“Off The Chains” Trump Goes “Full Animal”
The main problem with President Trump’s “worse than Watergate” scandal, though, this report notes, was the fact it was all built on lies perpetrated, made up and spread by the liberal mainstream itself in what is now being called “one of the greatest hoaxes in US history”—and after whose exposure of this being so by Special Counsel Mueller, now sees Trump aides relieved, elated “and out for payback”—most particularly President Trump, who yesterday warned of the “payback coming for his evil enemies—all of whom (at least those having any sanity left) should be cowering in fear right now as Trump actually “went there” and warned they did “treasonous things against our country”—specifically, their committing the grave crime of colluding with the Democrat Party to spread their lies in order to steal the 2018 Midterm Election—that is a US federal treasonous offense as they all conspired to overthrow their own government in order to illegally win that election. […]