“As a matter of fact, the Warren Commission’s inquiry into the assassination started off with a completely unacceptable philosophy for a democracy like ours. One of its stated objectives was to calm the fears of the people about a conspiracy.”
The Garrison Rebuttal to NBC
Editor’s Note: For those of you unfamiliar with this great man, Jim Garrison was the only prosecutor to most successfully challenge the Warren Commission, and as facts suggest, he was responsible for Lyndon Johnson refusing to run again in 1968 after Garrison exposed a link between the CIA and the JFK assassination, before and after the fact. This is important, because only Johnson had the authority as president to protect, control and manipulate the CIA. On July 15, 1967, Garrison was granted thirty minutes of national television time to respond to an NBC documentary which was highly critical of his investigation. By the time Garrison destroyed the Warren Commission and laid out the path to the only possible suspects, Robert F. Kennedy would famously come to confront President Lyndon Johnson and ask “Why did you have my brother killed?”
Here is his complete address to the nation in which he outlined his allegations…

The following time period has been made available to District Attorney Jim Garrison of New Orleans to reply to an NBC news program broadcast on June 19. [1967] In that program NBC News examined some of the methods used by Mr. Garrison in his investigation of what he charges was a conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy. Except for the opening and closing announcements, this program has been prepared under Mr. Garrison’s sole supervision. Mr. Garrison.
Tonight I am going to talk to you about truths and about fairy tales; about justice and about injustice.
In the months to follow you are going to learn that many of the things which some of the major news agencies have been telling you are untrue.
You are going to learn that although you are citizens of the United States, information concerning the cause of the death of your President has been withheld from you.
In the months to come you will learn to your own satisfaction that President Kennedy was not killed by a lone assassin. You will learn that there has been and continues to be a concerted effort to keep you from learning these facts. And you will learn, I assure you, that what I have been trying to tell you and what I am telling you tonight is true.
As children we become accustomed to hearing fairy tales. They are always pleasant stories and they are comforting to hear because good always triumphs over evil. At least this is the way it is in fairy tales.
NBC Fake News: The Magic Bullet Theory
And it is all the more dangerous when a fairy tale becomes accepted as reality simply because it has an official seal of approval, or because honorable men announce that you must believe it or because powerful elements of the press tell you that the fairy tale is true.
The conclusion of the Warren Report, that President Kennedy was killed by a lone assassin, is a fairy tale.
This does not mean that the men on the Warren Commission were aware at the time, that their conclusion was totally untrue, nor does it mean necessarily that these men had any sinister motives. It does mean that the conclusion that no conspiracy existed, and that Lee Oswald was the lone assassin is a fiction, and a myth, and that it should be brought to an end.
[pullquote]They do not tell you that Lee Harvey Oswald’s fingerprints were not found on the gun which was supposed to have killed the President. And they do not tell you that nitrate tests exonerated Lee Oswald from the actual shooting by showing that he had not fired a rifle that day.[/pullquote]The people of this country don’t have to be protected from the truth. This country was not built on the idea that a handful of nobles, whether located in our Federal agencies in Washington D.C., or in the news agencies in New York should decide what was good for the people to know, and what they should not know. This is a totalitarian concept which presumes that the leaders of our Federal government and the men in control of the powerful press media constitute a special elite which by virtue of their nobility and their brilliance, empower them to think for the people. Personally, I would rather put my confidence in the common sense of the people of this country.
The truth about the assassination of the President has been concealed from you long enough. Those forces which are fighting so hard today to tell you that they have examined the Warren Report and that everything is fine, and that our investigation has uncovered nothing, are not merely going to lose this fight they have already lost it.
Now let me tell you why President Kennedy was murdered, and how he was murdered. I also want to give you a few examples, which will show you how the conclusion reached by the Warren Commission is totally impossible.
President Kennedy was assassinated by men who sought to obtain a radical change in our foreign policy, particularly with regard to Cuba. You recall that under President Kennedy the Cold War began to thaw and there were new signs of an effort on the part of the Soviet Union and ourselves to understand each other.
On the map, this [Cuba] appears to be merely a large island off the coast of Florida. But for many men it meant a good deal more than this. In 1963 a great variety of interests existed, which not only desired an American supported invasion of Castro’s Cuba, but took it for granted that it was inevitable.
In the minds of many men, this island represented a tremendous emotional landmark, because they had steered their courses toward it for so long, and with such intensity.
In the fall of 1962 the Cuban Missile Crisis occurred. It was followed by a pronounced new attitude towards Cuba on the part of the United States. Cuba, after this was no longer regarded as an enemy and was no longer regarded as fair game for those men who for one reason or another focused their attention on this island. The new signs of understanding between Russia and the United States continued to develop.
