Sorcha Faal

Barr Disembowels Media As Durham Arrests Warned Are Ready To Begin

A compelling new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting how just 24-hours after United States Attorney General William Barr stated that more criminal charges might be coming from feared United States Attorney John Durham against the coup plotters who targeted President Donald Trump, he erupted to disembowel the leftist mainstream media establishment by angrily declaring: “They’re basically a collection of liars…Most of the mainstream media…They’re a collection of liars and they know exactly what they’re doing”, says most important to notice about this righteous outburst coming from America’s top law enforcement officer was its occurring immediately after the leftist Hartford Courant published their article headlined “Nora Dannehy, Connecticut Prosecutor Who Was Top Aide To John Durham’s Trump-Russia investigation, Resigns Amid Concern About Pressure From Attorney General William Barr”—a lying headline this leftist hit piece admitted by telling the truth that “Her resignation from the Department of Justice was by email Thursday evening…The short email was a brief farewell message and said nothing about political pressure”—but whose true purpose of was to begin a leftist media avalanche of other such lying articles like: “Durham Aide Quits Amid Pressure On Russiagate Probe”, “Prosecutor Resigns Over Pressure From William Barr” and “Prosecutor Resigns From Durham Probe Citing Concerns About Political Pressure”—lying leftist articles that left the Wall Street Journal standing all alone in stating truthful facts in their article “Top Aide to John Durham Russian Probe Inquiry Resigns”—but most critical to note about the resignation of Nora Dannehy, is that she wasn’t hired by US Attorney Durham to be a courtroom prosecutor, as her exact legal specialty is in the putting together of complex white collar and public corruption cases—and by leaving shows that her work is done—thus meaning that US Attorney Durham can now begin making arrests. […]

Sorcha Faal

Antifa Committee To Re-Elect Trump Meets Tech Giant Vow To Let Media Decide Election

An intriguing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the 19th Anniversary of 11 September 2001 attacks on the United States, says it’s fitting that United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has chosen this day to make his historic journey to send Afghanistan on its “Next Step Trajectory” towards peace, and by late fall will see the US being down to roughly 4,500 soldiers in that war torn country—though while this war is ending, the one that will determine the fate of America is just getting started—a war that sees President Donald Trump refusing to back down to Communist China social media giant TikTok and declaring: “I’m not extending deadlines, no…It’s September 15…There will be no extension of the TikTok deadline”—which means this popular application won’t be able to interfere in an election that experts are now saying about “there’s no reason America has to wait weeks for final results”—but stands opposed to socialist tech giant Twitter, that says its new rules will flag President Trump if he claims an early victory—and even more ominously, stands opposed to socialist tech giant Facebook, whose leader Mark Zuckerberg has just declared that this election “may take weeks” while “causing civil unrest” and “won’t be decided until the media creates a consensus on who the next President should be”—a shock declaration as one supposes it’s the American people who choose their President, not the leftist mainstream propaganda media establishment—though this does conform with what the leftist media believes itself to be, as best stated by MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski, who while enraged that President Trump was speaking directly to the American people, stunned the world by stating out loud the hidden truth: “He could have undermined the messaging so much that he can actually control exactly what people think…And that, that is our job”—a “job” to control the minds of the American people, however, that Brzezinski and her fellow leftist media comrades are miserably failing in doing—as while they try to keep hidden from the American people the truth about Biden terrorists tearing their nation apart, they hilariously created a new organization that’s being called the “Antifa Committee To Re-Elect The President”—a term coined by the New York Post in their article “The Ugly Privilege Of Rich White Protesters” wherein it points out that all of the Biden terrorists belonging to the “New Afrikan Black Panther Party” are white—and not just white, but are the pampered and privileged children of rich elite parents.  […]

Sorcha Faal

False Flag Nuke Fears Rise After FBI Strikes Most Secret Core Of Deep State

A highly-classified “Of Special Importance” new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today says normal hourly decryption of signal intelligence (SIGINT) communications emanating between various headquarter centers of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), revealed that at 0300 hrs -5 GMT on 9 September, an elite Hazardous Evidence Response Team (HERT) of FBI agents and technicians that responds to incidents and threats involving weapons of mass destruction, conducts investigations of terrorism and the criminal use of chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear materials, left Washington D.C. en route to Boston-Massachusetts—where upon arriving, they traveled via an armed convoy to Ludlow-Massachusetts—where FBI agents from Boston had already set up a 1-mile cordon surrounding an over $400,000-valued mansion located in that small city at 14 Harvest Drive—and when reaching, saw this elite team of FBI agents and technicians raiding this mansion. […]

