Skull & Bones Money Behind the Nazi Death Head


It has always been argued that a key objective of the Illuminati is population control. That is exactly what the Holocaust, and World War II, was all about.

 The Skull & Bones Actually an Illuminati Chapter

2014: Among the Billderberg gripes at this year’s meeting of “elites” is Obama’s failure to protect their interests in Syria and the Ukraine. Because that meant spending American lives and treasure we don’t have to spare, especially for oil barons and billionaires, that sounds like a good thing. The inverted pyramid alludes to the collapse of the Illuminati. The number 322 refers to the Skull & Bones, an Illuminati tier, or chapter, which included admitted members such as Bush Sr., Bush Jr., and John Kerry.

The Illuminati was founded May 1, 1776 by Professor Adam Weishaupt of the University of Ingolstadt. It was a secret society, but in 1785 and 1787 several batches of internal documents came to the Bavarian Government. Subsequent investigation determined that the aim of the Illuminati was world domination, using any methods to ad­vance the objective, i.e., the end always justifies the means. It was anti-Christian, although clergymen were found in the organization. Each member had a pseudonym to disguise his identity. During its time, the Illuminati had widespread and influential membership. After suppression by the Bavarian Government in 1788 it was quiet for some years and then reportedly revived. As Rosenbaum has pointed out in his Esquire article, the Illuminati ceremony has similarities to The Order. For example, John Robison in Proofs Of A Conspiracy: 1 “The candidate is presented for reception in the character of a slave; and it is demanded of him what has brought him to this most miserable of all conditions. He answers – Society – the State – Submissiveness – False Religion. A skeleton is pointed out to him, at the feet of which are laid a Crown and a Sword. He is asked whether that is the skeleton of a King, a Nobleman or a Beggar? 322sandbAs he cannot decide, the President of the meeting says to him, “the character of being a man is the only one that is of importance.” Finally, in conclusion, we can trace the foundation of three secret societies, in fact the most influential three secret societies that we know about, to Universities. The Illuminati was founded at University of Ingolstadt. The Group was founded at All Souls College, Oxford University in England, and The Order was founded at Yale University in the United States.

John Robinson, PROOFS OF A CONSPIRACY (Americanist Classics, Belmont, 1967), p. 110.

There is absolutely nothing funny about the Skull & Bones, but their squirming is understandable. We also read…

Horned hand of the Illuminati.

This sentence becomes of interest when the Illuminati aspect is discussed in Memorandum Five below. Here’s another interesting paragraph from this pamphlet: “Bones is a chapter of a corps in a German University. It should properly be called, not Skull & Bones Society but Skull & Bones Chapter. General R——(Russell), its founder, was in Germany before Senior Year and formed a warm friendship with a leading member of a German society. He brought back with him to college, authority to found a chapter here. Thus was Bones founded.” Think about this: Skull & Bones is not American at all. It is a branch of a FOREIGN [German] secret society. “Presumably this is one reason why intense secrecy is vital. It also raises the question of just who and what this foreign organization is and whether its objectives are compatible with those of the Constitution of the United States.”

America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones, by Antony C.Sutton

What the Skull & Bones Actually Do with Skulls and Bones

So what is the whole point of desecrating human remains? Why would outwardly rational and respectable men appeal to this nonsense? Let’s have a look at what German magician and occult philosopher Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa (1486-1535) wrote about this in a classic work concerning demonology:

[Necromancy, or raising up spirits of the dead.]

In our third book of Occult Philosophy, we have taught how and by what means the Soul is joyined to the Body; and, what hapeneth to the Soul after death.

“In raising up these shadows [spirits], we are to perfume with new Blood, with the Bones of the dead, and with Flesh, Egges, Milk, Honey and Oile, and such-like things, which do attribute to the Souls a means apt to receive their Bodies.”