In June of 1963, President Kennedy, addressing students at the American University in Washington told them, we breathe the same air as the Russians. He said we should try to live together in peace on this Earth. Well at this point some individuals transferred their hostile attention from Fidel Castro to John F. Kennedy. They planned the President’s assassination, and they planned it well.
The evidence indicates that he [President Kennedy] was shot at from two different directions in the rear and also from the right front.
We know that shooting was coming from two separate directions in the rear because the President and Governor [John] Connally were hit in the back within a split second of each others and this necessarily had to happen with two bullets coming from two different rifles.
We know that the President was being shot at from the grassy knoll area on the right front because most of the people in Dealey Plaza heard the shots coming from there and because at least one of the President’s wounds was an entry wound from the front, and because men were seen running from the grassy knoll area immediately afterwards.

That’s why the idea of Lee Harvey Oswald as the lone assassin of the President is a fairy tale and should be brought to an end. If you’re the people of the United States will learn the truth; that the President was assassinated by men who were once connected with the Central Intelligence Agency, of course, this might reflect on the dignity of the CIA.
But I happen to believe that our form of government is strong enough to survive the truth. I believe that you are entitled to the truth about how your President was shot down in the streets and how it was done. Instead, some of the most powerful news agencies we have in our country have worked hard to convince you that everything is all right.
They do not tell you that Lee Harvey Oswald’s fingerprints were not found on the gun which was supposed to have killed the President.
And they do not tell you that nitrate tests exonerated Lee Oswald from the actual shooting by showing that he had not fired a rifle that day. And they do not tell you that it was virtually impossible for Oswald to have taken his fingerprints off the gun, hidden the gun, and gone down four flights of stairs by the time he was seen on the second floor.
Above all, they do not tell you of the overwhelming eyewitness testimony that shots were coming from behind the stone wall on the grassy knoll. In a choice between official dignity and the truth, dignity was given priority and so you have not received the full truth.
The Patsy
Lee Harvey Oswald photographs. Shooting, morgue, etc.
Though he was certainly in the Fair Play for Cuba organization, Lee Harvey Oswald was indeed a patsy. Working for the FBI and on their payroll from September of 1962 to the time of the assassination, he was assigned the number 179 and making $200 a month. His time spent in the Soviet Union and his knowledge of the Russian language made him a perfect plant, and with his high clearance in the intelligence community, he was led to believe he’d infiltrate a Cuban plot to kill Kennedy.
“If the assassination had not taken place that day Johnson would have gone to prison.”
Madeline Brown Interview Regarding Night Before Assassination

By 1967, it had been revealed that Lee Harvey Oswald had been in the employ of the FBI for months prior to the assassination, as an undercover agent tasked with infiltrating a Cuban plot to kill Kennedy. This made him the perfect patsy since he now had a pro-Castro “legend” against him complete with at least one television appearance.
Oswald’s FBI number was 179, he was paid $200 a month from September 1962 up to the time of the assassination. This meant that Hoover, who also hated the Kennedys and was about to lose his job for his ties to Mafia figures like Carlos Marcello, Meyer Lanksy and Sam Giancana, took a direct role in the planning of the assassination as both the key cover-up agency and the person who provided the patsy.
According to Madeline Brown, Jack Ruby, Oswald’s killer, had shown her the motorcade route for November 22, 1963.
He had arranged to kill Oswald and thus make it impossible to have him present a defense that already pointed out the ridiculous flaws in the lone gunman theory, which began immediately thanks to scores of witnesses, but more critically the fact he had been working for the FBI. Because of this, it’s no wonder that no one took notes during the interrogation.
As you can see in Oswald’s assassination clip, no one in the Dallas PD was surprised to see Ruby. Oswald’s interrogation was never recorded, and the excuse was that the room was too small for a stenographer. If he was working with the FBI and set up as a patsy, this is exactly what you would expect: no notes, as they would implicate Hoover.
This is why there continues to be hundreds of documents still hidden from your eyes and classified as secret, and some of them bear such titles as, Lee Harvey Oswald’s accessibility to information about the U-2; the Central Intelligence Agency’s dossier on Lee Harvey Oswald, and the CIA file on Jack Ruby. You have not been told that Lee Oswald was in the employ of United States intelligence agencies. But this was the case, and so I am telling you.
Why this young uneducated man had learned to speak Russian even before he left the Marines, and there’s only one way he could have learned that. Oswald had a higher security rating than his buddies in his Marine unit.
During 12 hours of questioning, to give you another example–12 hours of questioning after the assassination there is no transcript of Oswald’s statements available for you to look at.
Now, it doesn’t matter where you live, if somebody in your town steals a 1928 Hupmobile, what he says is written down when he is questioned. However, when the man who has [supposed to have] just killed the President of the United States is questioned for 12 hours, no transcript is available. There’s nothing for you to look at.
