November 12, 2019
Kanye West Led Great Awakening Event Casts New Light On “Trump Prophecy” Predicted By Hermit Of Loreto
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
An absolutely riveting new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the findings made by the Department For External Relations on the signing by His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of the historic Patriarchal and Synodal Charter on the Restoration of the Unity of the Archdiocese of Orthodox Parishes of Russian Tradition in Western Europe with the Russian Orthodox Church, states that this unification of Christian power to battle back against the forces of godless Western socialism is being met by growing signs that a “Fifth Great Awakening Event” is beginning to rise in the United States—that follows “The First Great Awakening” which occurred between 1730-1755—“The Second Great Awakening” which occurred between 1790-1840—“The Third Great Awakening” which occurred between 1855-1930—and “The Fourth Great Awakening” which occurred between 1960-1980—all of which mark epochs where the American people rededicated themselves and their nation to God—the last one being led by the late evangelical Christian leader Reverend Billy Graham—but in this instance, is being astonishingly led by the globally renowned African-American rap artist Kanye West—who this past week preached in front of nearly 20,000 people in Los Angeles-California and this coming week will preach in front of 45,000 more peoples in Houston-Texas, as well as over 10 million others who will be able to see and hear him live on television—which, in turn, is causing new light to be shed on “The Trump Prophecy” made by the Hermit of Loreto in the 1980’s—that saw this Holy man predicting that President Donald Trump “would return America back to God”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
According to this report, for one to gain the greatest understanding of this Kanye West led “Fifth Great Awakening” event now occurring in America to bring its peoples and nation back to God under the leadership of President Trump, they must first remember the miraculous date of 10 December 1294—the day that the Holy House arrived in Loreto-Italy—the actual house of Nazareth where the “Word became Flesh” when the Angel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary in it to tell her she was pregnant with God’s Son Jesus—a house miraculously rescued from the Holy Land as the Crusaders were driven out of Palestine and brought to Loreto—a rescue accomplished by the noble Byzantine dynasty called the Angeli Family—a name that in both Latin and Greek means “angels”—thus proving true the words that “The angels brought the Holy House to Loreto”—and which Pope Saint John Paul II proclaimed was: “The house of all God’s adopted children”.
The Holy House of the Virgin Mary (above photo) sits protected within the Loreto-Italy basilica (bottom photo) built around it in the 13th Century.
The most remarkable of “God’s adopted children” to take up residence in this Holy House, this report details, was an elderly American man named Frank Zimmer—who forsook all of his worldly wealth to live a hermit’s existence in the service of God—which is why history now knows him as the Hermit of Loreto—and whose arrival in Loreto in the early 1980’s (no one knows the exact date) coincided with the rise of Prime Minister Margret Thatcher in Britain in 1979, the rise of Pope John Paul II, also in 1979, and the rise of President Ronald Reagan in 1980—thus ensuring that the economic, moral and military alliance against godless Soviet communism was complete.
The most accomplished work performed by the Hermit of Loreto during this time, this report notes, was his writing the beautiful Pieta Prayer Book that has sold over 10 million copies—all of whose monies for the Hermit of Loreto gave to the Church and kept none of for himself—and who was deeply moved in 1982 when Pope John Paul II declared that America was “called, above all, to fulfill its mission in the service … those indispensable conditions of justice and freedom, of truth and love that are the foundations of lasting peace”—that Pope John Paul II followed with his shock announcement that 1983 would be a Holy Year—a rare and extraordinary event occurring barely four times every one-hundred years—which sees a sealed door in the Vatican being opened—and before it’s closed again, sees it being filled with bricks bearing the names of those who will be prayed over continuously—one of which was a brick placed there by the Hermit of Loreto bearing the name “Donald J. Trump”—who at that time was a New York City playboy—but whom the Hermit of Loreto predicted would some day be “The President Who Would Return America To God”.
