Conjuring the Dead for State Affairs Casts Doubts on Hillary’s Psychological Stability
If Eleanor did speak, she did well in getting the former president to mention the fact that she communes with the dead on a regular basis, because it confirms what many already know: Miss Cleo is a terrible foreign policy adviser. In Macbeth, a classic tragedy, Shakespeare addresses this and the question of free will. Macbeth, a Scottish lord meets three witches after winning a battle. They call him "Thane of Cawdor" and "future King of Scotland" before this even happens. But King Duncan, though rewarding him with the title of the recently executed Thane of Cawdor, announces that his son will be heir to the throne. Macbeth believes that he has to kill the king now to fulfill the prophecy of the witches. Once Macbeth becomes king, however, he becomes so paranoid about losing power that he starts killing everyone around him, Kissinger style. Eventually his friends turn on him, and then even his army. […]