Sorcha Faal

Trump Saves World From Socialist Run “Death Zones” In People’s Republic Of Coronastan

An at first appearing to be tongue-in-cheek new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, quickly evolves into an information goldmine shockingly exposing hidden truths about this disease and its true effect on the United States being kept from the knowledge of the American people—hidden truths that have now caused the socialist-communist-led People’s Republic of China (PRC) to lash out at the US calling it “a primitive society where democracy is dying”—a branding, however, that doesn’t apply to the entirety of the US, but only to its top-ten socialist iron-grip Democrat Party controlled “Blue States” of New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, California, Michigan, Illinois, Louisiana, Connecticut and Maryland —who for want of a better term have broken off from the rest of the US to create their own socialist-communist PRC nation most rightfully called the “People’s Republic of Coronastan”, that even comes complete with its own “death zones”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Warns “You’ll Find Out What I’m Going To Do” While Slamming Globalists And Watching European Socialism Die

A strategically oriented new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing possible end game scenarios for the “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, says the crashing of US oil prices to their lowest level in 21-years as storage ran out yesterday, when coupled with Germany’s largest newspaper openly accusing Communist China of exporting the coronavirus and demanding $161-billion in damages, makes it no surprise that after the China Stock Index suffered its worst crash in history a few hours ago, it was fearfully exclaimed by one expert speaking for all of them: “I’ve Never Encountered Anything Like This”—an exclamation of dread bowing to the reality that in just a few weeks time, a virus measuring barely one billionth of a meter has effectively destroyed the entire world—not just any world, but a globalist-socialist world whose elite Western architects have building since the end of World War II, and by 2000 were being aided by elite Chinese communists—but who are now all watching in stunned and shocked horror as their crown jewel socialist project European Union begins to crack apart to the point that its godfather Jacques Delors warns it’s now “in mortal danger”, as well as other elite socialist architects warning it could “collapse at any moment”—and with it immediately needing an impossible to get over $1.6-trillion to keep it from it breaking apart, sees its true fate described in the just published headline “The European Union Is Dead But Does Not Yet Know It”—a death being celebrated by these socialist elite’s worst in history enemy President Donald Trump—who yesterday eviscerated them with words striking at the very heart of what they stand for when he stated: “What happens when you’re in a war, and you have a supply chain where half of your supplies are given to other countries?…Who are the people that thought of it?…These are globalists…It doesn’t work”—and when asked about his intentions towards these globalist-socialist forces who “attempted the takedown of a duly elected president”—saw President Trump ominously responding with the fearful words: “You’ll find out what I’m going to do”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Socialist Forces Warn Trump “Is Playing With Fire” For Igniting Russian Roulette Coronavirus Rebellion

An informative new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the latest battle moves being undertaken in the rapidly turning more dangerous “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, notes President Putin assuring Security Council Members at this morning’s teleconference briefing that Russia has enough reserves to protect its people amid this coronavirus pandemic—a needed assurance coming as coronavirus riots and food shortages sweep an African Continent being described as “It’s War Out Here”—and because of the even more globally significant events that are occurring in the United States—a country where this pandemic has exposed the motives of their nation’s self-appointed globalist-socialist political leaders and leftist mainstream propaganda media radicals who are all pushing anti-American policies to give themselves more power—most particularly their slamming the American people with tyrannical coronavirus shut downs and regulations having nothing to do with safety and everything to do with these peoples’ freedoms—and while being led by the maniacally-leftist New York Times, now sees these tyrannical socialist forces viciously attacking President Donald Trump because he won’t become the dictator they demand he should be—a President Trump who, in fact, has become the opposite of a dictator and posted messages to his under socialist siege citizens telling them to “Liberate Virginia!”, “Liberate Michigan!” and “Liberate Minnesota!”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Satellite Explodes—US Blames Russia, Calls For War With China, And Abruptly Orders Nuclear Bombers Back To America