Thou maist know further, That those Souls do still love their relinquished Bodies after death, as it were a certain affinity alluring them; as are the Souls of noxious men, which have violently relinquished their Bodies, and Souls wanting a due burial, which do still wander in a liquid and turbulent Spirit about their dead carkasses; for these Souls by the known means by which heretofore they were conjoyned to their Bodies, by the like vapors, liquors, and favours, are easily drawn unto them.

From hence it is, that the Souls of the dead are not to be called up without blood, or by the application of some part of their relict Body.

In raising up these shadows, we are to perfume with new Blood, with the Bones of the dead, and with Flesh, Egges, Milk, Honey and Oile, and such-like things, which do attribute to the Souls a means apt to receive their Bodies.

It is also to be understood, That those who are desirous to raise up any Souls of the dead, they ought to do it in those places, wherein these kinde of Souls are most known to be conversant, or for some alliance alluring those souls into their forsaken Body; or for some kinde of affection in times past, impressed in them in their life, drawing the said Soul to certain places, things, or persons; or for the forcible nature of some place fitted and prepared for to purge or punish these Souls. Which places for thr most part are to be known by the experience of visions, mighty incursions, and apparitions, and such-like prodigies seen.

Therefore the places most befitting for these things, are Church-yards. And better then them, are those places wherein there is the execution of criminal judgements. And better then these, are those places, in which of late yeers there have been some publike slaughters of men. Furthermore, that place is better then there, where some dead carkass, that came by a violent death, is not yet expiated, nor ritely buried, and was lately buried; for the esxpiation of those places, is also a holy Rite duly to be adhibited to the burial of the bodies, and oftentimes prohibiteth the souls to come unto their bodies, and expelleth them far off unto the places of judgment.

Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim was a German magician, occult writer, theologian, astrologer, and alchemist
Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim was a German magician, occult writer, theologian, astrologer, and alchemist

And from hence it is, That the Souls of the dead are not easily to be raised up, except it be the Souls of them whom we know to be evil, or to have perished by a violent death, and whose bodies do want a right and due burial.

It is also to be known, That because the Souls are certain spiritual lights, therefore artificial lights, especially if they be framed out of certain competent things, compounded according to a true rule, with congruent inscriptions of Names and Seals, do very much avail to the raising up of departed Souls.Now although we have spoken concerning such places of this kinde, it will not be safe or commodious to go unto them; but it behoveth us to take to what place soever is to be chosen, some principal part of the body that is relict, and therewith to make a perfume in due maner, and to perform other competent Rites. Moreover, these things which now are spoken of, are not alwaies sufficient to raise up Souls, because of an extranatural portion of understanding and reason, which is above, and known onely to the Heaven and Destinies, and their power. We ought therefore to allure the said Souls, by supernatural and coelestial powers duely administred, even by those things which do move the very harmony of the Soul, aswel imaginative, as rational and intellectual; as are Voices, Songs, Sound, Inchantments: and Religious things; as Prayers, Conjurations, Exorcismes, and other holy Rites, which may very commodiously be administred hereunto.

Of Occult Philosophy, by Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa

Rhawn Joseph, Ph.D writes in America Betrayed, 2002 University Press, pg. 71…

CaptureSoon after its establishment at Yale, the Order of Skull and Bones began to develop an unsavory reputation.

In October of 1876, an investigative article on The Order, appeared in Volume 1, Number 1, of “The Iconoclast.” The Inconclast was published off campus, in New Haven, “because the college press is closed to those who dare to openly mention ‘Bones’.”

