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July 18, 2017
Russia Stunned After Obama’s Private Interpreter Revealed To Be At Donald Trump Jr. Meeting
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A sensational new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today is expressing “stun and shock” after the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) confirmed that the Russian language interpreter for former US President Barak Obama and former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton attended a June 2016, meeting in New York City held between the main parties attending—previously identified as Donald Trump Jr.and Russia attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya—of whom the latter (Veselnitskaya) has been identified by various Russian intelligence sources as an “anti-Trump” FBI “snitch for James Comey” who had a “torrid affair” with a New York Times reporter seeking to destroy President Donald Trump. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
Donald Trump Jr. (left) and Natalia Veselnitskaya (right)
According to this report, of the now estimated 8 people to have attended this meeting between Trump Jr. and Veselnitskaya in June 2016, was Anatoli Samochornov—who until last week was listed as a Project Managerfor the US State Department’s Meridian International Center, and one of whose “central/main” duties was acting as an “interpreter at high level UN and private sector meetings for the Secretary of State and other VIP’s”.
US State Department profile page of Anatoli Samochornov with 2005 photo
Having worked in the US State Department from January 2005 to July 2017, this report continues, Anatoli Samochornov has long been known to the Federal Security Service (FSB) division that protects President Putin—and whose last “contact/interaction” with this US government Russian language interpreter was in September 2015 during a meeting held at the United Nations offices in New York City between President Putin and President Obama.
US government Russian language interpreter Anatoli Samochornov (center right/wearing glasses) at 2015 UN meeting held between President’s Obama and Putin
Important to note about Anatoli Samochornov, this report details, is that aside from his interpretation duties for President Obama and Secretary Clinton, he, also, and at least since 2010, worked closely with the FBI’s New York City Field Office—and that was then under the direction of the Obama regimes FBI Director Robert Muller—but who now is leading an investigation into President Trump’s supposed “ties with Russia”.
With both Natalia Veselnitskaya and Anatoli Samochornov now being associated with the FBI, the Obama regime, and Hillary Clinton’s campaign, this report says, the only “true/real” determination that can logically be made about the June 2016 between them and Donald Trump Jr. was that it was a counter-intelligence operation—but whose true purpose and meaning have yet to be fully determined.
MoFA analysts in this report, however, note that SVR intelligence operatives have joined the global manhunt for a former British intelligence officer named Renwick Haddow who was known to have associated with Anatoli Samochornov in New York City.
Renwick Haddow (aka “Jonathon Black”), this report explains, was one of the main fundraisers, in 2009, of the British passed private investigation firm Orbis Business Intelligence founded by former MI6 agent Christopher Steele—and that colluded with a shadowy American political opposition research firm named Fusion-GPS to produce what is now known as the “Trump Dossier” whose entire contents were revealed to have been created solely to smear than presidential candidate Donald Trump.
One of numerous photos said to be of former British spy, and now international fugitive, Renwick Haddow
Shortly after assuming the US presidency, this report continues, President Trump nominated the prominent New York litigator, and Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz (one of the powerful law firms in the US) partner for more than two decades (since 1994), George T. Conway III (the husband of Trump’s campaign manager Kellyanne Conway) to head the Civil Division at the US Department of Justice—which Conway eventually turned down, but not before his making one of his law firms litigation associates, named Vladislav Vainberg, an Assistant US Attorney in New York City.
Nearly immediately upon becoming an Assistant US Attorney for President Trump, this report details, Vladislav Vainberg began documenting the crimes of the former British spy Renwick Haddow—and that led to Haddow being indicted on multiple US money laundering and fraud charges on 30 June (2017)—with no one being able to fully explain how the FBI let Haddow slip from their surveillance to become an international fugitive—and that SVR believes is on the run with Zoe Miller (sometimes Chloe Miller in Bar Works’ press releases) who appears to be his Eastern European wife Zoia.