Sorcha Faal

American People Beguiled By Socialist Fantasies Don’t Know Scamdemic Is Over

A thought-provoking new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing a Ministry of Health (MoH) document describing study findings published in The Lancet medial journal about Russia’s first in the world coronavirus vaccine—named “Sputnik V”—that has shown promising results in the early stages of human trials, says this beginning of the end for the global COVID-19 pandemic is being met in Brazil with its peoples flocking to the beaches in celebration of their 7-September Independence Day, while in Communist China, its peoples are packing pool parties, nightclubs and bars from Wuhan to Beijing are “Partying Like It’s 2019”—and most important to know about, are peoples who rely on information about COVID-19 given to them by their official government health information websites on a daily basis. […]

Sorcha Faal

Massive Patriot Naval Fleet Comes To Rescue After Socialist Apple Falls On Trump’s Head

An insightful new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the latest attempts being used by the socialist Democrat Party to win their election against President Donald Trump, says most notable are their tactics going beyond the American idiom “scrape the bottom of the barrel” to using the entire barrel itself—and is an idiom defined as “using the last or worst of the resources or options from a particular range or set, even if they are not satisfactory, because there are no others to choose from”—best exampled over the past 24-hours by these socialist Democrats celebrating the book “Disloyal: A Memoir: The True Story of the Former Personal Attorney to President Donald J. Trump” written by convicted criminal felon Michael Cohen, that comically “calls Trump a cheat who sought help from Russia”—and celebrating the book “Compromised: Counterintelligence and the Threat of Donald J. Trump” written by soon to be convicted criminal felon fired and disgraced former FBI official Peter Strzok, that beyond laughably suggests that President Trump was “a full-fledged mind controlled “Manchurian Candidate” for Russia”—deranged celebrations joined by socialist Democrat Party leader Hillary Clinton, who posted an epic unhinged video slamming President Trump and Russia while her husband former President Bill Clinton looked on in helpless anguish—that’s best described by conservative Hollywood actor James Woods, who wrote about this Bill Clinton hostage video saying: “From the Lolita Express and hummers in the Oval Office to forced quarantining with Satan’s bride…Karma is a bitch”.     […]

Sorcha Faal

Biden Forces Unleash “Rampage Revolution” In Last-Gasp Bid To Overthrow Trump

A foreboding new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today examining the grave events presently occurring in Rochester-New York, that during the past few hours has seen over 5,000 socialist Democrat Party and Joe Biden aligned revolutionary terrorists rampaging through this once peaceful city of about 200,000 people, says as its terrified citizens cower in fear while watching the roofs of their homes being climbed on by these terrorists destroying everything in their path, the rest of the American people better take quick notice as the terror that’s happening there is soon to be visiting them—a warning being shouted out by the leftist mainstream propaganda media establishment supporting these socialist revolutionaries—best exampled in the leftist New York Times article “Trump Might Cheat-Activists Are Getting Ready” that warns: “Election sabotage needs to be met with the largest protests yet….A show of numbers in the streets — and actions in the streets — may be decisive factors in determining what the public perceives as a just and legitimate outcome”—exampled by socialist Democrat Party leader Bernie Sanders now warning: “We need to alert the American people about what a nightmarish scenario might look like”—exampled by the shocking revelation of the “Election Coup Playbook” prepared by globalist-socialist leader George Soros, that demands America abandon Constitutional norms and calls for socialist revolutionary street fights—and exampled by the leftist Washington Post in their article “The Election Will Likely Spark Violence — And A Constitutional Crisis” that warns: “Mass mobilization is no guarantee that our democracy will survive — but if things go as badly as our exercises suggest they might, a sustained, nonviolent protest movement may be America’s best and final hope”—warnings being met by the article “False Flag Is Biden’s Only Chance To Win”, that points out the reality that Biden’s socialist forces “used the lockdowns to create an army of ready-made protestors with nothing else to do and little hope for the future”—all of which makes explainable the just released news alert that says: “Americans respond to riots, crime fears by buying more guns as Smith & Wesson reports ‘UNPARALLELED’ demand”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Democrats Fail To Remember “Gozer The Gozerian” As Biden Warns “They’ll Shoot Me”