The Iconoclast reported evidence of Satanism, i.e. walls covered in black, and in room 322, the “sanctum sanctorium of the temple…[was] furnished in red velvet…[with] a pentagram on the wall… and in the hall….pictures of the founders of Bones at Yale, and of members of the Society in Germany, when the chapter was established here in 1832…”

Psychopath defined? The Skull and Bones. On the table is the stolen skull of Geronimo, sacred burial remains over which his heirs sued. To the right of the clock is George H. W. Bush. In regards to the skull, consider this: President John Quincy Adams concluded in his Address to the People of Massachusetts: “I saw a code of Masonic legislation adapted to prostrate every principle of equal justice and to corrupt every sentiment of virtuous feeling in the soul of him who bound his allegiance to it…. I saw the practice of common honesty, the kindness of Christian benevolence, even the abstinence of atrocious crimes; limited exclusively by lawless oaths and barbarous penalties, to the social relations between the Brotherhood and the Craft. I saw slander organize into a secret, widespread and affiliated agency….I saw self-invoked imprecations of throats cut from ear to ear, of hearts and vitals torn out and cast off and hung on spires. I saw wine drunk from a human skull with solemn invocation of all the sins of its owner upon the head of him who drank it.”
psychopath psy·cho·path (sī’kə-pāth’) n. A person with an antisocial personality disorder, especially one manifested in perverted, criminal, or amoral behavior. The American Heritage® Stedman’s Medical Dictionary. Psychopath defined? The Skull and Bones. On the table is the allegedly stolen skull of Geronimo, sacred burial remains over which his heirs sued. To the right of the clock is George H. W. Bush. His father, Prescott Bush, is said to have stolen it. (The controversy over this claim is meaningless, and it is welcome as it brings the following to light: Bush was forced to admit he was in Skull & Bones, and that’s all that matters, as you will soon see.) In regards to the skull, consider this: President John Quincy Adams concluded in his Address to the People of Massachusetts: “I saw a code of Masonic legislation adapted to prostrate every principle of equal justice and to corrupt every sentiment of virtuous feeling in the soul of him who bound his allegiance to it…. I saw the practice of common honesty, the kindness of Christian benevolence, even the abstinence of atrocious crimes; limited exclusively by lawless oaths and barbarous penalties, to the social relations between the Brotherhood and the Craft. I saw slander organize into a secret, widespread and affiliated agency….I saw self-invoked imprecations of throats cut from ear to ear, of hearts and vitals torn out and cast off and hung on spires. I saw wine drunk from a human skull with solemn invocation of all the sins of its owner upon the head of him who drank it.”


Geronimo family sues government, Yale over stolen skull of Apache warrior.

The primary agenda of the Illuminati is control through the banking cartels, and that absolute control is the main agenda of cholocaust4onservative politics today; that and a global war to sustain a doomed petrodollar. As for the neo-liberals we see today, same thing: it’s a ruse. They represent a false opposition but facilitate the same agenda, albeit in both cases that is often unwitting. The “class war” right now is being orchestrated by creating a massive income inequality gap that has, historically and inevitably, resulted in violence with an aim to establish martial law or war, all of which favor the international banking interests that believe themselves untouchable because they print the money. However, inasmuch as they have ever used a phone or logged on to a computer, they are indeed touchable and the invisible hand is now plainly visible. Anthony Sutton notes that our “two party” system is actually one Hegelian party in which the State is absolute and the Individual subordinate, which is contrary to classical liberalism, in which the State should be subordinate to the Individual:

“Wonder why we have a ” dumbed-down” society? Look no further than the Bonesman troika who imported the Prussian education system into the U.S. in the 19th Century. A political philosophy in direct opposition to the classical liberalism nurtured in 19th Century British and American history. In classical liberalism, the State is always subordinate to the individual. In Hegelian Statism, as we see in Nazism and Marxism, the State is supreme, and the individual exists only to serve the State.” Our two-party Republican-Democrat (equals one Hegelian party, no one else welcome or allowed) system is a reflection of this Hegelianism. A small group – a very small group – by using Hegel, can manipulate, and to some extent, control society for its own purposes.

political cal
Compare the emblem of the Skull & Bones, which preceded the Nazis and supported them, to the Nazi Death Head.

