Cloak and Dagger

Fears Erupt After Trump-Russia Collusion Probe Stunningly Pivots To 9/11 Investigation

The “Deep State” is now in abject and total fear after US Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein suddenly announced that he was traveling to Seattle, Washington, today to reopen the investigation into the 11 October 2001 assassination of US Federal Prosecutor Thomas Wales—whom the FBI has just announced was killed by a hired gunman—and at the time of his murder, had opened an investigation into the Israeli “art student” mystery—who in the weeks leading up to the 11 September 2001 (9/11) attacks upon America, had attempted to enter Naval Magazine Indian Island, located in Port Hadlock, Washington, where the US military stores its nano-thermite explosives whose residue a peer reviewed Physics Journal scientific article detailed was discovered in the rubble of the World Trade Center. […]

Independent Press

Coming Soon: Damnatio Memoriae May End Copy Cat Shooters with a “condemnation of memory”

Make it a crime to utter their name. Herostratus — or Erostratus — was a 4th-century BC Greek arsonist sought notoriety by destroying the Temple of Artemis, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. His acts prompted the creation of a damnatio memoriae law, forbidding anyone to mention his name. Unconfirmed reports suggest Herostratus actually means “evil loser who shall not be named.” […]

Sorcha Faal

Never Before Seen In History Showdown Fast Approaching Warned Signals Shattering Defeat Of West

Responding to Russia’s order to leave Syria immediately, this report continues, saw US Ambassador to Russia Jon Huntsman rushing to meet the Chief of the Russian General Staff General Valery Gerasimov—whose discussion remains more highly classified than this general report allows to be noted—but whose essence can, most certainly, be ascertained by Foreign Minister Lavrov then bluntly warning the Americans to discipline their Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist force in Syria or “otherwise it would be exterminated”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Orders US Out Of Syria While Warning “Only Two Days Left To Save World”

According to this report, in moves not seen since early last century when Russia and the United States sought to avert, then end, the global catastrophe now known as World War I, this past week has seen feverish actions being taken by all of the world’s major powers in a bid to keep our world from, once again, plunging itself into needless war—and that began with the 16-18 February Munich Security Conference, and has now moved to its final 19-20 February Valdai Club Middle East Conference being overseen by the Valdai Club. […]

Cloak and Dagger

“Deep State” Murders 17 American Children To Keep Russian Election Hoax Alive And Chinese Spies Free

The United States shadow government “Deep State” is being directly complicit in the murder of 17 American school children whose lives could have been saved if only the FBI and US Justice Department had done the jobs their supposed to be doing—but who, instead of protecting the people they’re sworn to defend, wasted their precious resources to concoct a farcical joke indictment alleging Russian interference in US elections—while at the same time blocking the FBI from arresting 4 top Chinese spies.  […]

Independent Press

The Most Pervasive Bigotry Isn’t What You Think

Political Bigot – a person who is intolerant of people with different political opinions than their own. Politics is too often a competition between bigots or, at least, is swift to make people bigots who think they are fighting bigots when they are simply fighting over honest disagreements. It’s almost as if bigotry (as well as hypocrisy) is a virtue in politics, that political power turns us contemptuous and resentful towards one another. […]


What if Snowden was still a Clown?

The Inner Circle. Mika Brzezinski. Background. Family/careers. McLean, Virginia. The age of tech has hurt their ability to hide/control. Majority today were ‘born in’ to the circle. Investigate those in front of the camera who scream the loudest. These people are really stupid. End is near. The media cleanse/JFK. Q […]

Benjamin Fulford 

The Vatican, Chinese Communist Party, British Empire, and Pentagon plan world government

Former cabal bagman Henry Kissinger has been secretly shuttling around the world negotiating the creation of this government, multiple sources confirm. After his previous meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump in October, Kissinger said, “The Trump administration is overseeing a moment when the opportunity to build a constructive, peaceful world order is very great.” Last week after he met Trump, he said, “something new and remarkable,” will emerge out of the Trump administration. […]

Sorcha Faal

Israeli Special Forces Rush To Protect Wife Of Mysterious FBI Official Targeted For Death

Though she left the FBI in the aftermath of 9/11, this report continues, Sabina Menschel did manage to hold onto one of this intelligence agencies most prized assets—who is E.W. “Bill” Priestap whom she married—and who is now the FBI’s head of counterintelligence—and one of the only top FBI official involved in this spy agencies crimes against President Donald Trump still left standing. […]

Sorcha Faal

Moscow Declares “Imminent Threat” After US Actions Down Russian-Israeli-Turkish Aircraft Over Syria

Under guiding provisions outlined in The Military Doctrine Of The Russian Federation, the United States now poses an “imminent threat of aggression” to the Union State (Russia-Belarus) due to its unprovoked “armed attacks” in the Syrian Arab Republic (SAR) that over the past week have led to the downing of a Russian fighter aircraft and death of its pilot, the downing of a Turkish military helicopter and the death of its two pilots, the downing of an Israeli military fighter aircraft whose pilots fate is unknown, and a US military air assault on Syrian government forces operating legally within their own borders that killed an unknown number of Russian contractor-advisors. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Historic Agreement Joining US-Russian Intelligence Operations Sends Shockwaves Across World

The latest triumph of the visit of Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) Director Sergey Naryshkin, Federal Security Service (FSB) Director Aleksandr Bortnikov and Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) Director Colonel-General Igor Korobov to the United States this past fortnight—where these three heads of Russia’s top intelligence agencies all visited the US simultaneously for the first time in recorded history—was, just hours ago, when President Donald Trump communicated to President Putin his agreement to join American intelligence operations with those of the Russian backed Collective Security Treaty Organization. […]

Foreign Affairs

US Evacuates ISIS militants from Syria and Iraq to Afghanistan

On Sunday, February 4, 2018, Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami stated that the U.S. is transferring ISIS to Afghanistan to justify its presence in the Central Asian region. Brigadier General Amir Hatami emphasized that U.S. had created ISIS to dominate Syria and Iraq, but after the ISIS defeat in those two countries, the United States tried to transfer the group to Afghanistan in order to justify their continuing presence in this country. […]

Benjamin Fulford 

Nazis align with White Dragon as isolated Satanists continue their death throes

The fuss over the memo has distracted attention from the much more important ongoing disclosures about the mass-murdering medical/pharmaceutical complex. Here Dr. Robert Gallo, one of the so-called co-discoverers of the HIV virus, has now come out and admitted he was forced to create it in order to “wipe out the African race,” according to CIA and other sources. In reaction, U.S. military and agency white hats have destroyed cabal bio-labs and shot down cabal satellites last week in the ongoing undeclared U.S. civil war, Pentagon sources confirm. […]