And believe it or not, one of the explanations given is that the room was too small to include a stenographer.
And here’s something else this case has more accidental fires, more burning of paper than any murder case in history.
For example, when Oswald was questioned by a federal agent in August of 1963, the notes of the interview were later burned. You cannot see the notes made by Commander Humes concerning the President’s autopsy because he burned them too. One of the questioners of Lee Harvey Oswald during the 12-hour session burned his notes.
[pullquote]You have not been told that Lee Oswald was in the employ of United States intelligence agencies. But this was the case, and so I am telling you.[/pullquote]And similarly, when the Warren Commission contacted the State Department and said, with regard to Exhibit 948, We notice that a one-page message from the CIA containing secret information is supposed to be attached to this file and it’s missing. Would you please furnish us with a copy of this missing secret document? The answer given to the Warren Commission was that the secret message about Oswald from the CIA was accidentally destroyed while being thermofaxed.This spontaneous combustion, incidentally, occurred the day after the President’s assassination.
I am not even going to bother to dignify the foolishness which Newsweek and NBC and some of the other news agencies have tried to make you believe about my office. I’ve been District Attorney of New Orleans for more than five years and we have never had a single case reversed because of improper methods on the part of our staff. Nor do we rush to judgment on half-baked evidence. And the proof of that is the fact that in more than five years not one defendant has walked out of the courtroom in a murder case with an acquittal. Nor have we lost a major case in five years.
Then what is their game? Their game is to fool you. These people want the investigation stopped. They don’t want a trial at all. Please believe me. They don’t think we’re wrong in our investigation. Obviously, if our investigation was as haywire as they would like to have you think, then you would not see such a coordinated barrage coming from the news centers in the east. Why are they so concerned? Why is it that they cannot wait until the trial comes in order to learn what the facts are? Why are they so anxious to have their own trials?
They know very well that the witnesses they’re presenting to you have not been testifying under oath; that they’re not being cross-examined as they would be at a trial. And that the opportunities for a timely rebuttal by the State of Louisiana which would exist at a trial have not been provided in their untrue presentations. They know this. In my considered judgment there has been an effort to prejudice in advance the potential jurors in the trial of this case. As a matter of fact, the National Broadcasting Company has already had the trial. The defendant was found innocent, and the District Attorney was convicted.

They announced across the nation that my methods were improper. But as their stories, one by one, turn out to be false, they do not reveal this to you but simply search hopefully into new areas. For example, Newsweek magazine had a feature article saying that my office attempted to bribe a man named Beauboeuf. It later turned out that his story and their article was totally untrue and the tapes which Newsweek described had been altered.
The police investigators in my office were found innocent of any wrongdoing in a serious investigation conducted by the police department. However, Newsweek has made virtually no mention of that.
Similarly, in its recent effort to make you think that my methods are improper, NBC announced coast to coast that it had located the real Clay Bertrand; that an NBC man had talked to him. This made every newspaper in the country and it inferred once again that in addition to using terrible methods we were off on a wild goose chase. Now when it turned out that this was a total fabrication, and the man whom NBC identified as the real Clay Bertrand hotly denied ever using the name, there was only coast to coast silence on NBC.
NBC presented a professional burglar, whom my office had just recently convicted, and allowed him to make a plainly false presentation that we had tried to get him to climb into the defendant’s apartment and plant evidence there. The inference, of course, was that this particular defendant was too lofty a character to participate in my nefarious schemes.
[pullquote]As a matter of fact, the Warren Commission’s inquiry into the assassination started off with a completely unacceptable philosophy for a democracy like ours. One of its stated objectives was to calm the fears of the people about a conspiracy…[/pullquote]However, recently, when we called him before the New Orleans Grand Jury so that he could tell all about our new venture into the burglary business, he took the Fifth Amendment when asked if his statement on NBC was true. Once again, this was followed by a loud silence from coast to coast on NBC.As a matter of fact, the Warren Commission’s inquiry into the assassination started off with a completely unacceptable philosophy for a democracy like ours. One of its stated objectives was to calm the fears of the people about a conspiracy. But in our country, the government has no right to calm our fears any more than it has, for example, the right to excite our fears about Red China or about fluoridation or about birth control, or about anything. There is no room in America for thought control of any kind, no matter how benevolent the objective.
Personally, I don’t want to be calm about the assassination of John F. Kennedy. I don’t want to be calm about a President of my country being shot down in the streets. And I don’t want to be calm about the fact that for reasons of public policy or national security or any other phony reason, the true facts have been withheld from the people of this country.
