October 7, 2019
Trump Averts US-Turkey War After Young Black Woman Stuns White House With Powerful Prayer
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A remarkable new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today confirming that US military forces have begun pulling out from Turkish border areas in Syria just hours before Turkey’s invasion forces struck this region, states that this aversion of what would have been a catastrophic war between NATO’s two largest military powers the United States and Turkey, was due to a last second phone call between President Donald Trump and Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan wherein it was agreed that US troops from northern Syria would pull out ahead of a Turkey military advance to expel Kurdish forces from the region—a call that, also, saw Trump, as Erdogan related to President Putin shortly afterward, stating that “I can’t let anymore beautiful kids like this die for nothing”—which was a direct reference to an orphaned African immigrant young black woman who stunned the White House with a powerful prayer pleading for God to protect Trump and their entire nation—a prayer that someone now needs to quickly invoke for the European Union as the tens-of-thousands of barbaric ISIS terrorists imprisoned in Syria now coming under Turkish control are about to be expelled and forced back to the mainly European nations they came from—a grim fate that now sees German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer warning that “Europe is on the brink of new refugee crisis ‘EVEN GREATER’ than 2015”—and comes at the same time the US-Iran Silent War has suddenly transformed into an “Iraq Uprising” whose rising by the hour dead and wounded toll now numbers in the thousands. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
Young African immigrant Mahalet (above-left) stuns White House with powerful prayer (2:00 minute mark in above video) President Donald Trump cited as reason not to go to war with Turkey.
According to this report, while President Trump has for now averted a catastrophic US-Turkey war, he is still battling back against the even more dangerous “anti-American pro-globalist coup d’état” seeking to destroy him—a destruction that his socialist Democrat Party demonic enemies are laughably calling an “impeachment”—and whose insanities about have now reached the lunatic level as these Democrats are now proclaiming that they’re going to repeatedly impeach Trump over and over again—with their exactly declaring: “There is nothing in the Constitution that prevents a president from being impeached more than once!”
As to what exactly President Trump has done to deserve being impeached over and over again by these leftist Democrat lunatics, this report continues, no one of sane mind anywhere in the world is able to quite figure out—most particularly because all that Trump has apparently done was begin a long overdue corruption investigation into Ukraine—an Eastern European nation that’s ranked as the third most corrupt country in the world out of the 180 nations examined by international experts—now has revealed about it new bombshell audio and email evidence proving that they colluded with the Democrat Party during the 2016 US Presidential Election to boost Hillary Clinton while harming Trump—and it further shockingly being just exposed that when the leftist Politico news service started to report on Joe Biden’s corruption there, this former Obama Vice President exploded in uncontrolled rage at Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko screaming at him “You fucked up! What we were working on all leaked to the press!”—thus making it more than reasonable why even the leftist USA Today newspaper is now reporting that by a 2-to-1 margin Americans say investigating Biden’s “unseemly” behavior is legitimate—as well as another new poll showing that 57% of respondents support a Justice Department probe on former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden regarding their actions in both Ukraine and China.
With an overwhelming number of Americans supporting a US criminal investigation into the corruption crimes Joe Biden and his son Hunter committed in Ukraine, this report notes, these peoples wanting answers were joined on Friday when the Ukrainian Prosecutor General announced that Hunter Biden and Burisma energy exploration and production company may be linked to around 15 criminal cases—true facts that the powerful Republican Party US Senator Ron Johnson attempted to talk about yesterday during his appearance on the leftist American television news programme Meet The Press—that is until its leftist lunatic host Chuck Todd went into full meltdown and screamed that Johnson was spreading “Fox News conspiracy theories”—which Senator Johnson responded to by firing right back with evidence and proof of how Trump was set up by Obama’s FBI and CIA—and when pushed by maniacal leftist Todd—then saw Senator Johnson flat out telling him: “I do not trust the FBI or CIA”—a response that immediately linked Senator Johnson to the late Democrat Party US Senator Frank Church, who, in 1975, set up the United States Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities (aka Church Committee) to root out and expose FBI and CIA corruption that was as bad then as it became under the corrupt Obama-Clinton Regime.
In long-long-ago America, the Democrat Party once really fought against corruption in their intelligence agencies.
All during this past week, this report further notes, socialist Democrat Party members of the US House of Representatives spread out across America to preach their vile and demonic lying gospel of Trump impeachment hysteria—but who were met by the base of Trump voters who’ve remained loyal to him through fake scandal after fake scandal—best exampled by socialist Democrat US Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin who was blasted by her voters for spreading “Fake News” lies about Trump’s Ukraine call—that, in turn, caused these socialist Democrats to recoil in fear and horror because the American people were no longer listening to or believing leftist mainstream media lapdog lies about Trump—a fear so pronounced it caused Joe Biden donors to gather for an emergency closed-door meeting as his campaign loses steam—steam picked up by Biden’s top leftist rival US Senator Elizabeth Warren—who then, beyond all belief, used her new steam to lie and say she was once fired for being pregnant when no such thing ever happened—a blatant lie she then followed up with another one claiming that her father was a janitor, when, in fact, he was a US Army flight instructor.
All of which explains, this report concludes, why, after President Trump sent out a single Tweet asking people in Louisiana to vote for Republicans in a little noticed 12 October primary election, they massively responded, particularly among Republicans and Independents, and whose specific current totals are “Republican turnout volume is up 84%, while Independent turnout is up 80%, compared to Democratic turnout being only up a measly 36%”—a massive response most likely spurred by the powerful Republican Party US Senator Lindsey Graham vowing that whistleblowers will have no anonymity and lying House Intel Chief Adam Schiff will be a witness in any impeachment trial against Trump—but is an impeachment trial no one should hold their breaths for as US Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has just vowed it will never happen, and who exactly said: “Nancy Pelosi’s in the clutches of a left-wing mob…They finally convinced her to impeach the president … All of you know your Constitution…The way that impeachment stops is a Republican Senate majority with me as majority leader”.
October 7, 2019 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human being’s right to know the truth. Due to our mission’s conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]
[Note: The WhatDoesItMean.com website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green(1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]
[Note: The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in this report refers to Russian citadels, including in Moscow, having cathedrals wherein female Schema monks (Orthodox nuns) reside, many of whom are devoted to the mission of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.]
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