Hillary Clinton

Hillary Regrets “basket of deplorables” Comment, Meant to Call Americans “basketcase peasant cocksuckers”

After a fierce backlash from Trump supporters and political handlers watching Hillary implode in a spectacular psychological controlled demolition, Hillary made a quick retraction to explain the gaffe.

"Look, I was wrong. I truly regret I called anyone a basket of deplorables. That is not what I meant to say. What I meant to say is that his supporters are basketcase peasant cocksuckers."

After rumors emerged that she was calling Donna Brazile, an African American, a "brown cow" and throwing a glass at aides after a disastrous Commander in Chief forum, Hillary has begun her charm offensive in earnest. […]

Hillary Clinton

Why Washington Post Wants Email Scandal Silenced

“…Bezos has enjoyed friendly ties with both the Obama administration and the CIA. As Michael Oman-Reagan notes, Amazon was awarded a $16.5 million contract with the State Department the last year Clinton ran it. Amazon also has over $600 million in contracts with the Central Intelligence Agency, an organization Sanders said he wanted to abolish in 1974, and still says he “had a lot of problems with.”

Billionaires love to launder their money. Jeff Bezos, for instance, owns Amazon and the Washington Post.

So the question is, how much did Bezos give the Clinton Foundation for access, for these lucrative CIA contracts that could only be awarded by Hillary? […]

Hillary Clinton

VL: Pentagon’s Missing 6 Trillion Dollars Laundered Through Clinton Foundation

“In conclusion, the FBI is experiencing a crisis never seen in its long history. They want Lynch prosecuted and Comey removed. Many plan to quit if nothing is done and you can expect 30% of the FBI to quit if Hillary gets elected… Netanyahu is in cahoots with Soros, according to our insiders.  This does not mean the people of Israel are evil. The Likud party is.  Netanyahu is. The FBI knows this plan is a power move to rule the world and is being actively built via central banks and media. [Soros backed TPP] The FBI is aware that Netanyahu and Soros are in on this, as are the Clintons.  The FBI also has proof the Clinton Foundation was used to launder stolen money from Pentagon." […]

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Boasts Kissenger Backing, “Satan support and coveted herpes diagnosis.”

Fresh on the heels of a Henry Kissinger endorsement, recognized and wanted as a war criminal in several countries he can no longer step foot in, Hillary proudly announces a ringing endorsement from Satan, the Prince of Darkness. "This is kind of a no brainer," chirped a proud Satan. "She's been Employee of the Month for 46 months straight. From Iraq to Syria, Gaza to Afghanistan, you name it, there is no end to the dead children she's delivered me in her quest to end her life as US President. To her I say 'well done, my good and faithful servant.'  Now come, it is time to go home." […]

Hillary Clinton

Washington Post: “Leave Hillary alone!”

Chris Cillizza makes a poignant plea after serious concerns over Clinton's health pop up around the world. Fine. Let's get back to the pay-for-play then? Pending perjury impeachment? But wait! It was Clinton herself who used her concussion, and the subsequent brain damage, to excuse events she couldn't remember in an FBI interview of July of 2016.

Speaking of medical intervention, Chris, your cognitive dissonance also requires immediate professional attention. Please step away from the keyboard, and pick up that phone RIGHT NOW. Operators are standing by at 1 800 GET CLUE. […]

Cloak and Dagger

China Enraged After Obama Orders SpaceX Rocket Destroyed

China became so “enraged” at President Obama’s ordering the destruction of a SpaceX rocket in Florida on Thursday (1 September) they refused to greet him as a visiting head-of-state upon his arrival at Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport (HGH) forcing America’s leader to “go out of the ass” of Air Force One and one Chinese official accosting his top National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, and screaming at her “this is our country, our airport.” As to why President Obama was treated so “shamefully/dishonorably” by the Chinese, this report explains, was due to the United States “deliberate and calculated” military interference of a “legitimate” international business “transaction/sale deal” between China and an Israeli company named Spacecom. […]

Hillary Clinton

Putin Asks Obama Why US Media Shutdown Trump At Black Church, Gets No Reply

This report concludes by noting that after President Obama refused to answer President Putin’s question as to why Donald Trump was being censored in the American press, one of the Obama regimes “official mouthpiece” propaganda media outlets, The Washington Post” immediately ran a “typical hit article” titled Intelligence Community Investigating Covert Russian Influence Operations In The United States—and that MoFA analysts countered by stating: “Though the United States is using the Soviet communist rule book on how to fabricate elections using mass media propaganda, at least when we used it we got it right”. […]

Hillary Clinton

Media Forgets Hillary’s Unaccountability Means She Can Hang Them, Too

This may be the one chance they get to stop this.

