President Trump Blueprint For Military Takeover Of America Goes On Full Display In Venezuela
Equally as critical to note about this US-led coup now taking place in Venezuela, this report concludes, is that as the Americans will never allow a leftist-socialist regime to take power in their hemisphere, they most certainly will never allow one to take power in their own country—and as a protection against, the pro-Trump conservative publication Townhall actually outlined the blueprint for the total destruction of leftist-socialist forces in the United States that eerily matches what is now occurring in Venezuela—and wherein they fully detailed this blueprint in two articles titled “The Military Coup Against Donald Trump-Part 1” and “The Military Coup Against Donald Trump-Part 2”—and whose final warning that applies to leftist-socialists in the US and Venezuela alike states: And it came to pass that the government power abused by the plotters was, in turn, used by the elected government to preserve itself against future threats. Those who had been subject to the failed coup saw no other alternative in order to protect the will of the people. So in a way, the plotters succeeded. They had sought to overturn our Republic. They just weren’t the ones left standing after they did. […]