If the day has come when it is possible to shoot our President down because some men disagree with his foreign policy and the day has come that the moment his heart stops beating other considerations take over which conceal the total truth from the citizens of the United States, then the day has come when we have ceased to be a democracy.
I cannot believe that this is so, that the time has come in America when the people no longer control their country.
Yet I must confess that I am appalled by the readiness with which some of the major press media have accepted the great fairy tale without hesitation rousing from their stupor only when they have learned that a District Attorney was violating all the rules of etiquette and digging up the truth.
They are telling you that black is white when they tell you there is no evidence of a conspiracy. They have to know well the significance of the continued concealment of X-rays and autopsy pictures which if revealed to you would show that the President was hit by rifle fire from more than one direction.
And they have to know well of the hundreds of documents which remain classified, secret, and concealed from your view.
And they are making white black when they repeatedly state that my office has used improper methods. They have to know that no D.A.’s office in the United States would dream of operating in the way they suggest. They have to know that for years I have been a strong defender of the rights of individuals.
They have to know all of this, but they have lent themselves to the all-out effort to convince you that the matter has been looked into and anyone who raises a question now is irresponsible or a troublemaker or an enemy of the people.
What’s that? You say that you are an American citizen and you want to see the autopsy X-rays and you want to see these hundreds of documents that have been withheld from your view and you want to know why these vital notes always ended up being burned?
What’s the matter with you? Can’t you take the word of these honorable men, who have looked into it for you?
Let me just give you one example that shows you how impossible the single assassination theory is which shows you the enormity of the fairy tale which you are supposed to believe in.
Now this is the Warren Commission’s own diagram of the route of the bullet through Governor Connally.

At this point in his presentation, Garrison displayed a diagram (CE 689) that presented the Warren Commission’s version of the path of the “magic bullet”.
[pullquote]I might add that the Warren Commission did not try to include the President’s picture because that would have shown that the course of the magic bullet would have had to have gone up in the air and come down again in order to end up hitting the Governor.[/pullquote]The bullet had to take this route in order to cause the injuries which he received. Now the important thing to keep in mind is that the Warren Commission itself concedes that if this same bullet was not the one which also went through President Kennedy, then there had to be someone else firing. And the reason for that, just to put it very simply, is that the Zapruder film has shown that all the firing occurred in six seconds, and yet there were a total of eight wounds. Therefore this one bullet has to cause seven wounds, because one missed and one was the fatal shot hitting the President. So by the Warren Commission’s own admission, prior to hitting the Governor, this bullet had to go through President Kennedy who is sitting back here. Now you’ll notice that the Warren Commission did not attempt to include President Kennedy in the diagram’ they could not because of the total impossibility of this bullet having gone through the President also would be too obvious. In other words, by the evidence of the Warren Commission itself, it is obvious that there was other shooting going on in Dealey Plaza.Consequently, the Warren Commission has officially concluded that before this bullet came down from the sky as it had to, to hit Governor Connally in all those different places, it entered President Kennedy’s body from the rear and came out of his neck.
I might add that the Warren Commission did not try to include the President’s picture because that would have shown that the course of the magic bullet would have had to have gone up in the air and come down again in order to end up hitting the Governor.
It is by selecting these little portions of each incident and by excluding other portions that the fairy tale is presented to you. However, if they had to show in one diagram the bullet entering the President and then continuing through Governor Connally, you would be able to see the total impossibility of this bullet causing seven wounds.
This section was in Garrison’s script, but he skipped over it and it was not broadcast. At the time, Garrison handed out copies of his statement to the press. This portion was included in Garrison’s handout, but he did not state the words in the next two paragraphs over the air, although he intended to.
And now, let’s take a look at the magic bullet itself: [Exhibit 399]. This is the magic bullet which is supposed to have caused these wounds, without having its shape altered in any way or without even getting dirty. This bullet, which was found at Parkland Hospital, lying on the floor, went through President Kennedy’s back and out of his neck, through Governor Connally’s back and out of his chest, into the governor’s wrist and out of his wrist and into the governor’s leg.
Garrison had a display with a photo of the magic bullet.

“Yet I must confess that I am appalled by the readiness with which some of the major press media have accepted the great fairy tale without hesitation, rousing from their stupor only when they have learned that a District Attorney was violating all the rules of etiquette and digging up the truth.”
Don’t ask me to explain to you how it was possible for this to have occurred. They can’t really explain it either. But you have to believe it because if this untarnished bullet did not accomplish all this by itself, then it means that someone else had to be shooting at the President and, of course, this would conflict with the official version of the assassination.
