Cloak and Dagger

FBI Joins Trump’s “Deep State” Counterattack To Horror Of “Fake News” Media

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has now joined forces with President Donald Trump against his “Deep State” enemies by counterattacking the US mainstream “fake news” propaganda media and conclusively proving that the Hillary Clinton and Democratic Party emails leaked to Wikileaks were done by the now murdered Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich—and as the SVR had first truthfully reported about on 13 July 2016. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Young Russian Offered $15 Million And US Citizenship In “Deep State” Plot Against Trump

A new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report details that former Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director James Comey controlled a $173 BILLION “Deep State” slush fund designed for the sole purpose of destroying President Donald Trump—of which, at least, $15 million of was “offered” by the FBI to a young Russian man if he lied and said President Putin authorized a computer hack against the campaign of Hillary Clinton. […]

Sorcha Faal

US Federal Prison Ordered By Trump To Prepare For 23 “High Security Political Defendants”

An intriguing Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the unprecedented “grouping/converging” of US Marshals Service-Eastern District of Pennsylvania (USMS-EDP) agents in Philadelphia and Washington D.C. this past week was due to President Donald Trump’s Department of Justice (DOJ) “informing/notifying” the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) to prepare for at least 23 “high security political defendants” being placed in the Federal Detention Center (FDC) located in Philadelphia—one of whom the SVR believes will be Hillary Clinton. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Dark Web “Kill Order Contract” On President Donald Trump Issued For $150 Million

A stunning Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that after yesterday’s meeting between Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, Ambassador Sergey Kislyak and President Donald Trump, a “kill order contract” against America’s new leader appeared on the “dark web” offering a payment of 82,900 Bitcoin’s for Trump’s “murder/killing” by the end of this month—and with Bitcoin’s currently being valued at a little over $1,800, amounts to over $150 million being offered for the assassination of an American president. […]

Independent Press

Colossal Pedophile Ring Busted, 900 Arrests, 300 Kids Saved — Corporate Media Ignores It

After a nearly two-year investigation, 870 suspected pedophiles have been arrested across the world, and least 259 sexually abused children have been identified in the wake of major underground online global pedophilia network being taken down, according to the FBI and European authorities.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Europol announced the arrests on Friday, only days after a court sentenced Florida-based Steven Chase, founder of the so-called Playpen pedophilia network, to 30 years in prison. […]

Sorcha Faal

Catastrophic North Korea Nuke Attack On US Said Will “Bring America Back To God”

MoD intelligence analysts writing in this report note that even though North Korea can inflict “catastrophic and crippling” damage on the United States with the detonation of just 9 of their miniaturized atomic bombs, the only areas that will be harmed are those in the Western and Eastern coastal regions of the US—all of whom are violently opposed to President Trump. […]

Donald Trump

Former President of Iran Pens an Open Letter to President Trump

“Terrorism is an anti-human tool in the hands of global powers in order to cause insecurity and rifts, as well as to impose their will and policies on nations and governments. I regret to remind you that most of the known terrorist groups across the contemporary world have either been or are formed and reinforced by US security services, or have, halfway through, started to serve their goals.” […]


Tertium Organum

Four-dimensional space. “Temporal body”–Linga Sharira. The form of a human body from birth to death. Incommensurability of three-dimensional and four-dimensional bodies. Newton’s fluents. The unreality of constant quantities in our world. The right and left hands in three-dimensional and in four dimensional space. Difference between three-dimensional and four-dimensional space. Not two different spaces but different methods of receptivity of one and the same world. […]


Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and Its Attainment

One who does not himself intend to follow the path to higher knowledge, but is interested in the facts it reveals, can ask: How does the seer arrive at these facts? To such a one this book is intended to picture the path in such a way that even one not following it can nevertheless have confidence in the communications of the person who has done so. Realizing how the spiritual scientist works, he can approve, and say to himself: The impression made upon me by the description of this path to higher worlds makes clear why the facts reported seem reasonable. Thus this book is intended to help those who want their sense of truth and feeling for truth concerning the supersensible world strengthened and assured. […]


The Secret of Kings: A Monograph

“He looked about fifty, is neither stout nor thin, has a fine intellectual countenance, dresses very simply, but with taste; he wears the finest diamonds on snuff-box, watch and buckles. Much of the mystery with which he is surrounded is owing to his princely .” Another writer, who knew him when at Anspach, says: “He always dined alone and very simply; his wants were extremely few; it was impossible while at Anspach to persuade him to dine at the Prince’s table.” […]

Cloak and Dagger

Massive Theft From Russian Bank Said Funded Hillary Clinton And Democrat Party

Being “doubtful/dubious” about this reporting from Tatarstan, this report explains, the Central Bank of Russia (CBR) began an initial investigation into banks located in Tatarstan—but whom immediately came under “extreme” pressure to limit this investigation by the American super-lobbyist Tony Podesta (brother of Hillary Clinton’s national presidential campaign manager John Podesta) who “promised/devoted” that upon Hillary Clinton taking office once she won the presidency, all Western sanctions against Russian banks would be lifted. […]


Atlantis, the Antediluvian World

Modern civilization is Atlantean. Without the thousands of years of development which were had in Atlantis modern civilization could not have existed. The inventive faculty of the present age is taking up the great delegated work of creation where Atlantis left it thousands of years ago. […]


The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ

“Issa,” he finally replied, “is a great prophet, one of the first after the twenty-two Buddhas. He is greater than any one of all the Dalai-Lamas, for he constitutes part of the spirituality of our Lord. It is he who has instructed you; he who brought back into the bosom of God the frivolous and wicked souls; he who made you worthy of the beneficence of the Creator, who has ordained that each being should know good and evil. His name and his acts have been chronicled in our sacred writings, and when reading how his great life passed away in the midst of an erring people, we weep for the horrible sin of the heathen who murdered him, after subjecting him to torture.” […]