More than that, reflect on their pirate flag. An emblem found on poison bottles, the symbol of the Nazi Death Head Division in World War Two. Not only did Skull and Bones become a major force in drug smuggling (the Bush and Prescott families in the 1860s), but in true Hegelian fashion, generated the antithesis, the so-called “war on drugs.” This hypocritical policy maintains the price of drugs, controls supply, and puts millions in jail while the gainers, in great part, are none other than the same “Bonesmen” who pass the laws to prohibit (Bonesman Taft, 1904).

Right and Left – A Control Device

For Hegelians, the State is almighty, and seen as “the march of God on earth.” Indeed, a State religion. Progress in the Hegelian State is through contrived conflict: the clash of opposites makes for progress. If you can control the opposites, you dominate the nature of the outcome. We trace the extraordinary Skull and Bones influence in a major Hegelian conflict: Nazism vs. Communism. Skull and Bones members were in the dominant decision-making positions – Bush, Harriman, Stimson, Lovett, and so on – all Bonesmen, and instrumental in guiding the conflict through use of “right” and “left.” They financed and encouraged the growths of both philosophies and controlled the outcome to a significant extent. This was aided by the “reductionist” division in science, the opposite of historical “wholeness.” By dividing science and learning into narrower and narrower segments, it became easier to control the whole through the parts. In education, the Dewey system was initiated and promoted by Skull and Bones members. Dewey was an ardent statist, and a believer in the Hegelian idea that the child exists to be trained to serve the State. This requires suppression of individualist tendencies and a careful spoon-feeding of approved knowledge. This “dumbing down” of American education is not easily apparent unless you have studied in both foreign and domestic U.S. universities – then the contrast becomes crystal clear.

Excerpt: America Betrayed, by Rhawn Joesph, Ph.D.


After World War II, the CIA eventually split into two factions, one which was controlled by Nazis/fascists that had allied with the South’s Klan political engine, one which managed to place at least two Klan leaders on the Supreme Court, Hugo Black and Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren. By 1967, they were so deeply established in the political establishment, and in the military and intelligence community they could build navy barracks like this one in Coronado, California. That George W. Bush’s grandfather, Prescott Bush, was involved in financing the Nazis isn’t contested nor is the fact that he was part of a criminal cabal that actively sought to impose a fascist coup in America in the 30s (the Business Plot). Under George W. Bush, however, this fascist state– one completely controlled by Wall Street– that Prescott Bush envisioned came into being with the passage of the Patriot Act.
After World War II, the CIA eventually split into two factions, one which was controlled by Nazis/fascists that had allied with the Klan’s political engine, one which managed to place at least two leaders on the Supreme Court, Hugo Black and Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren, the latter a former Klan leader from Bakersfield, CA who headed the court in the 60s. By 1967, the Nazis were so deeply enmeshed in the political establishment, the military and intelligence community they could build navy barracks like this one in Coronado, California. Under George W. Bush the fascist state completely controlled by Wall Street– one that Prescott Bush envisioned came into being with the passage of the Patriot Act.

“After the Nazis’ 1943 defeat at Stalingrad,” write Loftus and Aarons (1), “various Nazi businessmen realized they were on the losing side and made plans to evacuate their wealth. The Peron government in Argentina was receiving the Nazi flight capital with open arms, and [Allen] Dulles helped it hide the money?.”

“The Guinness Book of Records lists the missing Reichsbank treasure” estimated at $2.5 billion dollars “as the greatest unsolved bank robbery in history. Where did it go?”

“According to our source,” write Loftus and Aarons (1), the bulk of the treasure was simply shipped a very short distance across Austria and through the Brenner Pass into Italy. Dulles’ contacts were waiting.”
“Our sources claim that [Allen] Dulles and his colleagues exerted a great deal of influence to ensure that Western investments in Nazi Germany were not seized by the Allies as reparations for the Jews. After all, much of ‘Hitler’s Gold’ had originally belonged to the bankers in London and New York. The captured Nazi loot went underground.”

