at the ready in Japan, South Korea and European NATO nations—all of whom are being rapidly met with over 25,000 US combat troops now flooding into Europe for their DEFENDER-Europe 20 war exercise, as well as the over 2,000 elite US Air Force pilots and ground support troops, along with hundreds of fighter aircraft and bombers, now filling up Guam in the Western Pacific that American military commanders call their “permanent aircraft carrier”, and is already home to over 7,000 US combat forces—not to mention the six US Navy aircraft carrier groups presently at sea and their over 50,000 combat forces—all of which puts the US on an immediate war footing preparing to fight an enemy no one in the world is sure who is—but whose clues about came late last week when socialist Democrat Party lawmakers in the US Senate joined with a handful of anti-Trump Republican lawmakers in an attempt curb Trump’s war powers on Iran—immediately after which then saw top Democrat Party US Senator Chris Murphy leading a contingent of his fellow Democrat senators in a rush from Washington to the Munich Security Conference where they shockingly held a secret meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif—an action which in any other nation would bring immediate charges of treason—and could very well be the reason behind why Trump confidant, and top Fox News host Sean Hannity gravely warned the American people a few hours ago on his nationwide television programme:  “I Feel There’s Something So Big in Play – The Deep State Knows It… It’s Going to Shock the Conscience of the Nation”.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Readies Emergency Mission To Save Big Chunk Of Democratic Electorate Shot Into Space

A fascinating new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today continuing to note events occurring at the Munich Security Conference, says the warning issued by Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov that the United States is paving the way for the deployment of intermediate and short-range nuclear missiles in Europe and Asia—feared nuclear missiles Russia is prepared to start producing in six months, depending on US steps—has been slightly mitigated due to Lavrov’s meeting with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on the sidelines of this conference that pointed to signs indicating that the US is moving towards a more constructive approach to strategic stability issues, as well as this conference dropping its Russophobic bias to plunge into an anti-Chinese one—a mitigation, however, that continues slamming into Western insanity, instability and incoherence making future moves towards global peace and security uncertain—some of whose latest examples of include Queen Elizabeth II acknowledging that the British persecution of Wikileaks leader Julian Assange is a political matter she won’t interfere with—who was followed by noted British scientist Richard Dawkins shockingly declaring that the 20th Century satanic practice of eugenics used by the Americans and Nazi Germany to exterminate unwanted peoples in their societies “would work for humans”—a shock declaration of outright genocide being supported by top Democrat Party presidential candidate Michael “Mini Mike” Bloomberg demonically saying that if senior citizens in America show up at hospitals seeking treatment for cancer “We Should Say We Can’t Do Anything”—a lack of humanity being shown to these elderly peoples coming at the same time these vile socialist Democrats are protecting the very criminals who prey on the weakest members of society—best exampled this past week when career New York City criminal Charles Barry was set free without bail after his 139th arrest and gleefully told the press: “I’m famous!…I take $200, $300 a day of your money, cracker!…You can’t stop me!…Bail reform, it’s lit!…It’s the Democrats!…The Democrats know me and the Republicans fear me…It’s a great thing…It’s a beautiful thing”—a sentiment apparently not being shared by the leftist New York Times, who just warned these insane Democrats that they “might as well shoot a big chunk of the Democratic electorate into space and hand Mr. Trump his re-election”—is the same President Trump these deranged socialists actually made a part of a horror television shows when he was first elected—but whose grotesque caricature of stands opposed to an interview Trump gave in 1980 proving he’s same person now as he was 40-years ago—a fact known to the hundreds-of-thousands of Americans wowed yesterday when Trump had his Air Force One swoop over these cheering crowds at the Daytona Speedway as part of the celebration of his being the first American leader in history to be named the Grand Marshal of this globally viewed motor car race—and one can only hope will mount an emergency mission and use his new Space Force to save those helpless Americans shot into space by their own Democrat Party.  […]

Sorcha Faal

World Warned To “Change Course Before It’s Too Late” As Explosion Strong Enough To Split The Atom Targets America

A somberly worded new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting events occurring at the Munich Security Conference, says the urgent call made by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov for Europe to “reject the false notion of a Russian threat” in his Munich speech, and his warning the world to “change course before it’s too late”, is a reality supported by the fact that Russia has cut military spending to such an extent, it’s now dropped out of the top five military spenders in the world—as opposed to the United States whose record defense budget helped drive world military spending to a 10-year high in 2019—a record military budget defended by US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper in his Munich speech saying that “the world needs to wake up to the challenges posed by the Chinese Communist Regime”, and his warning that “the Chinese Communist Party and its associated organs are increasingly operating in theaters outside its borders, including Europe, and seeking advantage by any means, and at any cost”—thus making it inexplicable as to why America keeps promulgating its now growing very dangerous false Russian threat narrative—but does become explainable when one notices that the fake claims against President Trump that he colluded with Russia to win his election have all been fully exposed as the lies they are—lies, however, the Americans need to keep alive because their full revealing would “create an explosion strong enough to split the atom within the swamp”—all because the facts and evidence now prove beyond all doubt that the US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence conspired with foreign and domestic actors to eliminate the President of the United States—and whose co-conspirator US media institutions (New York Times, Washington Post, CNN and more) were all caught participating in this government effort intended to eliminate the Presidency of Donald John Trump. […]