Hermit of Loreto (above in only known photo) has brick bearing the name “Donald J. Trump” sealed in Vatican door during 1983 Holy Year because he said this man would some day be “The President Who Would Return America To God”.
During the beyond contentious year of 2016 when Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were battling for the soul of America as this prayer brick placed in the sealed Vatican door by the Hermit of Loreto bearing the words “Donald J. Trump” was still being continuously being prayed over by Christian peoples the world over, this report continues, the globally renowned African-American rap artist Kanye West mysteriously went silent on Twitter on 21 October 2016—and when appearing again in December-2016, shocked the entire leftist establishment in America when he met with President-elect Donald Trump at Trump Tower in New York City.
World famous African-American rap artist Kanye West shocks and stuns leftists when he meets with President-elect Donald Trump in Trump Tower in December-2016
As to what occurred with Kanye West between October-2016 when he went silent on Twitter, and then reappeared in December-2016 with President-elect Donald Trump, this report explains, was his traveling to Moscow to meet with Russian fashion designer Gosha Rubchinskiy—a visit to Russia that witnesses and business associates of Kanye and Rubchinskiy said shocked this rap artist to the core of his being—as instead of his finding a Russia under dictatorial rule as his nation’s media and Democrats had led him to believe was true—he discovered that Russia is a Christian Theocracy ruled by God not men—whose Church has decided that the modern world is Satanic and wants Russia separated from it—has seen His Holiness Patriarch Kirill proclaiming that “liberalism will lead to legal collapse and then the apocalypse”—all of which is a reality Kanye was never allowed to know—unlike former top President Ronald Reagan administration official Patrick Buchannan—who as part of the Reagan-Thatcher-Pope John Paul II triumvirate that faced down and defeated godless Soviet communism—sided with President Putin excoriating the West for its embrace of a “culture of death”—which led Buchannan to truthfully declare: “Putin is planting Russia’s flag firmly on the side of traditional Christianity”.
With one only being able to imagine the shock and horror wrought upon Kanye West upon his discovering the media and Democrats have been lying to him his whole life, this report further notes, one can assuredly understand his reaction to this mass deception—a reaction that saw Kanye coming to the side of a President Trump, who keeps telling all the American people the truth about Russia—as well as Kanye now going around the entire United States where he conducts his “pop-up worship services” telling people such things as “It doesn’t matter how many steps you’ve taken from our great God…It just takes one step of repentance, one step of faith” and who further declares “God’s calling you back…There’s room at the cross for you this day…Come to him and be born again by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ…Come to him this day and declare that Jesus is King”.
As tens-of-thousands of American peoples from non-religious backgrounds are now saying that Kanye is their first real exposure to Christianity, this report concludes, his also proclaiming that Democrats have “brainwashed” his nation’s black citizens and are forcing them to abort their black babies, has sent shockwaves, fear and horror through both the media and Democrat Party—most particularly because black voters are the base of the Democratic Party and its most consistent and loyal voting bloc without whom they can’t beat President Trump—which means that these leftist forces have to destroy Kanye at all costs before even more black peoples find God and President Trump and start to follow them—a destruction, however, that’s just been met with Kanye’s new record album “Jesus Is King” that’s made history with its sales since its release last week—and that stands against the songs put out leftist favorite black rap artist Drake—who yesterday performed at The Creator’s Camp Flog Gnaw Carnival music festival that Kanye headlined last year to the cheers of thousands—but saw Drake being booed off the stage in shame and disgrace—thus proving, once again, that a real God is much more powerful then the demons these leftists worship.
Kanye West (above center) unleashes “Fifth Great Awakening” revival of Christianity in America to save President Trump and their entire nation.
November 12, 2019 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human being’s right to know the truth. Due to our mission’s conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]
[Note: The WhatDoesItMean.com website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green(1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]
[Note: The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in this report refers to Russian citadels, including in Moscow, having cathedrals wherein female Schema monks (Orthodox nuns) reside, many of whom are devoted to the mission of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.]
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