At the end of WWII, some of that money, with the direct assistance of Dulles, may have been laundered through Bush-Harriman-Rockefeller banks. Dulles was in an excellent position to help his friends and cover up his tracks, because with Roosevelt dead, any effective opposition to him had also died. Dulles and his brother began consolidating their forces in the new Truman administration, volunteering their services, spreading their tentacles, covering up their crimes, and buying power (3). Loftus and Aarons (1) go on to say, “Dulles and some of his friends volunteered for postwar service with the government not out of patriotism but of necessity. They had to be in positions of power to suppress the evidence of their own dealings with the Nazis.”

Through the influence of the Dulles brothers, investigations into their traitorous acts, and those of the Harriman-Bush- Rockefeller clique, were quashed. Ongoing investigations were also taken away “from the Treasury and turned over to the State Department. There Dulles’ friends shredded the index to the interlocking corporations and blocked further investigations” (1).

Allen Dulles
Allen Dulles

“Dulles had this goal in mind: Not a single American businessman was ever going to be convicted of treason for helping the Nazis. None ever was, despite the evidence. According to one of our sources in the intelligence community, the U.S. Army Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC) had two large ‘Civilian Internment Centers’ in Occupied Germany, code named ‘Ashcan’ and ‘Dustbin.’ The CIC had identified and captured a large number of U.S. citizens who had stayed in Germany and aided the Third Reich all through World War II. The evidence of their treason was overwhelming. The captured German records were horribly incriminating.” So, they were destroyed.

With the destruction of these and other records, Bush, Harriman, Rockefeller, as well as the Dulles brothers were almost in the clear. “Almost” would not be good enough. The cover up continued.

“Justice Department attorney, O. John Rogge, dared to make a speech about Nazi collaborators in the United States.” He “was quickly fired. However, the attorney who buried the treason cases was later promoted to special assistant attorney general” (1).

A number of Americans who had been in business with or agents of Bush, Dulles, Harriman, Rockefeller, and the Nazis, were unable to cover their tracks, and had been imprisoned at the conclusion of the war, even though they were American citizens. It was important that they be cleared and never brought to justice, otherwise they would likely testify against Bush and gang.

“Victor Wohreheide, the young Justice Department attorney responsible for preparing the treason trials, suddenly ordered the prisoners’ release. All of the Nazi collaborators were allowed to return to the United States and reclaim their citizenship” and their money (1). Once released, and with charges dropped, there would be little threat of these Nazi criminals ever testifying against Bush, Dulles, Harriman, Rockefeller, and the others.

It was not just Nazi businessmen, but Nazi businesses that were spared.

“Despite direct orders from President Truman and General Eisenhower, IG Farben, the citadel of the Nazi industrialists, was never dismantled” (1). Instead, companies such as Bayer, which comprised a major part of the IG Farben cartel, were allowed to continue doing business, with Bush, Harriman, Dulles, and Rockefeller getting a piece of the action.

Even worse, just as the U.S. congress had decided to give away oil pipelines, refineries, and petroleum-related industries and properties to the Rockefeller led oil-cartels, and to use American tax dollars to fund new refineries and pipelines in the Middle East (see chapter 3), “Dulles’ clients demanded, and received, Allied compensation for bomb damage to their factories in Germany” (1).

“Only a few of the top Nazis were executed. Most of the rest were released from prison within a few years. Others would go virtually unpunished. No one ever investigated the Nazi sympathizers in Western intelligence who had made it all possible.”

“The bottom line is that the Nazi businessmen survived the war with their fortunes intact and rebuilt their industrial empires to become the richest men in the world.” Indeed, some became “multibillionaires” even though they “had been prominent members of Hitler’s inner circle” (1,2).

Dulles’ clients got away with it. President Roosevelt’s dream of putting the Nazis’ money-men on trial died with him” (1,2).

