With Syrian War Won, Putin Warns Of “Planetary Catastrophe” As Japan Begins Mass Evacuation

Most angering the “Deep State” against President Trump, this report explains, is his continuing to allow Russia and its Syrian allies to win the war against ISIS—and that even in spite of “some elements” within the US continuing to sell weapons to ISIS on a daily basis, the MoD has been able to obtain ceasefire agreements from 229 “armed formations” involved in this conflict, and that has allowed over 600,000 Syrian peoples to return to their homes this year—and whose Syrian national football (soccer) team, also, has a good chance of qualifying for the 2018 FIFA World Cup for the first time ever. […]


US Invasion Of Russia Prompts Earthquake Retaliation In Idaho, Yellowstone Supervolcano Warned Is Next

With the Russian diplomatic mission in San Francisco having been in existence since 1852, with its current location being sovereign Federation territory since 1972, the United States’ gross violation of their “receiving State” duties to protect this diplomatic building and its diplomats is, in fact, an “act of war”—and the Foreign Ministry calling it for what it is, “a blunt act of hostility” and “an occupation”. […]


Inspiring! $2,500 Service to Avoid Hillary Book Tour a Smash Hit

Let’s face it, she’s everywhere, but for only $2,500 you can spend several days in an isolation chamber away from Hillary Clinton during her book tour. An ingenious entrepreneur has created Cankles Away, a new service that guarantees you will avoid any news of, or audience with Hillary Clinton during her “What Happened” Blame Everybody book tour. Part of the fee pays for hotel accommodations, and the removal and jamming of all electronic devices to keep clients blissfully unaware of the cult media following the failed presidential candidate. […]


Tennessee To Keep Confederate Monuments As “Warning” To Dangers Of “Democratic Party” 

This report concludes by noting that the Democratic Parties main funder of terrorism, the Southern Poverty Law Center, is urging its “mob masses” to destroy every single monument in America depicting the Democratic Parties past leaders in Confederacy before the masses of black peoples discover what’s been done to them, and further learn that only the Republican Party has tried to keep them free—and whose valiant anti-slavery heritage was displayed yesterday by nearly all of the Republican Party members of the Tennessee Historical Commission stopping  this historical carnage from taking place—and who are guided by the Tennessee Heritage Protection Act that swears them “to protect, preserve, interpret, maintain, and administer historic places, and to encourage the inclusive diverse study of Tennessee’s history for the benefit of future generations”—and in the case, their warning their future generations of how demonically dangerous and racist the Democratic Party really is. […]


Putin’s “Weather Weapon” Endgame Begins

As to the timing of Russia using an ENMOD enhanced Hurricane Irma to bring America to its knees, this new Security Council report notes the Kremlin’s twofold aim: The first being Russia’s unleashing “total war” in the Syrian War endgame eliminating more than 900 buildings, vehicles and other targets associated with international terrorist groups during the past week alone—and that is leading up to the climatic “Battle For The Monastery” the MoD has warned “will decide the fate the world”—but that Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova is now warning the American’s are preparing a false flag chemical attack against in order to blame on Russia—and that they have done before. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Google Backed ANTIFA Attempt To Assassinate President Trump Captured On Video

An astonishing Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that President Donald Trump faced “near certain death” yesterday after the Presidential Motorcade he was riding in was targeted by ANTIFA terrorists—with Trump being placed in “grave danger” due to his Secret Service (SS) protectors placing him in one of their Roadrunner SUV’s, instead of his Presidential State Car that’s able to withstand the blast that would have occurred should this assassination attack been successful—and that was, also, captured on video. […]


Russia Orders All Warships To Sea As “Battle For The Monastery” Warned Will Decide Fate Of World

According to this report, the “Battle For The Monastery” refers to the looming conflict over Deir ez-Zor (aka Dayr al-Zawr), in Syria, between military forces aligned with Russia and those aligned with the United States—and where by the hour tens-of-thousands of troops (from both sides) continue to flood into in expectation of the titanic war to soon come.  […]

Cloak and Dagger

Chris Hayes Rocks Cable News, Media Still Circle Jerks to War Mongers

Don’t know why this is news, but it’s supposed to be important because cable news public relations firms say so, albeit they plant stories in high traffic sites passing off as news but they are really just ads and discredit the legitimacy of the purveyor. Whatever the case may be, good for you, Mr. Hayes! You must be very proud of yourself! You look thinner, too, and manlier! […]

Cloak and Dagger

“Socially Engineered” US Military Downgraded From “Effective Fighting Force”

A truly stinging Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today has downgraded the United States military from being an “effective fighting force” to a “social engineering experiment” as leftist-communist forces in America have flooded this once powerful war fighting organization with homosexuals, transvestites and disabled people unable to withstands the hardships of the modern battlefield—and who instead of training their soldiers to be effective combatants, have been making them march in public wearing women’s high heel shoes so that they can more readily identify with what it means to be a girl.  […]

Cloak and Dagger

The Mysteries Of Time As Revealed By President Donald Trump And Nikola Tesla

In mid March 1955, Albert Einstein, one of the mankind’s most revered theoretical physicists, learned of the death of his lifelong friend and collaborator Michele Besso—and in writing to Besso’s family to express his condolences, wrote these now famous words: “Now he has departed from this strange world a little ahead of me. That means nothing. People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.” […]


It’s Not Absurdity, It’s Civil War— Americans Are Just Too Naïve To Notice

Agreeing with Kosyrev that a civil war is now ongoing in America is one of that nations elite Green Beret officers (now retired) who warned this past week that “a domestic destabilization is underway”—and was joined in this assessment by historian Gregory R. Copley, President of the International Strategic Studies Association (ISSA), who, likewise, warned this week:

“Urban globalists control most of the means of communications [is this new “means of production”; the 21st Century marxian dialectic?] and therefore control “information” and the perception of events. […]


Trump Institutes Russian Peace Plan For Afghanistan While Giving CIA Multi-Billion Drug Deal

According to this report, on 27 December 2016, the third round of trilateral consultations regarding Afghanistan, held in Moscow among senior officials from Russia, China and Pakistan, determined that the only way to return this troubled nation to “peaceful life” was by initiating a dialogue to cease hostilities between Kabul (US supported Afghan government) and the Taliban Movement—and that nearly all of the global experts on this region agreed was “Afghanistan’s last hope”. […]

Cloak and Dagger

US Issues Pacific Ocean War Warning After USS John S. McCain Attack Ready To Be Blamed On Russia

An alarming Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the US Pacific Command (PACOM) has issued a “war warning directive” to the Federation’s Pacific Fleet notifying them that anti-submarine combat operations have begun in the Sea of Japan that “could/may” “negatively impact” Russia’s 22 submarines transiting this region to their home ports in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and Vilyuchinsk—and that follows by 48 hours US Marine Corps General Joseph Dunford, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, preparing America’s missile forces in Alaska to strike North Korea—and, also, has fears growing within the MoD that the US is preparing to blame the attack on one of their warships on Russia too.  […]

Cloak and Dagger

War Fears Rise After US Bans All Russians From Entering America For First Time In History

According to this report, at 9:00 AM local time (MSK/+0300 UTC), the US State Department notified the MoFA that as of 23 August the United States was suspending all visas to Russian citizens seeking to visit the United States except those seeking to immigrate (of which there are none)—and that on 1 September, the US Embassy in Moscow would be the place where visas will be issued with all of the other US consulates in Russia having their visa services “suspended indefinitely”. […]