There is a consistent pattern where those who help despots into power eventually pay dearly for it. With Hitler, we saw the "Night of the Long Knives" where he killed all potential threats to his leadership once he was in a position of power to do so. Hitler's first target, even before that night, was the press. Right now, Hillary's supporters are being paid well to write favorably on her behalf, but eventually, they will write favorably, or else. […]

Hillary Clinton

US Congress To Begin Immediate Impeachment Of Hillary Clinton If She Wins

According to this report, the entire Federation executive (government) became alarmed on Wednesday (31 August) when Hillary Clinton vowed to escalate “normal intelligence tradecraft” (spying) against the United States as an act of war she would respond to with the full might and power of America’s formidable military—particularly against Russia and China.

Immediately following Hillary Clinton’s threat, this report continues, on Thursday (1 September), Minister Lavrov “telephonically” (phone call) discussed this grave matter with Secretary Kerry wherein the US Congress’s “reaction/plan” against this warmonger (and should she be elected) was outlined. […]

Hillary Clinton

Local Idiot Follows Cyndi Lauper’s Lead When Voting

Michelle Smegma, 46, of Encino, CA announced this morning that she will vote for Hillary Clinton because Cyndi Lauper "said Donald Trump is Hitler." Though Adolf Hitler has been dead since 1945 and there is no evidence that Trump has dedicated his life to hunting down Jews, building death camps and waging genocidal wars of conquest, Smegma is still convinced they are one and the same person. Her husband, Sam Smegma, 50, notes "Michelle thinks Lauper was being literal, so she believes that hysterical pop star metaphors displaying an unflattering lack of perspective and literacy warrant an overruling of her own reservations about Clinton. She is, after all, an idiot, bless her simple heart." […]

Hillary Clinton

Report: Russia May Have All Hillary Clinton Phone Calls

What Ivanov was advocating, these reports continue, were that these “vital state captures” remain “hidden/secreted” by the SVR as they were invaluable for “future use/construction” (blackmail?), while Vaino advocated letting the Obama regime know the full extent of them as a means to prevent a global war he fears would destroy the “collective consciousness” of our planet. […]


Report: Clinton Joined with Google, Apple, Twitter, Instagram to Subvert Election

Emails detail how Google-Alphabet Inc. would use “all of its power” to shut down dissent in America, and even worse, “spin” the 2016 presidential election towards Hillary Clinton and away from Donald Trump.

Joining with Google-Alphabet Inc. in subverting the 2016 US presidential election, SVR analysts in this report detail citing these White House emails, are American technology giants Apple, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and at least 15 other internet companies owned and affiliated with them. […]

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton Health Cover-up Consumes US Media Giants, Puts Debates In Doubt

There is “intense debate” among top US media giants and White House staffers on how best to conceal from the American public the colostomy bag worn by Hillary Clinton since, at least, 2011 when she secretly sought out a drug to treat Parkinson disease, and that many believe led to her 2012 fall that caused her aides to reach out to the National Football League (NFL) for advice on how best to treat her “cracked head.” […]

Hillary Clinton

Devastating Internal Memo with Too Many Coincidences

“Hillary’s popularity numbers have crashed to fatal levels at 17-72 (11% undecided)… Hillary’s emails continue to be the largest source of her trust issues as well as concerns about her failing health. However, the number one factor in her decline has been exposure to her at the DNC. 72% of Democrats and 93% of Republicans find her voice ‘grating.’ Independents are split (64-36 against her.)” If Hillary’s cancelled rallies and lack of press conferences are not a result of poor health, then the only conceivable answer may be in this disputed but plausible internal memo: simply being in the public eye makes her even more unpopular, and the sense of entitlement where she believes the press has no right to ask questions, is not endearing to Americans. Why didn’t she go visit the flood victims in Louisiana? Because there were reporters there. Why didn’t she visit Mexico, as she too, was invited? Same reason. […]

Hillary Clinton

There Are Lies, Damned Lies, and Hillary Clinton

"Pathological liar refers to a liar that is compulsive or impulsive, lies on a regular basis and is unable to control their lying despite of foreseeing inevitable negative consequences or ultimate disclosure of the lie. Generally lies told by a pathological liar have self-defeating quality to them and don’t serve the long term material needs of the person. Pathological lying is generally caused by a combination of factors, which may include genetic components, dysfunctional or insecure childhood, dyslexia or other type of cerebral dysfunction. Such conditions may host environment that is likely to emerge chronic or pathological lying as an adaptive defense mechanism." […]