Benjamin Fulford 

Vatican bribery accounts for 6,000 so-called world leaders have been shut down

The world is headed for some fundamental changes now, thanks to an ongoing coup d’état against the secret government of the West, according to both Eastern and Western secret society sources.  The biggest change is that convicted pedophile Cardinal George Pell has been relieved of control of the Istituto per le Opere di Religione (Institute for Religious Works)—that is to say, the Vatican Bank.  This means the bribery accounts of over 6,000 so-called world leaders have fallen out of satanic P2 Freemason control, according to the sources. […]

Clinton Foundation

FBI Reveals DNC Itself Complicit in Racketeering

Hillary’s coronation was strange indeed. From the beginning, the DNC was ruthlessly suppressing all challengers, and even members of Congress who supported Sanders were warned not to, or else. Only four known Democrats in Congress, out of hundreds, are not supporting Hillary Clinton. That’s a shakedown. That is the essence of racketeering: cooperate, or else. That’s why otherwise reasonable people say Hillary’s phony lead is “insurmountable.” But for the hundreds of delegates who announced their support before Sanders even ran, willing and unwilling, and those pledged now and are in any way tied to the Hillary Victory Fund, this would be a good time to distance themselves from ground zero. […]