April 16, 2018
Western Powers Won’t Join Russia To Strike Saudi Arabia For Using Chemical Weapons, But Send Massive Fleet After US Troops Seize Syrian Oil Fields
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A scathingly worded new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today slams the double-standard hypocrisy of the United States, Britain and France for their refusal to join a Russian-led coalition to strike Saudi Arabia for its illegal use of chemical and biological weapons in Yemen—with these Western Powers, instead, showing the true face of their “humanitarian imperialism” (that gives them the “false license” to invade anyone they so choose) by having American troops suddenly seize Syrian oil fields while the world was distracted by their illegal strikes on this country—with the United States, also, rushing 4,000 more of its troops to the Syrian-Jordanian border to support this outright theft of another nations natural resources—while at the same time, the biggest US Navy war fleet since the, likewise, 2003 illegal invasion of Iraq, continues sailing towards Syria. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
According to this report, after the United States and its Western allies, over the objections of both Russia and China, successfully abolished the 73-year-old “Law of War” adopted by the United Nations in the catastrophic aftermath of World War II to govern what is, and is not, justification for one nation attacking another—and substituted in its place a new standard that can only be described as “we believe it happened, so it’s true” to justify attacking any nation in the world suspected of using chemical weapons—the General Staff approached the United States, Britain and France yesterday to join a coalition with Russia to begin airstrikes on Saudi Arabia.
Unlike in Syria, where eyewitnesses testified that the supposed chemical attack, the West said justified their attack on that nation, was entirely made up, this report details, the use of chemical and biological weapons by Saudi Arabia in Yemen has long been documented—with the worst example being the Saudis use of biological weapons in Yemen this past October (2017) that has resulted in the worst cholera outbreak ever recorded in human history—and the emergence of a never before seen mutated “superbug” medical scientists now warn is a threat to the entire world.
The immediate urgency of building a Russian-US-UK-French coalition to begin carrying out airstrikes against the Saudis for its chemical and biological weapons use in Yemen, this report explains, is due to the highly feared Jaysh al-Islam terrorist group now leaving Syria and flooding into Yemen via Saudi Arabia—who aside from its staging of the fake chemical attack used as justification by the West to attack Syria—but whose attack these terrorists “called a farce”—this terror groups use of chemical weapons in the past makes them one of the most feared in the world.
Of the most perplexing, and ironic, positions held by the United States, which bills itself as “the world’s beacon of freedom” as it and its Western allies continue their rampage across the entire Middle East, this report says, is its continued extermination warfare against this regions Alawite and Shiite Muslims—whose tens-of-millions of followers stretch from Lebanon, through Syria and Iraq, into Iran—and whose liberal Islamic beliefs give vast freedom to women and other religious ideologies, like those of the Christian and Jewish faiths—with all of these nations, also, allowing their peoples (including women) to vote for their leaders—with Syria and Lebanon, also, even allowing their citizens to buy and consume alcohol if they so wish.
Instead of supporting these liberal Alawite and Shiite Muslim nations, though, this report says, the United States, and its Western allies, have, inexplicably, put their full power and military might behind the Sunni Muslims of this region—the most powerful of which is one of the last absolute monarchies on the planet that beheads helpless women on charges of “sorcery”, and is known as Saudi Arabia—and whom, Wikileaks has just stunningly revealed, is actually telling the Americans what to do—and as one of the Saudis secret diplomatic cables revealed with its ordering the US to “overthrow the Syrian regime, but play nice with Russia”.
Secret Saudi Arabian diplomatic cable released by Wikileaks shows order to destroy Syria at all costs—even in the United States at any time “shows no desire” to do so
Though the demonic bloodlust-loving US mainstream propaganda media continues lying to the American people by telling them that the whole world supported the illegal attack on Syria, this report continues, nothing could be further from the truth—and as, perhaps, best exampled by Czech President Miloš Zeman—who in comparing this strike to the 2003 US-led illegal invasion of Iraq, and the, also US-led, 2011 illegal attack on Libya, stated: “A clever person won’t repeat a mistake. An unintelligent person, with a mental debility, makes two mistakes, one after another. What can we say about people, who make the same mistake three times in a row? I won’t tell you, in order not to use bad words on air. ‘Stupidity’ is the most polite word that I can choose”.
