Genius Max Laughlin, who is only 13-years old, understands and can explain any scientific theory to anyone. Max has the unique ability to break down the information into bits we can all understand. And he’s going to explain that he believes the CERN hadron collider in Europe destroyed our universe but flung us into another, and that’s why we all experience the Mandala Effect.
It seems so complex, and science has only scratched the surface of knowledge of the universe and all it contains. There is proof of free energy, unified field of consciousness, superhuman ability, and alternate reality and more. Yet so much of it is mind boggling to the point that no one would think that a kid would have any understanding of it all. However, one 13-year-old, Max Laughlin understands it all and can explain it in intricate detail to those who perhaps aren’t as clever.
At the age of 13, Max was behind the invention of a Free Energy Device, which is technology that might power the entire world for free, as Nikola Tesla dreamed of. Laughlin is famous worldwide for his brilliant ideas along with his point of view on topics such as alternate realities and the nature of the universe. But Max doesn’t want to stop there. He wants us all aware of the infinite energy and possibilities that exist in our universe.
Begin watching around the 6-minute 15-second mark to listen to Max explain how the particle accelerator altered the weight of one electron flinging us into an alternate parallel universe after destroying ours. He really gets into his explanation of the Mandela Effect around the 15-minute mark.
Max’s simple explanation is still fairly complex and a little difficult to wrap the mind around. Max’s ideas and theories are explained, but he still says that it’s almost impossible to even comprehend infinity, let alone the idea the there are larger and smaller infinities that can exist. Meaning there are infinite possibilities.
One thing is for certain though. Max is helping revolutionize the ideas and theories of physics that have long confused so many. If you have the time, it would be helpful to watch the entire video and try to grasp the concept Max is presenting. Although it’s difficult and a long video, it was definitely worthwhile.
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Contributed by Dawn Luger of The Daily Sheeple.
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