A fascinating new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today says that as expected. the socialist Democrat Party supporting leftist mainstream media establishment have unleashed a massive lie-filled propaganda smear campaign against President Donald Trump—a smear campaign that sees the leftist media vomiting up obvious garbage anonymous hit pieces on Trump—that in the past 72-hours alone has seen them spreading an “overt lie” falsely claiming White House scientists are planning a herd immunity scheme against COVID-19—saw them spreading the provably false claim that Trump was treated for mini-strokes—and now even sees them vilely claiming that Trump insulted dead and disabled American troops by calling them “losers” and “suckers”—the last to which President Trump angrily replied “What animal would say such a thing?”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Biden Orders Arrest Of Young Pregnant Mother As Fear Warning To Trump Supporters

A disquieting new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing an at first seemingly ordinary Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) highly-classified “Of Special Importance” document related to recent political activities occurring in the Commonwealth of Australia, becomes absolutely gobsmacking when this transcript sees Security Council Members discussing the significance of the over 100 electronic intercepts collected by the SVR over the past fortnight between 438 Docklands Drive, Docklands, Victoria-Australia and 1500 Market Street, Philadelphia-Pennsylvania—with one address being the headquarters of the Australian Labor Party (ALP) led by Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews, and the other being the Joe Biden 2020 Campaign Headquarters—a series of communications between socialist leaders Premier Andrews and Joe Biden one could assume builds upon their personal relationship since they first met in July-2016—a relationship between these two socialist leaders, however, that took on a horrifying new meaning this week when Premier Andrews ordered the arrest of a 28-year-old Zoe Lee-Buhler—a young pregnant mother who was brutally arrested and handcuffed in front of her two sobbing children, and whose phone and electronics, along with those of her sister and her children’s father James Timmins, were confiscated—and who was charged with incitement and faces a $20,000 fine for creating the “Freedom Day Ballarat” event page on Facebook to protest her region’s COVID-19 lockdown—a beyond shocking arrest that not only stunned the peoples in Australia, but even more critically, has enraged tens-of-millions of Trump supporters in America—which according to the research done by  Emeritus Professor Frank Furedi at the University of Kent-Canterbury, was the main point in having this young pregnant mother arrested—and as he documented in his 1986 book “The Soviet Union Demystified: A Materialist Analysis”, that described how socialist leaders like Premier Andrews and Joe Biden would conspire in “means and methods” on how to best instill fear in people so they could be better controlled.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Pentagon Accelerates “No Line Battlefield” War Preparations Against Socialist Democrats

An intriguing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing a Ministry of Defense (MoD) bulletin describing how peoples living in the socialist Democrat Party stronghold city of Los Angles-California became terrified a few hours ago when a fleet of US military helicopters began night maneuvers in their city’s night skies, says that what’s being described as a “bizarre spectacle” is in reality a continuation of war preparations being carried out in numerous socialist Democrat controlled cities by elite US special forces troops for the swift suppression and capturing of rebel force leaders—accelerating preparations as the Pentagon’s new war-fighting “No Line Battlefield” concept takes shape that President Donald Trump has ordered “an end-of-year deadline” to be put into place—a deadline needed as socialist Democrat Party leaders are now warning that “We are sounding an alarm and saying that this is a very real possibility, that the data is going to show on election night an incredible victory for Donald Trump”. […]

Sorcha Faal

COVID-19 Infected Mail-In Ballots Warned Could Turn American Election Into Civil War

An extremely concerning new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the grave warning just issued by United States Attorney General Barr that “highly organized violent operators are operating behind the veil of protests”, says the substance of this being true is evidenced in the shocking fact that aides working for socialist Democrat Party leader Hillary Clinton engineered a violent mob attack on Republican Party leader US Senator Rand Paul—though even more troubling about these “violent operators” is that they include socialist-globalist leader George Soros and his comrades that are pumping billions-of-dollars into an effort to turn the 3 November election into a an all mail-in voting scheme—a mail-in voting scheme making no sense, as top White House coronavirus expert Dr. Anthony Fauci has already declared that “there is no reason Americans can’t vote in person in November”—a declaration supported by top White House coronavirus expert Dr. Deborah Birx, who says “in-person voting is as safe as visiting Starbucks”—but does make sense when noticing the top socialist Democrat Party operative who anonymously confessed to the New York Post how he had been submitting thousands of fraudulent mail-in ballots over the last several decades—though the greatest danger posed by mail-in ballots due to COVID-19 is the Lancet scientific study showing that this virus remains alive on paper surfaces and money from 3-hours to 4-days—thus making it insane as to how anyone in an America where “violent operators” are in play would even risk the likelihood that mail-in paper ballots will be weaponized with COVID-19 in order to sow even more fear and chaos—a grim fact known to this anonymous top socialist Democrat Party operative, who chillingly states:“ This is a real thing…And there is going to be a fucking war coming November 3rd over this stuff”—as well as by President Donald Trump, who a few hours ago issued a warning about puppet Biden and the socialist Democrats stating: “They will have taken over your cities…It’s a revolution…You understand that…It’s a revolution and the people of this country will not stand for that”—that was joined by President Trump further grimly warning the American people that “Biden is being controlled by people in dark shadows”.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Convention Deadly Aftermath Leaves Biden-Harris Democrats Circling The Drain