Dulles and his clients had won.

However, insofar as the Dulles-Bush-Harriman-Rockefeller clique were concerned, this was just a single battle. The great prize would be to seize power in the United States and to use the govern­ment to serve their own ends. Like Hitler, they intended to do it “legally.”

Knowledge is power. Secrecy insures that knowledge and power are controlled by those controlling the secrets. If crimes remain secret, there is no punishment, just rewards.

Espionage and spying are a means of gaining access to the secrets of others. Knowledge is power.

It was the job of Allen Dulles to bury the secrets which would implicate his patrons and business partners, as well as himself, in treasonable and criminal acts. However, Dulles, with a long his­tory in spying and espionage, wanted more than to just bury se­crets. Dulles wanted to build a spy agency (4), that like Himmler’s Gestapo, would be above the law, and thus beyond any possibility of penalty for crimes such as terror, theft, slavery or murder.

Even before the end of World War II, Dulles, who would soon become the first director of the CIA, had begun recruiting his dream team of super- spymasters from the “Brotherhood of Death,” that is, from Himmler’s dreaded SS, the Gestapo (5). Dulles would create an American version of the Gestapo: the CIA. The CIA would become his personal instrument of power.

From 1927 to 1941, the Dulles brothers worked as lawyers and international finance specialists for Sullivan & Cromwell, a Wall Street law firm in New York. Allen Dulles performed work for Bush, Harriman, and Rockefeller in setting up business rela­tionships with the Nazis and with top Nazi industrialists. Dulles played a pivotal role in promoting U.S.-Nazi corporate relations

Dulles was also legal counsel for Standard Oil and the Nazi’s IG Farben, which had partnered with the Rockefellers and owned considerable Standard oil stock. His brother John Dulles (who later became Secretary of State) was an IG Farben board member

Dulles was originally recruited by OSS intelligence chief Colonel William J. Donovan, in 1941, and was posted to Berne, Switzerland. Dulles was picked because of his great expertise on Germany which he acquired through his law firm and by working as an agent for Bush, Harriman, and Rockefeller (6).

From October 1942 to May 1945, he gathered intelligence information on Nazi Germany, especially as it pertained to commerce and industry. Much of this information was also passed on to his business associates, i.e. Bush and gang (1,2,6).

The Nazis considered Dulles to be “the most influential White House man in Europe” and Dulles had numerous meetings with top ranking members of the SS (4,6,7). In January of 1943, Dulles, acting as a representative of the United States, began negotiating with top Nazis. Dulles was urging that Hitler be deposed and replaced by SS chief Himmler (7).

Himmler was a mass murderer, responsible for the deaths of at least ten million men, women, and children, in the Nazi death camps and elsewhere (7,8). However, Himmler was still a business man and a member of the “Brotherhood of Death” (8), as were Bush, Harriman, Rockefeller, and other Dulles’ associates (9). Dulles and gang thought Himmler would make a fine leader.

All were in agreement with the Dulles plan, including Himmler, and presumably, the White House (7). “The stumbling block was the question of how the SS could get rid of Hitler” (7). Himmler wished to make Hitler an “honorary president.”

The entire plan of replacing Hitler, however, went awry, when, according to Dulles (4), Hitler became aware of the plan due to “some Allied agency neither American or British.”(6).

Himmler panicked.

Dulles then began negotiating with Obergrappenfuhrer Karl Wolff (4), Himmler’s “senior aid” and the “Head of his Personal Staff.” Wolff “knew all the murkiest secrets of SS headquarters.”

This too came to naught, perhaps because Hitler learned of the meetings with Dulles. Curiously, Hitler seemed to know Dulles personally, and thus did not object to these meetings. In April, 1945, for example, Hitler summoned Wolff and asked him about Dulles (7,8). Wolf replied: “I am happy to report to you, my Fuhrer, that I have succeeded in opening doors through Mr. Dulles.” After fur­ther discussion, Hitler relied: “Go back to Italy. Keep up your relationship with Dulles and the Americans.”

