October 21, 2019
“Operation Yellowhammer” Exposes Senator Romney-CIA Director Brennan “Omnishambles” Coup Plot
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
What starts out as an interesting new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the implications of the United Kingdom having just launched “Operation Yellowhammer” to deal with a potential no-deal Brexit, becomes absolutely mind-blowing when reading its attached Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) files documenting the history of Britain’s breakup with the European Union—a history that began in May-2012 when Peter Wilding, the Chairman of the British think tank British Influence, coined the word Brexit with his Tweet “Stumbling towards Brexit-Britain, a referendum and an ever-closer reckoning”—a Tweet that sent shockwaves through the elite globalist establishment, most particularly the powerful American private investment firm Bain Capital who stood to lose billions-of-dollars if Brexit occurred—and was why its founder Mitt Romney rushed to Britain a few months later July-2012—a bizarre visit as Romney was right in the midst of a heated election contest with President Barack Obama—which the British press called an “omnishambles”—something that is very badly organized and is ineffective in every possible way—and among whose most mysterious eyebrow raising scenes, saw Romney admitting that he had met with the chief of the British spy agency MI6—a meeting attended by Sir Iain Robert Lobban, who at the time was the Director of the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ)—and confirmed by Professor Joseph Mifsud from University of Stirling who participated in a “Brexit Briefing” at the Russian Parliament in 2016—but which now sees Sir Lobban being one of the leaders of the Bain Capital funded private British strategic intelligence and advisory firm Hakluyt & Company— whose links with former CIA Director John Brennan explain why the SIM cards in Professor Mifsud’s cell phones turned over to US Attorney General William Barr were provided by Hakluyt & Company—further explains why Russiagate hoax originator Professor Mifsud admitted he talked with Trump’s investigators in late 2017—and perhaps explains why now US Senator Mitt Romney has been discovered having a secret Twitter account using the name “Pierre Delecto” that he uses to slam his fellow Republican Party lawmakers and encourage the impeachment of President Trump—as one would expect every jilted teenage boy-child to do when not getting what they want—but does appear to be unseemly coming from an adult who should know better. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
All roads lead to Obama’s former CIA Director John Brennan—above pictured in the private British spy firm Hakluyt & Company office at 540 Madison Avenue, New York City
According to this report, no matter what fairy tale impeachment coup hoax, from Russiagate to Ukrainegate, is being used to smear President Trump and throw him from power, the truth remains that his only “crime” is his posing the greatest threat to the anti-Christ demonic socialist-globalist forces opposing him that they’ve ever seen—and who, in April-2016—a full seven months before Trump was even elected—began screaming that Trump had already committed “clearly impeachable offenses”—with these leftists gravely warning that should Trump take power, he would immediately order the National Guard to patrol Detroit, Chicago, New York and other neighborhoods with large Muslim populations to begin rounding up suspected Islamic extremists and ship them off to special detention centers, including the recently reopened Alcatraz Island and to several of the World War II-era internment camps the US government used for Japanese-Americans—as well as their claiming that once Trump took power, he would unleash a reign of terror bombings throughout the world that would cause the United Nations to pass a resolution calling for him to be tried on war crimes.
For those having sane minds, this report continues, their looking at the United States today sees President Trump’s nearly three years in power being the exact polar opposite of what these demented socialist-globalists claimed it would be—with instead of him rounding up anybody, he has, instead, put all of his citizens to work in the greatest American economic expansion ever seen in their country’s history—and instead of anyone saying he should be tried for war crimes, sees him astoundingly being attacked because he wants to end his nation’s endless wars—which in past normal times would have seen Trump being presented with the Nobel Peace Prize.
Far from President Trump being honored and recognized for his astonishing accomplishments in bringing his nation’s peoples to full economic prosperity, while at the same time guiding the world to peace, this report notes, his socialist-globalist enemies are now warning what will happen if he’s re-elected next year—with their saying that the weeks after Election Day will turn ugly as protests in New York, Washington, San Francisco and a dozen other cities turn violent—the byproduct of a tangled mass of disgruntled pink-hatted Democrats, MAGA supporters, left-wing Antifa and far-right Proud Boys killing each other—that Trump will respond to by imposing curfews and directing the National Guard to patrol the streets over the protests of governors and mayors—followed by Trump ordering US troops onto the streets of Washington as a show of force—after which he orders Robert F. Kennedy’s name to be removed from the Department of Justice building headquarters in Washington so it can be replaced with the name Rudy Giuliani.
