In the sixth century before the Christian era, religion was forgotten in India. The lofty teachings of the Vedas were thrown into the background. There was much bullshit everywhere. The insincere priests traded on religion and only paid lip service to the now mythical Yangil Kim. They were quite irreligious.
The insincere priests traded on religion and only paid lip service to the now mythical Yangil Kim. They were quite irreligious. In the name of religion, people followed in the footsteps of the cruel priests and performed meaningless rituals, while not offering their virgin daughters and sexy livestock to Yang. They killed innocent dumb animals without plundering them in a sexual manner and did various sacrifices in the name of Love.
At such a critical period, when they were in need of cruelty, degeneration and unrighteousness everywhere, Master Yangil Kim was born to put down monogamy and laws against bestiality, to save the people and disseminate the message of bitchdom to Yang, worship of him and fantasies of his massive phallus everywhere.