An actually terrifying new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing highly-classified “Of Special Importance” events occurring in the “Coronavirus Pandemic War” pertaining to this week’s Ministry of Defense (MoD) national security preparations utilizing Aerospace Defense Forces, states that the numerous NOTAMS (Notice To Airmen) being issued to Western military forces by the Russian Federation are in direct response to increasingly hostile actions being displayed by the United States—hostile actions that started on 11 April when the MoD issued a NOTAM warning of “Hazardous Operations, Rocket Launching” in the splashdown area in the Laptev Sea—a NOTAM warning issued in preparation for the successful 15 April testing of the PL-19 Nudol anti-ballistic missile interceptor that also functions as an anti-satellite weapon—an 15 April successful testing of the PL-19 Nudol missile system, however, that exactly coincided with an as yet unidentified satellite exploding in space, its falling slowly in flames through the atmosphere, and then crashing somewhere in the United Kingdom—and upon crashing, saw US Space Command US Air Force General John Raymond screaming to Russia: “This test is further proof of Russia’s hypocritical advocacy of outer space arms control proposals designed to restrict the capabilities of the United States while clearly having no intention of halting their counterspace weapons programs”—which Russia immediately replied to by pointing out that Moscow is still waiting for Washington to answer its questions about US activities in outer space and stating: “We also have a lot of questions…We asked them quite a long time ago and want to have an answer after all”—that itself was followed within the hour by known President Donald Trump “media mouthpiece” Lou Dobbs of Fox News floating the idea of war with Communist China as a “consequence” for the coronavirus—and immediately upon its floating, saw President Trump ordering the US Air Force to abruptly end its continuous nuclear bomber presence on Guam after 16-years and immediately return all of its B-52s back to America.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Orders Martial Law Readiness For US Capitol After China Suffers Worse Economic Collapse In 44 Years

A cautiously worded new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the latest developments occurring in the “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, notes with concern the reply received by the Ministry of Defense (MoD) from the US Department of Defense (DoD) when the Americans were queried about unusually large military movements taking place in and around Washington D.C.—an actual non-reply that saw the DoD referencing their November-2019 alert advisory to NATO about a disease outbreak in China and saying nothing else—a non-reply, however, that came within 24-hours after the DoD admitting that it was still uncertain about the origins of the coronavirus and President Donald Trump threatening to do what no American president before him has done, unilaterally adjourn the US Congress—a stunning admission and threat followed by President Trump ordering the activation of Joint Task Force National Capital Region (JTF-NCR) whose military forces are readying to deploy to the streets of Washington D.C. to enforce martial law—are an elite US combat force comprising almost 10,000 uniformed personnel reporting directly to the Secretary of Defense, and are already on 24/7 alert specially sequestered on military bases and kept out of coronavirus support duties to ensure their readiness—and whose clues about their exact mission are beyond highly disturbing—specifically because President Trump had Attorney General William Barr, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and FCC Chairman Ajit Pai gang up against the Pentagon over a 5G technology some US military leaders said would interfere with the GPS targeting of their missiles—and comes at the same time the mysterious American warship USNS Invincible has left the Persian Gulf and is presently racing towards the United States—a warship so mysterious it displays no markings or identification, while no one knows which US military branch, if any, it and its civilian crew are under the control of—but is known to be equipped with the formidable Gray Star BMD radar assets that are tasked with space tracking, ballistic missile tracking, and other long-range defense instrumentation missions, and is capable of operating from impressive standoff distances—and about which MoD experts have long believed is the only American warship able to locate and destroy missiles fired by the US military itself—and most gravely to be noticed, are all actions taking place at the same time Communist China is reporting the worst economic contraction in any of its official statistics since 1976, the year it exited the Cultural Revolution—which along with Belt and Road debts to Communist China skyrocketing and their being deprived of vital raw materials since Russia closed the entire border with China on 30 January—sees an entire world wondering when, not if, Communist China will strike back before it implodes.  […]

Sorcha Faal

“Unthinkable” Being Considered After Chinese Warships Make War Move And America Attacked With World’s Deadliest Bird Flu

A gravely concerning new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting that the “Coronavirus Pandemic War”  is now entering its most deadly phase, says the assessment made by Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov that the United States will soon decide not to extend the nuclear arms New Start treaty necessitated the need to dispatch Black Sea Naval Forces against the US Navy destroyer USS Porter that sailed through the Dardanelles and the Bosphorus on 13 April—a strategic war move being made by the US as it remains uncertain if Russia will come to the aid of Communist China when open hostilities begin—and comes at the same time it’s being warned the US is now prepping their site in Nevada to test nuclear weapons. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Plans Destruction Of WHO After Marlboro Man Grabs Sun And Pummels Coronavirus To Death

