Four Horsemen Of Apocalypse Warned Are ACTIVE—One Gets New Name: “Trump Derangement Mob”
An in-depth new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing some of the most recent critical developments occurring in the continuing to rage “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, notes with grim concern that 72-hours after President Putin and Prime Minister Boris Johnson considered if the coronavirus was a “assassination by disease” weapon targeting President Donald Trump, a growing chorus of gleeful speculation has erupted among socialist forces in America about this disease taking out both Trump and Vice President Mike Pence to make Democrat Party leader US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi the new President of the United States—chief among them being top globalist-socialist leader George Soros, who says “trying to be a dictator” President Trump “is literally fighting for his life”, and declared about the coronavirus pandemic “This is the crisis of my lifetime…we were in a revolutionary moment”—a “revolutionary moment”, however, Soros knows his globalist-socialist forces are losing after Germany’s Constitutional Court moved to block the European Central Bank from creating money out of thin air to fight the catastrophic economic effects this pandemic is causing—which caused Soros to erupt in rage and proclaim: “If the German court’s verdict prevents the EU from resisting these developments, it will be the end of the EU as we know it”—and further ranted in madness that “I will also say that I have put my faith in Trump to destroy himself, and he has exceeded my wildest expectations”. […]
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