
The Virgin of the World

In presenting the “Virgin of the World”–which with my “Hargrave Jennings” Edition of the “Divine Pymander,” now so much in repute and demand, are the text books of Hermetic thought–it is no act of supererogation to gratefully acknowledge my appreciation of the valued services of all associated with me in the privileged task of once again reviving those priceless writings of that “Master Initiate,” “Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus;” (to be shortly supplemented by the Third Volume, or “Golden Treatise concerning the Physical Secret of the Philosopher’s Stone, in seven sections,” esteemed one of the best and oldest pieces of Alchemical Philosophy extant; comprising, in epitome, the whole Art, and secret method of its confection, with corroborative annotations from Fludd, Behmem, Vaughan, &c. […]



Just as many other settings of the Sayings and Doings of the Lord existed prior to and alongside of the canonical Gospels, so were there, prior to and alongside of the subsequently selected or canonical Acts, many other narratives professing to record the doings and sayings of the Apostles and Disciples of the Lord. […]

Benjamin Fulford 

Saudi Arabia to be broken up; Israel must choose between Netanyahu and Tel Aviv

The dismantling of the Khazarian mafia control grid continues with ongoing takedown of the leadership of Saudi Israelia, say Pentagon, CIA, and other sources. In particular, negotiations are now taking place between Russia and the U.S. to divide Saudi Arabia into a Sunni zone controlled by Iran and a Shia zone controlled by Turkey, according to CIA and FSB sources. […]

Foreign Affairs

Russian Military Expert Arrested For Treason Linking Him To Plot To Create “AI God”

According to this report, now arrested for treason Vladimir Neyelov is a journalist who wrote about Russian private military companies for an organization named the Center for Strategic Estimates and Forecasts, and one of whose American contacts was University of Iowa doctoral candidate Joshua Tschantret—with Tschantret being a student of international military relations, studied extensively in China, and who received his undergraduate degree from the SUNY Center for International Development located in Albany-New York where he conducted background research on global governance topics. […]

Foreign Affairs

Virus-Infected Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Flavor Threatening Trump Raises Russian Terror Concerns

According to this report, defying all common sense, logic and care for their customers’ lives and safety, Unilever began flooding the United States with its Ben & Jerry’s virulently anti-Trump “Pecan Resist” ice cream flavor during the same week that the FBI captured a Trump “super fan” who had mailed over a dozen pipe bombs to President Trump’s leftist enemies—and whom, should this crazed bomber had known, would have most certainly placed Unilever on his bomb target list for its British government intelligence agencies’ role in colluding with the FBI to bring down President Trump—Unilever long supporting former President Bill Clinton and funneling millions-of-dollars to Hillary Clinton during the 2016 US presidential election through her money laundering criminal organization known as the Clinton Foundation—none of which is surprising for an international behemoth like Unilever who has been named as one of the most evil companies in the world. […]

Foreign Affairs

Russia Predicts Shock Election Victory For Trump

According to this report, with Hollywood actress Jane Fonda joining the growing leftist chorus calling President Trump a modern day Adolph Hitler, who was joined by communist US Senator Bernie Sanders claiming that Trump is the most racist president in American history—a comical claim to make as Trump doesn’t even come close to being as racist as past American presidents—one could rightfully awaken today believing that a time machine had transported them back to 2016 when these exact same claims being made about Trump by these leftists were being made, too. […]

Foreign Affairs

Russia Ponders Troops To Cuba After Trump Revival Of Monroe Doctrine Sends Shockwaves Around World

According to this report, and though little known to the American people, the foundation upon which the entire foreign policy of the United States has been built is known as the Monroe Doctrine—that refers to the 2 December 1823 address made to the US Congress by President James Monroe that articulated his nation’s policy on the new political order developing in the rest of the Americas and the role of Europe in the Western Hemisphere—and whose three main concepts of the doctrine are—separate spheres of influence for the Americas and Europe, non-colonization, and non-intervention, that were designed to signify a clear break between the New World and the autocratic realm of Europe. […]

Foreign Affairs

American 2018 Midterm Election Exposed As Most Dishonest And Manipulated In Modern World History