Most concerning to the SVR about Renwick Haddow, this report continues, is how this former British spy was able to not only gain entrance to the United States, but was, also, able to set up multiple “false front” companies while the Obama-Clinton regime was in power—especially since this international criminal’s crimes have long been known and he remains under indictment in Britain.
No one seems (at least publically) to know what British spy Renwick Haddow looks like, Click HERE to learn more.
Interesting to note too in this report are SVR intelligence experts stating that the British spy Renwick Haddow is “more than likely” running in fear of his life—but not from President Trump’s US Attorney Vladislav Vainberg (who is in charge of this case) but rather from “Deep State” forces loyal to Hillary Clinton—and as evidenced by the “suiciding” of the top Haitian government official Klaus Eberwein this week just prior to his testifying of the crimes committed by both Hillary Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton.
Having come to the United States to testify in a US court against the Clinton’s, this report explains, Klaus Eberwein’s warning that his life was danger proved all too true when he was discovered in his Miami, Florida, hotel room dead from a single gunshot to his head—and that the American “fake news” media has yet to report the facts of to their citizens.
And to the exact “Deep State” loyalists President Trump is battling against, this report concludes, none is proving more formidable than Hillary Clinton—and who was scathingly, yet accurately, portrayed yesterday by the American billionaire philanthropist Gary Heaven who said for all the world to hear upon his learning of the assassination of Klaus Eberwein:
“Hillary, let me give you a word. First of all I’m wealthier than you are, and here I am with my money, my hands. I’m flying aircraft into these dangerous situations.
The head of the Senate here in Haiti said that it of the billions that you collected for these children here only 2%! 2% was used! You are a grand level thief and the world needs to know about it, Americans need to know about it.
If we dare trust you with anything we’re fools, and you know, you’ve proven it over and over again, but Haiti you can’t explain this away.
Look around. Do you see any Clinton fund trucks or airplanes? Isn’t here and I’m an eyewitness. You have the audacity to act as if you care about people. I know you’re a psychopath.
You probably get a kick out of the fact that you’re getting away with this grand theft, and it’s because the media the mainstream media in America is your lapdog. I don’t know whether they’re afraid of you, or they buy into your nonsense but I’m not afraid of you. I’m going to challenge you everywhere I can and I’m asking the hundreds of thousands of people who are watching this to get involved, get the word out, get this viral.
Hillary Clinton, with what you’ve done selling state secrets, selling uranium to our so-called enemy, picking a fight with Russia, taking us to the verge of World War 3 but media doesn’t tell us about it. You are the wicked person on this planet, and every time I put food in the mouths of these children I think of what a creepy witch you are. So damn you!
This is what you should be doing but you don’t even understand. You’re a psychopath who gets power off getting away with this, and I understand this. You don’t care what I’m saying. The American people who are going to go vote, especially the black Americans, these are black people here that I’m taking care of.
The black Americans need to know that you use them for their vote and then you throw them away. You keep them America like Detroit, impoverished, as you have power and control of black Americans. SHAME on you! They’re waking up.
I’m not a great Trump fan but he’s not bought and paid by the elites, not bought and paid by the shadow government. Hillary we’re on to you, and we have time to wake the American people up, and get you out of our lives once and for all .. you miserable wretch!”
Other reports in this series include:
Hacked Government Emails Reveal “Fake News” Plot Destroying US Was Devised In Russia
Russian Lawyer Who Met Trump Son Had “Torrid Affair” With New York Times Reporter
Russian Lawyer At Heart Of Trump Probe Revealed To Be James Comey’s “FBI Snitch”
Enormity Of Hillary Clinton Penetration Into Russia Warned Could Topple US Government
July 18, 2017 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]
[Note: The WhatDoesItMean.com website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]
[Note: The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in this report refers to Russian citadels, including in Moscow, having cathedrals wherein female Schema monks (Orthodox nuns) reside, many of whom are devoted to the mission of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.]
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