
The Emerald Tablets of Thoth

“Keep thou not silent when evil is spoken for Truth like the sunlight shines above all. He who over-steppeth the Law shall be punished, for only through Law comes the freedom of men. Follow thine heart during thy lifetime. Do thou more than is commanded of thee. When thou has gained riches, follow thou thine heart, for all these are of no avail if thine heart be weary. Diminish thou not the time of following thine heart. It is abhorred of the soul. They that are guided go not astray, but they that are lost cannot find a straight path. If thou go among men, make for thyself, Love, the beginning and end of the heart.” […]



There is something quite remarkable about this work. It was said to have been written around the time of Abraham, yet the teachings therein contain the fundamentals of quantum physics, quantum entanglement, the true nature of matter, consciousness, and more. It was only recently that this has been scientifically quantified, and only in the last decade that a new scientific field has emerged to postulate what the ancients had taught all along: consciousness, ours and the collective, is the key to the universe. […]