According to this report, with the World Economic Forum having just announced that the United States has the most competitive economy in the world—due to President Trump having created over 4 million jobs for his citizens, thus creating record low unemployment for American blacks and Latinos—one consuming only leftist mainstream propaganda could rightly get the impression that in less than two years since taking power, Trump has turned America into a racist despotic nightmare that only the Democrat Party can save—but who obviously forgot to warn the rest of the world of what Trump has done as evidenced by the tens-of-thousands of illegal brown skinned Central American migrants who are now battling with Mexican police as they surge towards the US southern border. […]

Sorcha Faal

Globalists Recoil In Fear And Panic As They Now Have Two President Trumps Gunning For Them

According to this report, in a little less than two years from when President Trump began freeing his nation’s over 327 million peoples living in the world’s second largest democracy from globalist tyranny, 48 hours ago he was joined in this historic effort by new Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro who, likewise, is freeing his nations 211 million peoples living in the world’s fourth largest democracy from this socialist-communist menace, too. […]

Benjamin Fulford 

Message to the banking elite: Trick or treat

It is going to be an especially haunting Halloween for the Khazarian mafia banking elite, because they have been given an October 31 deadline to return the gold they stole or face being systematically hunted down and exterminated, say Asian secret society, CIA, and White Dragon Society sources. After that deadline, bounties of gold will be placed on senior bankers starting with the heads of the EU Central Bank, the Bank of Japan, the Federal Reserve Board, and the BIS, the sources say. […]

Sorcha Faal

Biblical End Of Days Prophecies Coming True

According to this report, with the American people being roiled by the senseless slaughter of innocent Jewish peoples at the hands a Nazi madman who calls President Trump a leader of a “global Jewish conspiracy”, that First Daughter Ivanka Trump responded to by declaring “America is stronger than the acts of a depraved bigot and antisemite”—nevertheless shows that these peoples remain wholly unprepared for the greater horrors to come due to it being discovered that a US spy plane coordinated a drone attack on a Russian military base in Syria—that has now caused an “undeclared war” to exist between Russia and the United States—with total war fast nearing as America floods Europe with the largest ammunition shipment since their bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999, and tens-of-thousands of US-NATO troops near Russia’s northern border. […]

Sorcha Faal

Storm Battered American People Left With Only History To Guide Them—And That Shows Their Victory Is Near

Like the destructive speed and effects this hoax bomb attack is having on the American body politic just days before a crucial election, so too did Hurricane Michael suddenly appear to upend the lives of the people it touched—except for the owners of the Sand Palace who used a single word to protect themselves—HISTORY—and whose instructions to build their impregnable seaside fortress came from the “master builder” Himself: […]

Sorcha Faal

FBI Issues Urgent Global Appeal For Info On Venezuela Bomb Makers Seen At Elite American Universities With Known Chinese Agents

According to this report, FBI Counterintelligence Chief Charles McGonigal is acknowledged as one of America’s top experts in leftist-communist “false flag” tactics and spying operations—and whose expertise led him to capture the Chinese-CIA double agent spy Jerry Chun Shing Lee who caused the deaths of, at least, 20 CIA undercover operatives—spurred FBI Director Christopher Wray to warn that China is using its students and professors at US colleges to spy on America—and the FBI to produce its stunning film documentary “Game of Pawns: The Glenn Duffie Shriver Story” that shows how American collage students are recruited to spy for China and betray their own nation. […]

Sorcha Faal

Russian Leaders React With Alarm After Trump Explains Why He Suddenly Boosted Planetary Defense Budget

According to this report, the appearance of comets within our solar system has always been viewed with dread by humanity—best exampled and documented by American scholar Jacqueline Brook in her 1999 scientific treatise titled “Our Rock Who Art In Heaven, Hallowed Be Thy Name” that details a comprehensive comparison of biblical texts with each other and so called pagan myths that uncovered a continual echo, a common theme, about comets being responsible for the making of our planet and societies—the most important of which was the ten-tailed “Comet That Changed Civilization” that appeared in 1486 BC and remade every nation on Earth at that time. […]