Nuclear Armed “Dirty Bomb” Alert For US Intended To Cripple President Trump Linked To Soros-Clinton Terror Cell
A Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) “alert advisory” bulletin shows that the United States National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) is preparing to raise its terrorist threat level to “imminent” after the New York City capture of a known Islamic radical terrorist named Moayad Heider Mohammad Aldairi—who smuggled into the US at least 6 known Special Interest Aliens (SIA) from Mexico whom the Policía Federal (PF) identified as being responsible for the theft of radioactive material designated as Iridium-192—whose most feared use would be in a Radiological Dispersal Device (RDD) [known as a “dirty bomb”]—and that SVR analysts speculate will be detonated in the US as a means to cripple the efficacy of President Trump—and whose “trail of conspirators” behind this plot lead directly to Hillary Clinton and her “puppetmaster” George Soros. […]