End of scripted, but unspoken portion of Garrison’s presentation
Now, this is just one of many examples which show that the Warren Commission’s conclusion is completely impossible. Bullet 399 is another example, the fact that the cartridges in the Tippit case do not match at all the bullets in Tippit’s body one after the other if I had the total hour to reply which NBC used to try and discredit my office I would be able to go into more matters. But let’s sum it up by saying that it is completely impossible to uphold the single assassin theory, if you look at it seriously. Anyone who has done their homework knows that the single assassin theory is totally impossible.
In the final analysis what has been done by the Warren Commission in its investigation, is to take this series of implausibilities and to attempt to prove to you that each one of them is at least mathematically possible. Each one of them is mathematically possible, but not probable. However, it is not mathematically possible for all of these series of implausibilities to have occurred, and this is what they ask you to believe.
It’s very much like telling you that it is mathematically possible, for example, for an elephant to hang from a cliff with his tail tied to a daisy. Of course, this is implausible.
But what do they do? They produce an expert who says, “Yes I have made a study of the situation, and this is not a full-grown elephant, and this is a particularly tough kind of daisy. And, therefore, it was mathematically possible.”
Now the official truth, as a result of such expert testimony as a result of the creation of a series of mathematical possibilities is now no longer what actually happened in Dallas, but what has been officially approved.
Personally, I don’t want to be calm about the assassination of John F. Kennedy. I don’t want to be calm about a President of my country being shot down in the streets. And I don’t want to be calm about the fact that for reasons of public policy or national security or any other phony reason, the true facts have been withheld from the people of this country.
Well, I say that the matter is not closed; not in this country. I say that the day has not yet arrived when the only reality is power and the ideals on which our country was built are merely words printed on paper.
I believe that those news agencies which have sought to imply that I would use improper methods to gain some sort of fictional political advantage have simply revealed their own cynicism. I believe that in this conflict between truth and power and this is exactly what it is all about; that power cannot possibly smash truth out of existence. The people in this country will not let that happen.
[pullquote]Personally, I don’t want to be calm about the assassination of John F. Kennedy. I don’t want to be calm about a President of my country being shot down in the streets. [/pullquote]If we still live in the same country in which we were born, and I don’t think it’s changed that much; if this is still the country in which, in the words of our Pledge of Allegiance, there exists, liberty and justice for all, then this attempt to conceal the full truth from you, in the end, has to be a failure.In this case I have learned more about the human race than I really wanted to know. And I’ve learned more about some of our government agencies than I really wanted to know. And I’ve learned more about some of our press agencies than I cared to know. But I am still naive enough to believe that in America the people make the decisions, not a handful of men in the Washington and New York areas.
And I believe that the people of America want to know the entire truth about how their President was shot down in the streets of Dallas.
And I want to assure you, that as long as I am alive, no one is going to stop me from seeing that you obtain the full truth, and nothing less than the full truth and no fairy tales.
ANNOUNCER: Time for the preceding program was made available to District Attorney Jim Garrison of New Orleans. The program was prepared Garrison of New Orleans. The program was prepared under his sole supervision. It constitutes his reply to an earlier NBC News program examining some of the methods Mr. Garrison has used in his investigation of the assassination of President Kennedy. This program originated in the studios of WDSU-TV in New Orleans.
The CIA and CBS: Changing the Testimony of Orville Nix
“The people of this country don’t have to be protected from the truth. This country was not built on the idea that a handful of nobles, whether located in our Federal agencies in Washington D.C., or in the news agencies in New York should decide what was good for the people to know, and what they should not know. This is a totalitarian concept which presumes that the leaders of our Federal government and the men in control of the powerful press media constitute a special elite which by virtue of their nobility and their brilliance, empower them to think for the people.”
Excerpt: JFK Assassination – Jim Garrison Files
“They are telling you that black is white when they tell you there is no evidence of a conspiracy. They have to know well the significance of the continued concealment of X-rays and autopsy pictures which if revealed to you would show that the President was hit by rifle fire from more than one direction. “
New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison
Jim Garrison’s 1967 Playboy Interview
“I want to make a proposition to the president of NBC: If this charge is true [that two star witnesses against Clay Shaw failed lie detector tests], then I will resign as district attorney of New Orleans…”
Jim Garrison. Although NBC refused to take up Garrison’s challenge, they did succeed in undermining the Clay Shaw trial.
PLAYBOY: You expressed your reaction to the NBC show [“The J.F.K. Conspiracy: The Case of Jim Garrison”] in concrete terms on July seventh, when you formally charged Walter Sheridan, the network’s special investigator for the broadcast, with attempting to bribe your witness Perry Russo. Do you really have a case against Sheridan, or is this just a form of harassment?