An astonishing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the latest battle moves in the “Coronavirus Pandemic War” says there is no surprise that President Donald Trump has halted all US funding to the World Health Organization in light of just discovered critical findings about the coronavirus released a few hours ago by the Ministry of Health (MINZDRAV)—findings so amazing that upon reading them this transcript shows Security Council Member Valentina Matviyenko exclaiming: “It’s like the Marlboro Man grabbed the Sun and pummeled the coronavirus to death”—a reference to the Marlboro Man figure used in tobacco advertising campaigns for Marlboro cigarettes in the United States from 1954 to 1999—and MINZDRAV doctor-scientists examining the 23 March warning issued by the WHO saying that tobacco smokers were at severe risk from the coronavirus against a barely noticed article published on 15 February in Communist China titled “Can Smoking Prevent Novel Coronavirus?”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Coronavirus Leftists Attack Christians With Nails On Easter Sunday As Socialist Move To Breakup America Begins

A gravely concerning new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the continuing to rage “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, contains a grim section noting the unprecedented disaster declarations in all 50 US States that because of now sees an astonishing 95% of American citizens being ordered to stay at home—the main consequence of which has been the exposing of numerous socialist Democrat Party tyrants throughout the United States rampaging across their citizens’ freedom and rights—socialist tyrants who are, also, supporting radical leftist coronavirus terrorists who this past Easter Sunday, of all days, spread nails in the roads to destroy the tires of Christian worshipers’ vehicles who dared to join together to celebrate the day Jesus Christ was resurrected from the dead after His having had his hands and feet nailed into the cross He died upon—a shocking attack on the Christian peoples of America responded to 24-hours later when President Donald Trump asserted his “Total Authority” yesterday to re-open his nation and free his citizens from the clutches of these godless socialist tyrants—but after asserting, saw immediately arising to oppose President Trump the newly created socialist-controlled blocs called the “West Coast Pact” and “6 State Council”—both of which are comprised of socialist Democrat Party iron grip controlled States on the East and West coasts of America that have now declared they have total authority over these imprisoned citizens, not President Trump—a declaration in outright defiance of a President Trump who has activated the most mysterious and feared powers ever possessed by an American leader called the “Presidential Emergency Action Documents”—and though never seen by anyone other than a US President, and no one even knowing how many of them there are, most critical to know about them was their initial creator, President Abraham Lincoln—the first Republican Party leader ever elected in America who waged an undeclared war not authorized by the US Congress against the socialist Democrat Party iron grip controlled States that imprisoned the black citizens under their tyrannical control—an undeclared war so deadly it cost more American lives than all of their other wars in history combined—and saw President Lincoln, also, using these mysterious presidential powers to throw thousands of fake news traitorous journalists in prison without charges or trials and shut down their newspapers—facts and truths, beyond all doubt, known to a Republican Party President Trump who’s now battling to the death against the same socialist Democrat Party tyrants that President Lincoln had to wage an undeclared war against to defeat—which makes it understandable why President Trump ordered he be sworn into office while placing his hand on the same Bible that President Lincoln was sworn into office with—and why President Trump has just “openly declared these rebellious socialist Democrats to be mutineers”.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Moves Against Scientific Elites After China Threatens “Perilously Close To The Edge” American Food Supply

A grimly foreboding new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting President Putin “lacks real-life communication” while being protected in the vast and deep underground Yamantau Mountain complex as the rapidly accelerating “Coronavirus Pandemic War” enters its most deadly phase, says that after his talks with President Donald Trump that led the American leader to exclaim a “Great day for all” upon the historic agreement to cut global oil production by 9.7 million barrels per day, which is the single largest output cut in history, and gives President Trump total victory on the “Global Oil War Front” of this conflict, nevertheless points out that the major casualty, so far, on this battle front was one of the United States’ largest oil and gas producers named Whiting Petroleum that’s now filed for bankruptcy—a bankruptcy delivering a massive blow to foreign energy dependent Communist China, who is one of this US oil and gas company’s largest suppliers and investors—and comes at the same time nuclear armed powers Chinese ally Pakistan and US ally India are engaged in open military conflict with each other—a Pakistan whose Prime Minister Imran Khan just warned his “biggest worry now is people dying of hunger”—and an India that’s created the world’s largest prison by locking its over 1.3 billion citizens in their homes and is denying them all access to food because of the coronavirus—but more ominously is an India now on a collision course with Communist China to ignite World War III—thus making it clear why Communist China has now lashed out against President Trump by shutting down their wholly owned world’s biggest pork processor located in the United States while issuing a veiled threat warning that America was moving “perilously close to the edge” in supplies for grocers—a Communist China veiled threat against US food security coming at the exact same time yesterday as elite leftist scientist Dr. Anthony Fauci was appearing on CNN lyingly claiming that President Trump could have been saved more lives if the US had shut down in February—the same Dr. Fauci who himself was telling the American public on 29 February that there was no reason for any of them to change any behaviors because of the coronavirus—which makes it no wonder why President Trump has just re-Tweeted to his nearly 77-million followers a call for the elite leftist scientist Dr. Fauci to be immediately fired.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Historic Disaster Declarations By Every US State Activate Feared And Mysterious Presidential Emergency Action Documents