By this late stage of the game, it was clear that Germany had lost the War. It was also clear that it would be impossible to install Himmler as the leader of Germany, though, that hope was actually kept alive until the final weeks of the war.

Dulles and the Bush gang had lots of Nazi “friends” including hundreds of men who wore the dreaded SS death head. Many of these were Nazi businessmen—men who, in the name of profits, enslaved, starved, and worked to death, millions of men and women.

When the war ended, Dulles acted to insure that Nazi businessmen would escape punishment with their fortunes intact. He also helped thousands of high ranking SS officers to escape.

Dulles was not acting out of kindness. He wanted to put these men to work as spies who would murder and kill in the name of the good ‘ol USA. Even before the war ended, Dulles had begun recruiting Gestapo agents, that is, members of the German Order of Skull and Bones, the Brotherhood of Death, into what would become the American version of the Gestapo, the CIA (5,6).

As recently revealed by the CIA (5) and as documented by Christopher Simpson, in his extensively researched book, Blowback (10), “hundreds of convicted Nazi war criminals” were “smuggled out of Germany to avoid prosecution at the war crimes trials at Nuremberg.” They were “recruited by, and were put on the payroll of several U.S. government agencies, including the Army CIC, the OSS, and the Office of Policy Coordination within the State Department.”

Dulles was well rewarded for his work on behalf of his Nazi friends and American business partners. He became the first director of the CIA.

Once the war ended, thousands of SS men, murderers, torturers, killers of women, children and babies, were recruited by Dulles, including, as admitted by the CIA on April 29, 2001 (11), Klaus Barbie, the infamous “Butcher of Lyon.” Barbie was eventually convicted of crimes against humanity by a French court.

SS Nazi Major General Walter Dornberger was yet another “butcher” recruited by Dulles. Dornberger had been sentenced to death by hanging for war crimes. With the help of Dulles he es­caped his fate, and was welcomed with open arms into what would become the CIA (5).

As revealed by the National Archives, as admitted by the CIA, and as reported by BBC and UPI (5), the CIA employed high ranking Nazis, including Nazi General Reinhard Gehlen who placed his Nazi spy ring at the disposal of Dulles following the close of WWII. Gehlen’s Nazi CIA spy ring, became known as “the Gehlen Organization and received millions of dollars in funding from the U.S. until 1956″ (11).

Gehlen was Hitler’s senior intelligence officer on the East­ern Front during the war and was responsible for the torture and murder of millions of Soviet prisoners of war. However, instead of being brought to justice, Gehlen’s network of SS and Gestapo Nazi agents, were secretly released from prisoner of war camps by U.S. intelligence officers at the urging of Allen Dulles.

According to T. H. Tetens author of “The New Germany and the Old Nazis, “Gehlen “immediately asked for an interview with the commanding officer ” and offered the United States “his intelligence staff, spy apparatus, and the priceless files for future ser­vice.”

Dulles made personal arrangements for Gehlen to be sent to Washington where his offer was accepted. “The Pentagon-Gehlen agreement,” states Tetens (12), “in practice guaranteed the continuation of the all-important Abwehr division of the German General Staff. Hundreds of German army and SS officers were quietly released from internment camps and joined Gehlen’s headquarters in the Spessart Mountains in central Germany. When the staff had grown to three thousand men, the Bureau Gehlen opened a closely guarded twenty-five-acre compound near Pullach, south of Munich, operating under the innocent name of the South German Industrial Development Organization.”

“In the early fifties it was estimated that the organization employed up to 4,000 intelligence specialists in Germany, mainly former army and SS officers, and more than 4,000 V-men (undercover agents). Gehlen’s spy network stretched from Korea to Cairo, from Siberia to Santiago de Chile. Within a few years the Gehlen apparatus had grown by leaps and bounds” (12).

