Zionist meltdown as Oman tanker stunt fails to manipulate oil futures markets
The meltdown of the Zionist control grid is now public, as even the corporate mainstream propaganda media is reporting the attacks last week on tankers near Oman as “false flag.” The situation has reached the point that former U.S. colonies like Germany and Japan are openly and publicly defying the U.S. President and Secretary of State on this issue. This surreal turn of events is comparable to the fall of Communism and the Soviet Union.
In this case, we are witnessing the fall of the U.S. corporate government and (possibly) the rebirth of the Republic of the United States of America. In fact, we may even be witnessing the fall from power of the secret family groupings hiding behind monotheism.
The 13 bloodlines who have controlled monotheism are, in fact, negotiating a new system for running the planet, according to European royals and members of the White Dragon Society (WDS). If these negotiations succeed, it will be the biggest event in thousands of years of human history. If they fail, there will be chaos and bloodshed, especially among the elite, anti-bloodline Gnostic Illuminati, sources say.
Even if this sounds exaggerated, events in the actual real world do show a fundamental change. Let’s start with the failure of the false flag attack of the coast of Oman. U.S. naval intelligence and CIA sources followed the money to see who benefits from this attack. The trail led to the Rothschild-owned Glencore commodities company in Switzerland, which had positioned itself to profit from a spike in oil futures prices immediately before this attack took place, the sources say. Unfortunately, the oil futures price spike turned out to be merely a dead cat bounce and the Rothschilds failed to profit as expected. That’s because the markets, and the world, have had enough of the Zionists crying Iranian wolf, they say.
What’s interesting about this latest provocation is how even a former U.S. colony like Japan is no longer going along with the Zionist playbook. To quote from corporate news reports, “Even if it’s the United States that makes the assertion, we cannot simply say we believe it,” said a source close to Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. If having expertise sophisticated enough to conduct the attack could be a reason to conclude that the attacker was Iran, “That would apply to the United States and Israel as well,” said a source at the Foreign Ministry.
As far back as I can remember, this sort of public Japanese rebuke of a sitting U.S. administration has never happened even once since Japan lost World War II.
The attack in Oman came as Abe was in Iran trying to get Iranian agreement for a new financial system, Japanese military intelligence sources say. The Iranians were supportive, but …