A stunning new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the latest developments occurring in the rapidly accelerating “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, while noting that the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) has been authorized limited authority to cooperate with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) into their global investigation of Idris Abdus-Salaam after this suspected radical Islamic terrorist brutally knifed to death 3 women at a Tennessee petrol stop this past week, and the shock reveal that US Attorney John Durham has seated a grand jury and is now calling in witnesses to start the arrest and prosecution process of Obama-Clinton Regime officials who traitorously targeted President Donald Trump for destruction, makes it no wonder why this transcript sees Security Council Member Valentina Matviyenko quoting the words of Soviet revolutionary and political theorist Vladimir Lenin saying “there are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen”—fateful words, most certainly, applying to the weeks between 1 October 2019 and 4 April 2020 wherein the midst of saw the United States gravely reported that their nation’s flu epidemic threshold of 7.1% had been breached and has now hit the staggering level of 10%—the horrific consequence of now sees the United States reporting that these weeks have brought them up to 56,000,000 flu illnesses, 26,000,000 flu medical visits, 740,000 flu hospitalizations, and 62,000 flu deaths. […]

Sorcha Faal

Chinese Warship Explodes In Flames After Shocking Research Finds Fluoridated Water Causes Coronavirus To Extinguish Oxygen

A grimly worded new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the latest developments occurring in the rapidly accelerating “Coronavirus Pandemic War” that sees President Donald Trump and his global national-populist forces pitted in an existential battle to the death against the godless forces of globalist-socialism, notes that the ordinary peoples in the Netherlands have begun torching and sabotaging 5G towers across their nation due to their fears that this Communist Chinese technology is linked to the coronavirus—and though is highly concerning, pales in significance to the massive 5-day-long border battle between nuclear armed powers Pakistan and India and the apocalyptic news that the historic locust plague decimating all of the food in Africa now has a second-wave that’s 20-times larger than the first one—but in spite of, the gravest threat to the world remains if this pandemic war is going to turn hot involving military conflict, which troubling signs are emerging showing this is going to be so—signs that include the entire government of President Trump now demanding that that all Communist Chinese telecom technology be immediately removed from the United States because of its “substantial and unacceptable national security and law enforcement risks”—a demand that was followed a few hours ago by China’s first big-deck amphibious assault ship exploding into flames at its port in Shanghai. […]

Sorcha Faal

“About To Blow Wide Open” Arrests Near To Blunt Chinese “Blitzkrieg” And Media Coronavirus “Jihad” Against Trump

A very informative new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the latest developments occurring in the rapidly accelerating “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, says the initial guarded optimism held by President Donald Trump after his discussion yesterday with President Putin about the “Oil War Front” of this worldwide conflict were short lived after Mexico immediately rejected the global plan to cut oil production—a rejection that leads to the further destabilization of the world’s entire economy—but comes at the same time President Trump has signaled that the opening end game to this war against globalist-socialist tyranny has now begun—an unmistakable “signal” coming over these past 48-hours that began when top President Trump ally Sean Hannity made a shock revelation on his top rated Fox News programme that the criminal investigation into the Obama-Clinton Regime crimes committed against Trump is “about to blow wide open”—a shock revelation then followed by US Attorney General William Barr appearing on the top rated Fox News programme The Ingram Angle to warn the American people that the Communist Chinese are presently engaged in full-court blitzkrieg against the United States—a Communist Chinese blitzkrieg being supported by, Attorney General Barr says, the leftist US mainstream media who have declared a “jihad” to discredit President Trump and the coronavirus lifesaving drug Hydroxychloroquine—the latter being best exampled in the leftist headline “Macron Meets With Controversial Chloroquine Doctor Touted By Trump”—but in reality is a “controversial doctor” named Didier Raoult, who just happens to be the foremost and acknowledged greatest infectious disease expert in the entire world—thus making it understandable when Attorney General Barr came face-on against these vile leftists with his beyond stunning declaration that that the Russia investigation into President Trump’s 2016 Campaign was “one of the greatest travesties in American history”—a declaration Attorney General Barr followed by his then shockingly saying: “more concerning, actually, is what happened after the campaign…a whole pattern of events while he was president … to sabotage the presidency”—which if proved to be factual raises what occurred from being mere political campaign shenanigans to state treason carrying the death penalty—which explains why Attorney General Barr then unequivocally stated: “if people broke the law and we can establish that with the evidence, they will be prosecuted”—an unmistakable warning of the arrests soon to come that President Trump immediately followed by putting out a scathing ad accusing top socialist Democrat Party leader, and presumptive presidential candidate, Joe Biden of conspiring with Communist China against America. […]