An interesting new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing 2020 Republican National Convention aftermath events, that’s otherwise been branded as the “Trump Convention” and the “Culture War Convention”, says first to notice was the last night of this convention occurring at the same time a 17-year-old teenage child named Kyle Rittenhouse had to defend himself against Biden terrorists by killing two of them and shooting the arm of another before he himself was killed—Biden terrorists that were looting, rioting and burning buildings in Kenosha-Wisconsin in support of 29-year-old Jacob Blake, who was shot while resisting the police officers that were trying to arrest him for the horrific violent sexual crime he’d committed—and last evening, saw these Biden terrorists rushing into upscale neighborhoods in Kenosha to order its terrified citizens “Out Of Your House And Into The Streets”—thus making it explainable why the attorneys for Kyle Rittenhouse put out a statement defending him saying: “A 17-year old child should not have to take up arms in America to protect life and property…That is the job of state and local governments… However, those governments have failed, and law-abiding citizens have no choice but to protect their own communities as their forefathers did at Lexington and Concord in 1775”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Top CIA Officer Spreading Russia Bounty Lies And Linked To Biden-Harris Satanism Suicided

A gobsmacking new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the conflict resolution protocols established between the Russian Federation and the United States. that were established in January-2018 when the directors of Russia’s three main intelligence and espionage agencies all traveled to Washington D.C. for an historic and unprecedented series of meetings with their American counterparts, reveals that based on the findings contained in a highly-classified “Of Special Importance” brief prepared by the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has “effectively-satisfactorily” dealt with the lies being spread that Russia paid bounties to the Taliban to kill US soliders in Afghanistan—lies that began in the powerful National Intelligence Council (NIC) and were relayed to socialist Democrat Party leaders US Senator Elizabeth Warren and US Senator Kamala Harris, who then passed on these lies to leftist media outlets—lies that were invented by National Intelligence Council member top CIA officer Anthony Schinella, who has now been “suicided with a bullet to the head”—after which an FBI liaison to the CIA entered Schinella’s house and removed his passports, his secure phone, and searched through his belongings—that was followed by Schinella’s wife discovering a large collection of bondage and S&M gear that he had been hiding in his house—satanic sexual devices appearing to confirm the claims made by a 24-year-old former US Marine named Kelvin Whelly that he engaged in bondage sexual acts with Senator Warren—and the claims made by 26-year-old personal trainer Sean Newaldass that he engaged in bondage sex with Senator Harris—the same Senator Harris who’s now the vice presidential running mate for socialist Democrat Party leader Joe Biden—and whom its just been shockingly revealed about engaged in a massive cover-up of child sex abuse crimes when she was the Attorney General for the State of California—thus leaving it unknown as to how far this satanic bondage sexual ring has penetrated into the leadership of the socialist Democrat Party and the leftist mainstream media establishment—but does give further confirmation to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) assessment that the final night of the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris convention last week “was an actual satanic child sacrifice ritual”—an assessment being further confirmed by top President Trump confidante Scott Adams, who says he now sees “satanic coincidences in the Biden campaign”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Reveals Nuke Nightmare After Trump Convention Sees Deadly Bullets Fly And Children Flee For Lives