GARRISON: The reason we haven’t lost a major case in over five years in office is that we do not charge a man unless we can make it stick in court. And I’m not in the business of harassing anybody. Sheridan was charged because evidence was brought to us indicating that he attempted to bribe Perry Russo by offering him free transportation to California, free lodgings and a job once there, payment of all legal fees in any extradition proceedings and immunity from my office. Mr. Russo has stated that Sheridan asked his help “to wreck the Garrison investigation” and “offered to set me up in California, protect my job and guarantee that Garrison would never get me extradited.” According to Russo, Sheridan added that both NBC and the CIA were out to scuttle my case….
PLAYBOY: How could your probe damage the prestige of the CIA and cause them to take countermeasures against you?
GARRISON: For the simple reason that a number of the men who killed the President were former employees of the CIA involved in its anti-Castro underground activities in and around New Orleans. The CIA knows their identity. So do I — and our investigation has established this without the shadow of a doubt. Let me stress one thing, however: We have no evidence that any official of the CIA was involved with the conspiracy that led to the President’s death.
PLAYBOY: Do you lend no credence, then, to the charges of a former CIA agent, J. Garrett Underhill, that there was a conspiracy within the CIA to assassinate Kennedy?
GARRISON: I’ve become familiar with the case of Gary Underhill, and I’ve been able to ascertain that he was not the type of man to make wild or unsubstantiated charges. Underhill was an intelligence agent in World War Two and an expert on military affairs whom the Pentagon considered one of the country’s top authorities on limited warfare. He was on good personal terms with the top brass in the Defense Department and the ranking officials in the CIA. He wasn’t a full-time CIA agent, but he occasionally performed “special assignments” for the Agency. Several days after the President’s assassination, Underhill appeared at the home of friends in New Jersey, apparently badly shaken, and charged that Kennedy was killed by a small group within the CIA. He told friends he believed his own life was in danger. We can’t learn any more from Underhill, I’m afraid, because shortly afterward, he was found shot to death in his Washington apartment. The coroner ruled suicide, but he had been shot behind the left ear and the pistol was found under his left side — and Underhill was right-handed.
PLAYBOY: Do you believe Underhill was murdered to silence him?
GARRISON: I don’t believe it and I don’t disbelieve it. All I know is that witnesses with vital evidence in this case are certainly bad insurance risks. In the absence of further and much more conclusive evidence to the contrary, however, we must assume that the plotters were acting on their own rather than on CIA orders when they killed the President. As far as we have been able to determine, they were not in the pay of the CIA at the time of the assassination — and this is one of the reasons the President was murdered: I’ll explain later what I mean by that. But the CIA could not face up to the American people and admit that its former employees had conspired to assassinate the President; so from the moment Kennedy’s heart stopped beating, the Agency attempted to sweep the whole conspiracy under the rug. The CIA has spared neither time nor the taxpayers’ money in its efforts to hide the truth about the assassination from the American people. In this respect, it has become an accessory after the fact in the assassination.
He had his head blown off, his skull exploding into a pink mist…. it replays in my mind constantly, so many years later. I saw that the authorities not only allowed it to happen but facilitated it. I saw that “Bonesmen” had done obscene and unspeakable things to his body. I saw his killers gloat openly that no one would ever find out what happen, but so many of us knew. Continue reading →
The “56 Grassy Knoll Witnesses Conspired to Lie to the Warren Commission” Conspiracy Theory
Because 56 witnesses would have to conspire to present the same consistent account, the most ridiculous and obvious conspiracy theory of all is coming from the Lone Gunman Conspiracy Theorists. When it comes to taking on media “bullshit” I suppose you can’t do better than Penn & Teller, right? They have a show called “Bullshit” …Continue reading →
Why the Truth About the JFK Assassination May be the Most Important Thing an American Can Know
Lyndon Baines Johnson, Richard Nixon, both later president, were involved in the November 22, 1963 coup, as well as FBI Directer J. Edgar Hoover. The corporate media is your overseer and an active conspirator in the cover-up, your slave masters behind the petrodollar are not elected but are now extremely vulnerable, and until we rip …Continue reading →
Operation Northwoods and the Plot to Blame the JFK Assassination on Castro
Pay careful attention to Jim Garrison’s comments starting at 4:14 in the video. At the time of the Jim Garrison trial, he made mention of a plan to assassinate Fidel Castro, which when President Kennedy refused to execute, he himself was killed. Why Jim Garrison Was Important Still from “Jim Garrison Response – Kennedy Assassination” …Continue reading →
Source: Associated Press, March 28, 1999 WASHINGTON (AP) — A bronze casket used to transport President Kennedy’s body from Dallas to Washington was dropped from a military plane into the ocean two years after he was killed, according to assassination documents. Kermit L. Hall, a member of the now-defunct Assassination Records Review Board, said Friday … Continue reading →
Are the Key JFK Files Already Destroyed?
