Donald Trump

Urgent Apppeal to REINSTATE Secret Service Protection for Sen. Bernie Sanders

It should be no surprise that so many in the Bush cabinet are supporting Hillary now: Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, and Karl Rove. Notes on how the Clintons collaborated with Karl Rove and tech guru Mikey Cunnygnham to rig 2000, 2008, 2016 election. Appeal to reinstate Secret Service protection for Sen. Bernie Sanders over highly credible threat to his life. A pattern emerges: notes on Donald Trump assassination attempt in Vegas in late June.  A brief background on May 6, 2016 amendment to 1963 post-Kennedy assassination executive order for a peaceful presidential transition,  Obama's Executive Order — Facilitation of a Presidential Transition. Hillary's "Bernie bump" fails to materialize, Hillary actually drops in polls, below Trump, after Bernie's coerced endorsement. […]


It’s On: White Dragon Society vs. The Illuminati

This is the actual Illuminati discussed by President George Washington in 1798: "Despite the positive developments, the biggest worry is all the public hints about a new 'terrorist attack' on the U.S. to be used as an excuse to trigger martial law. However, such an attack at this time 'would fool nobody', the sources said.' Many U.S. citizens might be fooled but no other government in the world would believe it. The secret government knows they cannot use their old tricks anymore', the sources said." […]