

Two or three persons having at different times intimated that if I would write an autobiography they would read it, when they got leisure, I yield at last to this frenzied public demand, and herewith tender my history: Ours is a noble old house, and stretches a long way back into antiquity. The earliest ancestor the Twains have any record of was a friend of the family by the name of Higgins. […]



Here are the main points again: Stay in your own homes, and if you live in an area where a fall-out warning has been given stay in your fall-out room, until you are told it is safe to come out. The message that the immediate danger has passed will be given by the sirens and repeated on this wavelength. Make sure that the gas and all fuel supplies are turned off and that all fires are extinguished.

Water must be rationed, and used only for essential drinking and cooking purposes. It must not be used for flushing lavatories. Ration your food supply: it may have to last for 14 days or more.
We shall repeat this broadcast in two hours' time. Stay tuned to this wavelength, but switch your radios off now to save your batteries until we come on the air again. That is the end of this broadcast. […]


The Most Important Thing an American Can Know

As with any coup, you would expect a national and concerted media campaign attacking anyone who came close to the truth, and we saw that. You would expect to see the corporate media use the national trauma that was the Kennedy assassination to manipulate our cognitive dissonance as we saw painfully contradictory evidence to the official story; to use the psychological defensive mechanisms of denial and anger to shut down our rational thinking and rather than question the actions of our government, trust them even more. […]



Sun Tzu's 13 chapters are not only the staple and base of all military men's training, but also compel the most careful attention of scholars and men of letters. His sayings are terse yet elegant, simple yet profound, perspicuous and eminently practical. Such works as the LUN YU, the I CHING and the great Commentary, [57] as well as the writings of Mencius, Hsun Kuang and Yang Chu, all fall below the level of Sun Tzu. […]



"Milteer advised that they did not have to worry about Lee Harvey Oswald getting caught because 'he doesn't know anything' and that the 'right wing' is in the clear…."

On November 9, 1963, a Klan member linked to the George Wallace and Strom Thurmond campaigns discussed in startling detail the coming assassination attempt on President John F. Kennedy. You are listening to the actual recording made by Miami police just days before the actual assassination. Herein is a partial transcript of this tape of Willie Somersett and Klansman Joseph Milteer, the latter a member of the "right-wing/segregationist complex," having associations with the White Citizen's Council, Congress of exile paramilitary groups.(i.e. the Ku Klux Klan)

Willie Somersett is the FBI informant drawing out Milteer. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Is there Any Hope for a Moon Base

"The importance of a reliable and effective heat shield cannot be overstated. The availability of a proper heat shield was absolutely critical for the safe return of all the Apollo crews. NASA's admission that the agency cannot now recreate the thermal shield of a return module is absolutely astounding. Such an admission could only be compared to an inconceivable statement that, for example, American military officials admit that after using armoured steel in their tanks during World War II, some 40 years later they don't have the technology at hand to develop armoured steel and have great difficulty in reproducing such steel despite the previous experience during the war." […]