The short answer is no. The keys files have been in the public domain for decades, they’ve simply been suppressed or “debunked” by media assets. The most sensitive CIA/FBI/ONI papers pertaining to John F. Kennedy’s assassination were sealed by Johnson until 2039, and are probably missing or destroyed already– if what happened to the Los Angeles Police Department’s files on Robert Kennedy is any guide.
Newly released JFK documents raise questions about medical evidence
The latest batch of John F. Kennedy assassination documents raises new questions about an examination of the president’s brain and lays out unresolved discrepancies in other medical evidence. The more than 400,000 pages of records being made public at the National Archives today were … Continue reading →
The JFK Assassination: It Was Johnson
The moment this picture was taken, RFK had just been handed a slip of paper by an aide, hit the post, and asked LBJ directly “Why did you have my brother killed?” Note the expression on Johnson’s face. More on this incident in video 12 below. The … Continue reading →
Johnson, Hoover and Nixon: How the “mystery” of the Kennedy assassinations can be maintained
For a detailed background on the following, and the evidence, you should read this article first: Penn & Teller’s “Lone Gunman” Fail: Defending the “56 Grassy Knoll Witnesses Conspired to Lie to the Warren Commission” Conspiracy Theory and Operation Northwoods and the Plot to Blame the JFK Assassination on Castro. Here’s how and why the … Continue reading →
Every element of this game is based on actual events and political realities as they existed between 1963-1973. In painstaking detail, this game teaches players how Lyndon Baines Johnson assumed power by coup and in doing so, examines the national consequences of JFK’s assassination 40 plus years later. …Continue reading →
Throughout the 1930′s and early 1940s, Prescott Bush, the Harrimans, Rockefellers, and their associates, had been in business with Nazis and the terrorist brotherhood, the SS. With the assistance of the Dulles brothers, who were playing pivotal roles in and out of the White House, the Brotherhood of Death began expanding its cancerous tentacles into the heart of the United States government. With the help of friends in high places, including Dulles and hundreds of Nazis in the new CIA, Bush and friends were not only able to completely cover up their treacherous crimes, but would use the government of the United States as a tool for committing new ones. Continue reading →
President Kennedy Warns of “monolithic and ruthless conspiracy”, Cabal Press Infiltration
“The very word ‘secrecy’ is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to … Continue reading →
Even the Cabals Admit It: The Press Could Have Saved Us
“It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.” David Rockefeller Continue reading →
CIA Memo to Press Assets: “Our ploy should point out, as applicable, that the critics are…”
CIA Memo to propaganda assets in NBC, CBS, Newsweek, New York Times, et al regarding assassination of President Kennedy, suggesting ways they could discredit writers or journalists critical of Lone Gunman Theory.Continue reading →
How the Washington Post Censors the News
“The Warren Commission inquiry into the Kennedy Assassination was for the most part conducted in secret. This fact is buried in the Post (*75). Nor do current readers of this newspaper find meaningful discussion of the Warren Commission’s secret doubts about both the FBI and the CIA (*76). “Or of a dispatch from CIA headquarters instructing co-conspirators at field … Continue reading →
The Garrison Rebuttal to NBC For those of you unfamiliar with the man, Jim Garrison was the only prosecutor to most successfully challenge the Warren Commission, and as facts suggest, he was responsible for Lyndon Johnson refusing to run again in 1968 after Garrison exposed a link between the CIA and the JFK assassination, before …Continue reading →
25 Media Disinformation Tactics
How creative editing made victims of police brutality look like aggressors. War Protest in Seattle After decades of waging a full scale war on your intelligence, fooling us into acting against our best interests, and piss yellow journalism is it any wonder why Americans hate the press? “Fuck the corporate media!” Social Lepers in Denial …Continue reading →
“You could get a journalist cheaper than a good call girl, for a couple hundred dollars a month.” – CIA operative discussing with Philip Graham, editor Washington Post, on the availability and prices of journalists willing to peddle CIA propaganda and cover stories. Katherine The Great,” by Deborah Davis (New York: Sheridan Square Press, 1991) … Continue reading →
Martin Luther King, Jr. at Grace Cathedral
In 1965, as a part of the Festival of Grace, celebrating the 1964 completion and consecration of Grace Cathedral, Bishop James Pike invited Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to visit and preach at Grace Cathedral. Dr. King accepted and the date was set; March 28th, the fourth Sunday of Lent. Crowds already surged around … Continue reading →
Dr. Martin Luther King’s Sermon at Temple Israel of Hollywood, 1965
While interfaith Jewish/gospel services in honor of the observance are fairly common in Los Angeles, Temple Israel’s stands out for its inclusion of a musical piece arranged by Skloff, featuring recorded excerpts of King speaking at the synagogue in 1965. King’s voice will be accompanied by both choirs’ vocals and music played by members …Continue reading →
William Pepper- An Act of State The Execution of MLK
Dr. William F. Pepper details the actual events surrounding the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. Pepper practices international human rights law from London, convenes a seminar on international human rights at Oxford University, has represented governments and heads of state, and appeared as an expert on international law issues. 1-29-03 More… … Continue reading →
RFK’s Statement on the Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.