A troubling new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing key highlights from day two of the 2020 Republican National Convention, that’s otherwise been branded as the “Trump Convention” and the “Culture War Convention”, says most important to notice about this convention’s second day “Land Of Opportunity” message was its clashing with the reality of gun and ammunition sales surging to historic record highs as America transforms itself into a violent mess—guns and ammunition that are fueling the Second American Civil War currently underway—where during the past 24-hours alone, a socialist mob of Biden terrorists surrounded a young women in a Washington D.C. restaurant demanding with threats of violence that she raise her fist in allegiance to them, which she refused to do, and caused these terrorists to demonically scream at her “Are you a Christian!?”—that was followed by events in Kenosha-Wisconsin, where after its socialist Democrat Party Governor Tony Evers refused to send in National Guard troops to stop Biden terrorists, this city quickly descended into a warzone seeing one person shot in the head and another having half of his upper arm was blown off—low-intensity warfare that quickly traveled to South Carolina, where 23-year-old black Biden terrorist Marquise Damarius Asomani opened fire on a group of Trump supporters and their children causing them all to flee in fear for their lives—and to make sure this civil war grows even more deadly, now sees socialist Democrat Party leader Hillary Clinton ordering Joe Biden not to concede an election defeat to President Trump “UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES”—who was joined by her husband’s former Vice President Al Gore assuring Joe Biden that the US military will throw President Trump out of the White House—and in knowing that if these godless socialist Democrats are successful in destroying President Trump they will next target the Christian nation of Russia, saw President Putin authorizing for the first time in history declassification of the video showing the biggest nightmare nuclear bomb explosion ever witnessed as a reminder to these socialist monsters of what their ultimate fate is going to be.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Convention Sends White Supremacists Fleeing Back Home To Biden And Slave Owning Democrat Party

A fascinating new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing key highlights from day one of the 2020 Republican National Convention, says first to notice is that President Donald Trump secured sufficient votes to be re-nominated as his party’s candidate for the 3 November election in a convention that kicked off with patriotic messages of hope and optimism in sharp contrast with last week’s socialist pandemic nightmare Democrat Party convention. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Sister Fuels “Junkyard Dog” Fears About President As North Korea Pushes World To Brink

An engrossing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting President Donald Trump having just warned that “China owns Joe Biden” and is hatching a plan to meddle in the November election, says this escalation of tensions has been met with American envoy William Brent Christensen joining Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen at a military memorial in a further affront to Communist China, while India has just declared it’s prepared for military action if their talks with Communist China break down—all of which is occurring at the same time powerful Typhoon Bavi is preparing to smash into North Korea, where already thousands of houses and public buildings have been flooded, nearly 100,000 acres of crops damaged, and critical infrastructure destroyed, mostly in the country’s agricultural heartland, which suffers chronic food shortages and rationing even during normal times—the catastrophic effects of which cannot be coming at a more dangerous time for the world, as credible stories are beginning to emerge that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is in a coma and power has been handed over to his sister Kim Yo Jong—with the grave significance being that unlike her brother, Kim Yo Jong is a ruthless firm backer of Communist China.  […]

Sorcha Faal

COVID Branded “Forever Virus” After Apocalypse Warning Issued By Trump And Obama Triggers Prophecy Alert

An in-depth new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the findings of world renowned European Union infectious disease scientist Professor Giuseppe Tritto, who as the President of the World Academy of Biomedical Sciences and Technologies (WABT) revealed that COVID-19 was engineered in a Communist Chinese lab and an effective vaccine is unlikely to be found, says further confirmation of this finding has just been released by Professor Sir Mark Walport, who as member of the British government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) has now notified the world that COVID-19 “is not going to be a disease like smallpox which could be eradicated by vaccination”, states that “this is a virus that is going to be with us forever in some form or another and almost certainly will require repeated vaccinations”, and who further describes in the future it will be “a bit like the flu”—scientific realities known to President Donald Trump, though he’s being prevented from fully confronting this disease, and as he just explained to the American people in his Tweet saying: “The deep state, or whoever, over at the FDA is making it very difficult for drug companies to get people in order to test the vaccines and therapeutics…Obviously, they are hoping to delay the answer until after November 3rd”—a date of 3 November when the American people will elect whom their next leader will be—and during their twin visits to Pennsylvania this week to persuade voters to their side, saw President Trump and former President Barack Obama both agreeing on one thing: “Win…Or It’s The Apocalypse”—an apocalypse warning that then triggered a “Prophecy Alert” coming from Pastor Paul Begley, who exclaimed to his 337,000 YouTube subscribers the dire warning: “Guys we’ve got breaking news coming out of the holy land, the holy land is on the brink of war now…If they say “peace and safety”, sudden destruction cometh”.  […]