Sorcha Faal

Coronavirus War Sees Trump Preparing “Blackstar” Moon Invasion As Massive Saudi Arabian Armada Nears America

A blowing past gobsmacking new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting that the “Coronavirus Pandemic War” has now taken an unexpected but potentially fateful twist with its moving the United States and Communist China a big step closer to a new cold war, says as equally alarming to notice is the massive supertanker armada Saudi Arabia has sent against America to crush the US oil production industry—a massive armada carrying a staggering total of 14-million barrels of Saudi Arabian oil so fearful Texan oil drillers are preparing to shut down their production—all occurring after the first three months of 2020 shocked the global energy market to its foundations due to the unprecedented demand destruction forecasts of 20-million barrels per day that will transform forever the global oil industry as we know it—but for one to fully glimpse how President Donald Trump is preparing to counter these historic events, they must first understand why the Roscosmos State Corporation for Space Activities (ROSCOSMOS) has just blasted the US for “its plans to seize the territories of other planets”—a plan masterminded by President Trump, who two-years ago ordered into active service his nation’s most mysterious weapon known as the Blackstar Spacecraft—whose highly-secretive mission kept it in outer space for two-years, with its returning to Earth on 27 October 2019—and a little more than a fortnight after its returning to Earth, saw US intelligence officials issuing a warning on 17 November 2019 that a contagion was sweeping through China’s Wuhan region that was changing the patterns of life and business and posing a threat to the population—a direct linking of the Blackstar Spacecraft with this contagion now known as the COVID-19 coronavirus that’s rampaging across the globe—and coming at the exact same time experts were starting to believe that Communist China might be preparing to make a giant leap to the Moon—a move swiftly met by President Trump when, on 20 December 2019, and as the coronavirus began its deadly march through China, he created the new American military branch called the United States Space Force—and this week saw President Trump assigning his Space Force its first publically known mission when he signed into law the stunning document titled “Executive Order on Encouraging International Support for the Recovery and Use of Space Resources”—and immediately after this Executive Order was signed into law by President Trump, saw NASA detailing its plans for putting a base on Moon and reports coming from all around the world of mysterious objects being sighted flying close to the Moon—thus bringing into sharper focus why President Trump wrote in his Executive Order the fateful for humanity words:

The United States is not a party to the Moon Agreement.

Further, the United States does not consider the Moon Agreement to be an effective or necessary instrument to guide nation states regarding the promotion of commercial participation in the long-term exploration, scientific discovery, and use of the Moon, Mars, or other celestial bodies.

Accordingly, the Secretary of State shall object to any attempt by any other state or international organization to treat the Moon Agreement as reflecting or otherwise expressing customary international law. […]

Sorcha Faal

Top EU Coronavirus Leader Quits After White House Scientist Makes Shock Declaration For Humanity To Stop Taking Tetanus Shots

A mind-blowing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin revealing that Russian-made coronavirus test systems have been supplied to over 30 countries, says this type of humanitarian pandemic aid assistance has been placed on hold with the European Union after its top science funding agency European Research Council (ERC) saw its doctor-scientist President Mauro Ferrari just make a stunning and abrupt resignation from his position—a stunning resignation ERC President Ferrari explained in his “damning indictment resignation letter” wherein he slammed the globalist-socialist leaders of the EU with the words: “I thought that at times like these, the very best should pick up their best weapons, and go to the frontier, to the front-lines, to defeat this formidable enemy…I argued that this was not the time for scientific governance to worry excessively about the subtleties of the distinctions between Bottom-Up versus Top-Down research”—and after doing so, then told these godless socialists that he was setting out on his own to help defeat the coronavirus by his stating: “Now it is time for me to return to the frontier, to the frontlines of the fight against Covid-19, with real resources and responsibilities, away from offices in Brussels, where my political skills are clearly inadequate, and again at the true service of those who need new medical solutions”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Warns “It’s All Going to Come Out” As Coronavirus Meets “Stupidest Idea In The History Of The World”