by Robert F. Kennedy Indianapolis, Indiana April 4, 1968 “I have some very sad news for all of you, and I think… for all of our fellow citizens, and people who love peace all over the world, and that is that Martin Luther King was shot and killed tonight. Martin Luther King dedicated his life … Continue reading →
The fatal shot was fired inches from Robert Kennedy’s right ear. Sirhan shot from the front, several feet away. Thane Eugene Caesar stood behind RFK, with the same model gun. Caesar was a staunch segregationist who was hired at the last minute to protect a man he hated, a Kennedy. (In 1968, presidential candidates had … Continue reading →
RFK Eulogy by Ted Kennedy, 1968
At a time when Sen. Ted Kennedy had just been diagnosed with brain cancer, and Hillary’s attempt to win his endorsement failed, she brings up the memory of the Robert F. Kennedy assassination in June of 1968. She is implying, in a thinly veiled threat, that she should stay in the race because Obama might … Continue reading →
Jury Finds Conspiracy in MLK Assassination
Even though the slug that killed King was broken into three pieces, there were enough marks on it to allow a comparison, and that comparison showed the 12 of 18 bullets did not match. Even after a Tennessee jury found the King assassination was the result of a conspiracy … Continue reading →
Actual Supreme Court Rulings Consistent with Illuminati Doctrine
Imagine Supreme Court rulings consistent with an Illuminati doctrine written over 200 years ago; a doctrine calling for a totalitarian world government run by a cabal of international bankers. Imagine rulings also consistent with the 24 protocols of the more infamous work based on it, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion compared herein. That is the true horror, and why the latter may be… The Most Prophetic and Terrifying Forgery in History.… Continue reading →
Freemasonry, 666 and Solomon’s Link
Magog is also the name given to George H.W. Bush by the Illuminati: Magog the Demon. This ties into Revelation 20:8: “And he will go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle. The number of them is as the sand of the sea. And they went up over the breadth of the earth and circled around the camp of the saints, and the beloved city. And fire came down from God out of Heaven and devoured them.” Gog and Magog were giants once worshiped in Britain with human sacrifice, and mythology attributes the city’s founding to the same. “The key to understanding the Illuminati is that it is headquartered in the London area. The Satanists (and witches) refer to Great Britain as the mother country“Fritz Springmeir notes.Continue reading →
Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism
Dr. Lawrence Britt has examined the fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia) and several Latin American regimes. Britt found 14 defining characteristics common to each: 1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, … Continue reading →
It’s On: White Dragon Society vs. The Illuminati
“The biggest worry is all the public hints about a new ‘terrorist attack’ on the U.S. to be used as an excuse to trigger martial law. However, such an attack at this time ‘would fool nobody’, the sources said.’ Many U.S. citizens might be fooled but no other government in the world would believe it. The secret government knows they cannot use their old tricks anymore’, the sources said.” Continue reading →
America Betrayed: Bush, Bin Laden, & 9/11 Part 1
America Betrayed: Bush, Bin Laden, & 9/11 Part 1 America Betrayed: Bush, Bin Laden, & 9/11 by R. Joseph, Ph.D. (University Press, $24.00, ISBN: 0971644578 Copyright ©2003 R.Joseph NOTE: This is the HTML version of a downloadable PDF by Rhawn Joseph, Ph.D. Please visit his site for more of his remarkable and …Continue reading →
Why the Klan is Protected by Democrats and Republicans
“[Allen] Dulles was not acting out of kindness. He wanted to put these men to work as spies who would murder and kill in the name of the good ‘ol USA. Even before the war ended, Dulles had begun recruiting Gestapo agents, that is, members of the German Order of Skull and Bones, the Brotherhood of Death, into what would become the American version of the Gestapo, the CIA. As recently revealed by the CIA (5) and as documented by Christopher Simpson, in his extensively researched book, Blowback, “hundreds of convicted Nazi war criminals” were “smuggled out of Germany to avoid prosecution at the war crimes trials at Nuremberg.” They were “recruited by, and were put on the payroll of several U.S. government agencies, including the Army CIC, the OSS, and the Office of Policy Coordination within the State Department.” Continue reading →
Like Hitler’s Gestapo, the mission of the CIA had a definite political purpose which was to put into power those sympathetic to the interests of the Wall Street elite and who supported the fascist ideology of the Brotherhood. However, it was not just third world countries which would be subverted, but the government of the United States.Continue reading →