Kavanaugh Accuser Blasey-Ford Exposed As FBI Operative Working For Former FBI Deputy Director McCabe

According to this report, one of the greatest in history SVR intelligence operation failures occurred in 2010 when FBI officials arrested 10 Russian deep-cover operatives performing covert surveillance activities in the United States—the most famous of them being Anna Vasil’yevna Kushchyenko, otherwise known as Anna Chapman—but all of whom were safely returned to the Motherland a month after their arrest in a spy-swap arranged between Russia, the United States and Britain. […]

Sorcha Faal

Kavanaugh Accuser Rakes In $400,000 For False Testimony—That Trump Responds To By Sending B-52’s To China Doorstep

S Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats grimly warned that the Chinese were now attacking Local and State governments throughout the United States—and whose purpose for doing so President Trump grimly revealed, a few hours later, by his warning that China’s intent is to blatantly interfere in the 2018 Midterm Elections in order to elect his leftist Democratic opponents—and that Trump had prepared for, just weeks ago, by his declaring a National Emergency, whose most fateful consequence of mandates a US military response to anyone, either foreign or domestic, interfering in this soon upcoming election. […]