Likewise, this report notes, Germany, Italy and Spain, in joining the Czech Republic, also refused to be comprised [English] by this illegal US-led attack on Syria—with German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier even going further by warning his Western allies intent on war that: “We are at the next step of escalation in the Russian-American relationship. The galloping alienation between Russia and the West must also concern us; we cannot declare Russia as a whole, the country and its people, to be an enemy. Our history speaks against it, and there is too much at stake.”
The worst condemnation of the illegal US-led strike on Syria, though, this report details, came from the world’s largest nation China—who pointed out the United States “arrogant record of launching wars on deceptive grounds”, with their further declaring that this arrogance “breeds risk and danger”—and who gravely warn:
Washington‘s attack on Syria where Russian troops are stationed constitute serious contempt for Russia’s military capabilities and political dignity. Trump, like scolding a pupil, called on Moscow, one of the world’s leading nuclear powers, to abandon its “dark path.”
Disturbingly, Washington seems to have become addicted to mocking Russia in this way…but who should know that Russia is capable of launching a destructive retaliatory attack on the West.
China delivers 1,000 tonnes of rice to Syrian people who are under a relentless extermination campaign led by the United States
With it being a 100% provable fact that lies and propaganda started nearly every war in US history, this report continues, Russia fully knows that this now labeled “Operation Desert Stormy” attack on Syria marks the official start of World War III—and is “the first war in history begun with so little support”—but whose immediate consequence will see Russia not having to respond in force to American bombs, or have to engage US forces directly—as all that has to be done now by Russia is to outlast the Americans—and that is due to the stark reality that Russia can never be defeated in any war of any kind—and whose only enemies in the world today are the United States and its allies, who, for the past 17 years, haven’t even been able to achieve victory fighting against nomadic peoples in Iraq and Afghanistan—and whose past defeats include the Vietnam War the American’s and their allies didn’t even come close to winning before their having to retreat while carrying their nearly 60,000 war dead soldiers back home—and who, sadly, died for absolutely nothing.
Knowing this fact too, this report notes, are some of the vilest Islamic terrorists in Syria, who, immediately after this illegal US-led attack, quickly surrendered—thus leading Syrian President Bashar Assad to declare that his nation “was no longer afraid of NATO”, and, likewise, caused the Syrian people to flood into streets proclaiming that they were “no longer afraid of Western aggression”—and who, also, thanked both Russia and the Syrian Army for protecting them being exterminated by the West and Saudi Arabia.
Syrian people flood into the streets waving Russia and Syria flags in celebration of defeat of Western aggression on 15 April 2018
With the anti-Christ demonic-globalist-led West never to be trusted, however, and in an effort to forestall any further Western aggression against Syria, this report concludes, President Putin has ordered the immediate deployment to Syria of massive numbers of tanks, military trucks and armored patrol boats—that the ever lying US mainstream propaganda media is failing to inform the American people that they are, in essence, paying for every time they put petrol (gasoline) in their vehicles—as the price per barrel of oil skyrockets with every war move and Russian sanction action the US and its Western allies make—but whose main global beneficiary of is, of course, Russia—that bases its entire national budget on oil being $40 a barrel—and whose price over that (like today being nearly $70 a barrel) pumps hundreds-of-millions of dollars daily into the Russian economy directly from the pockets of these Western peoples who are never allowed to know the truth—but that, nevertheless, has the Russian people thanking them for every war move and sanction they allow their “leaders” to make and impose, as it makes all of Russia richer, and the longer it lasts, the better.
Russian people cheer Western stupidity that keeps making Russia richer
April 16, 2018 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]
[Note: The WhatDoesItMean.com website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]
[Note: The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in this report refers to Russian citadels, including in Moscow, having cathedrals wherein female Schema monks (Orthodox nuns) reside, many of whom are devoted to the mission of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.]
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