Sorcha Faal

The Shocking Rise Of “Russiagate” Cult In America

The most insidious power of a cult, this report explains, are its “cult leaders” ability to make their devotees fervently believe the exact opposite of facts and truth—best exampled in this case by Hillary Clinton being paid up to $140 million to sell Russia up to 20% of American uranium reserves—her husband former President Bill Clinton being paid $500,000 to make a barely 30-minute speech in Moscow—and her Campaign Manager John Podesta receiving $35 million from Russia—but all of whom than led the charge to astoundingly accuse Trump of “colluding” with Russia. […]

Sister Ciara

Red Religious Forces Backing Trump Push “Deep State” Blue Church To Brink Of Total Destruction

In May-2001, just 5 months prior to the 11 September 2001 attack upon America, the US Department of Defense conducted a major war game exercise called Unified Vision 2001—and whose success was typified in the comment made by Dave Ozolek, Assistant Director of the then-Joint Experimentation Directorate who said: “Nostradamus couldn’t have nailed the first battle of the next war any closer than we did”. Strongly disagreeing with this assessment, however, was US Marine General Paul Van Riper–who was the “Red Team” leader in this war game taking on American military forces—and who was angered that during one crucial engagement during Unified Vision 2001, he was “informed” by the “White Cell”, or “control”, overseeing the game that the United States had destroyed all 21 of the “Red Team’s” deeply buried ballistic missiles, even though the “Blue Team” commander never actually knew where they were located. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Secret Ordo Illuminatus Religious Commandments vs. Reality

So the secret Ordo Illuminatus religious commandments have been exposed, and they’re not too different from the days of Adam Weishaupt in the late 1700s. Strange how many are self-evident realities, primarily the role of fake news, courtesy of the legacy media’s for-profit and therefore biased model. For the master plan to work, humans must adopt a binary system of truth vs. falsehood, which is being done by Facebook and Google to weed out the “fake news” they peddle from the establishment media that as a for-profit model, have no incentive to tell the truth. […]