As summed up by Tetens (12), “the short period of 1950-51 must be marked as the time when Hitler’s old officers, SS leaders, and [Nazi] party functionaries returned to power and influence.”

A US Justice Department spokesman, Eli Rosenbaum, said “the files demonstrated that the real winners of the war were Nazi war criminals.”

Allen Dulles, in his book “The Secret Surrender,” justifies his use of Gestapo agents, by making a distinction between “good” and “bad” Nazis. Standartenfuehrer Eugen Dollmann, Himmler’s representative in Rome, was a “good” Nazi, as was SS Obergrappenfuehrer Karl Wolff.

In November, 1938, this “good” Nazi, Karl Wolff played a major role in the atrocities of “Kristallnacht” (the night of broken glass), during which 20,000 German Jews were attacked, beaten up, their homes and business burnt, and then sent to concentration camps where they were tortured, starved, and murdered.

After the conquest of Poland, Wolf sent a letter to Himmler which read as follows: “For your letter of July 28th, 1942,1 thank you—also in the name of the Reichsfuehrer SS—sincerely. With particular joy I noted your assurance that for two weeks now a train has been carrying, every day, 5000 members of the Chosen People to Treblinka, so that we are now in a position to carry through this ‘population movement.’ With best regards and Heil Hitler!”

Thus, in the mind of Dulles and his CIA, there are “good” sadists and mass murderers such as Wolff and even SS chief, Himmler, and those that are bad sadists and murderers, i.e. communists and labor leaders.

The CIA, thus, became a Nazi refuge and would soon become an instrument of Nazi-like terror. The CIA, like the Gestapo, would employ espionage, propaganda, terror, chemical and biological warfare, including the purposeful infection and murder of innocent American and foreign citizens, to obtain its objectives (13, see also chapter 8). And, like the Gestapo, the CIA would be, as it still is, above the law, and its agents would be encouraged to break the law and to commit crimes against humanity.

“Hitherto acceptable norms of human conduct do not apply. If the United States is to survive, long-standing American concepts of ‘fair play’ must be reconsidered. We must develop effective espionage and counterespionage services and must learn to subvert, sabotage and destroy our enemies by more clever, more sophisticated, and more effective methods than those used against us. It may become necessary that the American people be made acquainted with, understand and support this fundamentally repugnant philosophy.” —General James Doolittle, report to President Eisenhower, 1954.

“The CS is the only part of the IC [intelligence community], indeed of the government, where hundreds of employees on a daily basis are directed to break extremely serious laws in countries around the world. A safe estimate is that several hundred times every day (easily 100,000 times a year) DO officers engage in highly illegal activities that not only risk political embarrassment to the US but also endanger the freedom if not lives of the participating foreign nationals and, more than occasional^, of the clandestine officer himself.” —Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, House of Representatives, 104th Congress, 1996.

“Over the past fifty years, it is now documented, these Americanized fugitive Nazi war criminals have been involved in, and in many cases in charge of U.S. government covert operations — international weapons smuggling, drug cartels, Central American death squads, right wing anti-communist dictatorships, LSD mind control experiments — the Republican National Committee’s Ethnic Heritage Councils, and the Presidential campaigns of Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and George Bush” (12).

Hitler’s dream and his SS essentially became the CIA.

Indeed, the Dulles, Bush, Harriman, Rockefeller clique, like Hitler before them, would employ Nazi-CIA terrorists not just for spying and murder, but as instruments to be used for gaining incredible wealth, as well as political power, and as yet another means of gaining control over the United States government.

In other words, this alludes to a symbiotic two party system controlled by the Illuminati which you have been consistently told does not exist yet has its symbol everywhere you go. Don’t expect the truth on FOX News or the “liberal” media. Have they ever done anything but lie to you, act against your own interests for corporate gains, and turn you against people, especially good people, whom have never harmed you? Have they ever freed a single mind?

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