An intriguing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting that Communist China has just made urgently needed coronavirus medical supply shipments to France conditional upon this European Union nation adopting Huawei 5G technology, strongly advises that French officials should more closely examine this blackmail “threat-offer” before accepting it—an examination that would discover the Communist Chinese announcing in October-2019 that their supply of vaccines for the 2019-2020 flu season would be twice as large from the previous year—which allowed China to begin a mass inoculation of their citizens to prevent the spread of the flu like nearly all other nations in the world—but on 1 November 2019, saw emerging during this mass flu inoculation of the Chinese peoples the first reported case of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 in their Hubei Province—which by December-2019, saw this coronavirus exploding into an epidemic in Wuhan-China—all of whose patients were rushed into new coronavirus hospitals Huawei was very quick to install 5G systems in—and all coming at the same US military doctor-scientists were discovering that the flu vaccine increases the coronavirus risk by 36%—a shock discovery quickly noticed by American scientific medical experts at Washington State University who then published their report titled “The Role of 5G In The Coronavirus Epidemic In Wuhan China” that raised questions about the “causal role 5G may have had on people infected with coronavirus” in places where it was rolled out first, such as in Wuhan—and saw its lead scientist Professor Emeritus-Doctor Martin Pall, PhD declaring in outright terror: “Putting in tens of millions of 5G antennae without a single biological test of safety has got to be about the stupidest idea anyone has had in the history of the world”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Globalists Open New Coronavirus War Front To Have Democrats Count All 2020 Votes And Rid America Of Families And Cash

A foreboding new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting that President Putin is likely to work remotely for at least another week at the massive 600-square kilometer (400-square miles) nuclear war underground complex under Yamantau Mountain as the “Coronavirus Pandemic War” rages on, says his call for the immediate coordination of anti-crisis measures in preparation for the coming global economic crisis is a critically needed measure coming at the same time new polling in the United States is showing that 1 in 4 of its businesses are on the brink of permanent collapse and top American economist Stephen Moore having just sounded the alarm “We Are Facing a Potential Great Depression Scenario”—an alarm being heard in Britain where its coronavirus infected Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been admitted to the hospital, and whose government ministers “are no longer discounting’ the theory that Covid-19 leaked from Wuhan lab in Communist China”—but in the US itself, is an alarm being met with glee by its godless globalist-socialist Democrat Party forces intent upon destroying President Donald Trump by any means possible—best exampled by their having just opened up a new front in the coronavirus war to force on the American people a Soviet-communist voting system—a system best described in the apocryphal words some have attributed to Soviet Communist Leader Joseph Stalin that say: “It is enough that the people know there was an election…The people who cast the votes decide nothing…The people who count the votes decide everything”—and now sees socialist Democrat Party leader US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi attempting to make these fearful words come true by her demanding that the entire 2020 Presidential Election voting system be changed, or else no American citizen will receive any more coronavirus relief aid—a voting system change being led by the rabidly socialist veteran election attorney Marc Elias, who was the general counsel for the Hillary Clinton 2016 Presidential Campaign, and envisions forcing all of the American people to vote by mail—votes these socialists say will be subject to what they call “community ballot collection”, that will see these socialist Democrats collecting the votes from peoples homes, with no one knowing what they will do with them next—and when combined with actions like was just done by State of Kentucky socialist Democrat Party Governor Andy Beshear vetoing legislation that would mandate his State’s voters show a photo ID before they vote in the 2020 Presidential Election, which now allows out of State socialist voters to flood into this State and destroy its election, makes it no wonder that senior Trump Campaign counsel Justin Clark has now declared: “It is beyond disgusting that the Democrats are using this crisis to try to dismantle the integrity of our voting system”—a warning declaration the American people really should urgently heed, as awaiting them if these socialist Democrats ever take power are the globalist-socialist forces of the demonic George Soros—who at this very instant, are drawing up their plans to rid America of all of its families and cash in order make these once free peoples total slaves to socialism. […]