Independent Press

Int’l Banker Blows Whistle, Ordered To Sacrifice Children at Parties for the Elite

“So I was a guest in those circles and it amused me greatly to see all those naked women and the other things. It was the good life. But then at some moment, which is why I am telling you this, I was invited to participate in sacrifices abroad.”

At this point in the interview, the elite banker describes the final straw that forced him to get out and come clean — sacrificing children.

“That was the breaking point. Children.” […]

Donald Trump

Obama vs. Trump War Goes Nuclear After Clinton Banker Suicided

In order to manage all of the illegal monies gained from this vast international money laundering “deal”, this report explains, Obama and Clinton established a hedge fund operation in Wales, England and New York City called Arrowgrass Capital Partners with the aid of two former Deutsche Bank traders named Henry Kenner and Nicholas Niell. The “main/central” intermediary between this shadowy hedge fund and Obama-Clinton, this report continues, was Arrowgrass Capital Partners executive Kevin Bell—and that Kevin Bell was reported to have suicided himself off of yesterday morning prior to his flying to Washington D.C. to meet with Attorney General Jeff Sessions. […]