For anyone believing that these demonic socialist-globalist forces are confining their rabid insanity to their fairy tales of the coming Trump horrors they write about, this report details, the leftist Democrats in the US Congress just proved this past week that this isn’t even close to be true—and who, after being presented with the shocking evidence that children are dying at record speed on the US southern border while the coyote smugglers trafficking them are getting rich—and while watching what happened after a US Federal Judge issued an arrest warrant for the son of top Mexican drug lord El Chapo when Mexican drug cartels rolled out their armored tanks and heavy weapons to win a decisive battle over the Mexican army and take full control over the major Mexican city of Culiacán and its now living in terror 800,000 residents—beyond insanely saw these leftist Democrats voting UNANIMOUSLY to protect the Syrian Border—while just two weeks ago, they gave ZERO VOTES to protect their own border with drug gang violence fast collapsing Mexico.
Demented leftist Democrats in US Congress vote unanimously to protect Syrian Border on 16 October 2019—but care nothing for their own violence wracked border with Mexico
Those believing that the system of American justice can protect them against socialist-globalist insanities, this report further notes, they too are gravely mistaken—best exampled this past week when the remaining prosecutors who worked under Special Counsel Mueller entered a US Federal Courtroom and astoundingly told its presiding Federal Judge that the most “critical part” of their case against longtime Trump associate Roger Stone was a movie clip from a movie called “The Godfather”—a movie clip these obviously insane leftist prosecutors call their “main witness”—and to which Stone’s attorneys replied in their motion saying: “There is no allegation that Roger Stone participated in a criminal conspiracy, used violence, committed murder or any other violent felony, or is a member of the Mafia. The introduction of the movie clip is meant to inflame and over-sensationalize Stone’s alleged behavior.”—but with it being left to be determined how the American people feel should they themselves be prosecuted with fictional movie clips instead of actual facts, evidence and witnesses.
Being delighted upon hearing the news that fictional movie clips can now be the “main witnesses” to convict American citizens of any made up crime these leftists charge them with, but before their learning just hours ago that the US Federal Judge presiding over Stone’s case told Mueller’s prosecutors that their “main witness” fantasy movie clip would not be allowed, this report points out, are socialist Hollywood, demented communist academics and leftist mainstream media elites—who this past week have plunged themselves into the full depths of insanity by their blaming Trump for black woman being obese—their demanding that sex robots be capable of withdrawing consent so presumably Trump supporters can’t rape them—Hollywood leftist icon Bill Maher openly offering a multi-million-dollar bribe to Trump if he resigns—Maher’s Hollywood director friend Larry Charles saying that Trump Rallies are an illusion with paid hypnotized audiences—MSNBC leftist host Joe Scarborough saying that the Trump supporters attending these rallies are so stupid the should be kept away from blenders—and all of whom cheered with joy when New York City put a giant poster in Times Square depicting Trump being bound and tortured and Hollywood icon Barbra Streisand sent out a picture showing Nancy Pelosi killing Trump.
With the overwhelming evidence proving that these demonic socialist-globalists are the greatest threat to the United States and its peoples ever seen in modern times, this report concludes, their crimes to overthrow President Trump with evidence fabricated by actual spymasters—their abandoning protecting their own country, while at the same time they want to protect other ones—their making a mockery of their nation’s court system—all while demeaning and defaming Trump’s tens-of-millions of supporters and destroying to its very core their own nation’s common sense—leaves unanswered whom the American people are going to choose to lead them in next year’s election—but whose clues about can be gleaned from a truly massive independent non-partisan effort underway since Trump was elected called The Swing Voter Project—a project recognizing that Trump voters will vote for him, while Democrats will vote for their candidate, and that the 2020 election will be determined by “swing voters” who have voted for both Obama and Trump—and when given the hypothetical choice of voting for Obama or Trump in the 2020 election, saw nearly all of them saying they’d vote for Trump—a fact so terrifying the leftist mainstream propaganda media still won’t report on it—with the exception of the leftist Atlantic Magazine, who in their headline titled “The Democrats Are Blowing This Election” said all that’s needed to see where this all is headed.
October 21, 2019 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human being’s right to know the truth. Due to our mission’s conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]
[Note: The WhatDoesItMean.com website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green(1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]
[Note: The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in this report refers to Russian citadels, including in Moscow, having cathedrals wherein female Schema monks (Orthodox nuns) reside, many of whom are devoted to the mission of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.]
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