By Fritz Springmeir and Cisco Wheeler
Many evil geniuses within the Illuminati added their contributions to the Monarch programming. One of the most important was John Gittinger of Oklahoma, because he was the genius who could understand how a little child’s mind was when it was in infancy. In order to work with something, you must know what you are working with.
John Gittinger, who is no longer alive, worked at programming for years. His contribution was in the mental assessment area. John Gittinger (b. 1909) was the director of psychological services at the state hospital in Norman, Oklahoma. He got a master’s degree at age 30, and joined the CIA’s MK Ultra Mind Control in 1950. He was a high school guidance counselor and a Navy lieutenant commander during W.W.II. In the late 1970s, he moved back to Oklahoma. He was heavy set and goateed. Its been said he looked like the actor Walter Slezak. He had an insatiable curiosity about understanding human personality.
[pullquote]John Gittinger designed the PAS (Personality Assessment System). This is an extraordinary method to evaluate human behavior and predict their future behavior. As far as we know, most of the PAS is still classified SECRET. [/pullquote]When the Illuminati looked around for men skilled in personality assessment to assist the Monarch Programming, John W. Gittinger was one of their men who they selected. Gittinger was not the only researcher into personality that the CIA hired, but he was their top man in terms of the programming of children. From the end of W.W. II until he began with the CIA in 1950, Gittinger was studying how to assess personality. At the Oklahoma State Hospital, he had large numbers of adults who could be studied.After Gittinger started doing personality assessment for the CIA. most of his work became highly classified. The Rolling Stone article of July 18, 1974 asked why years of research into personality assessment should be so secret. In fact it was so secret, that Gittinger was not allowed to talk to journalists, even though it was public knowledge that Gittinger did personality assessment work/research. The reason that such an apparently benign science was kept secret is that it plays a major part in the success of the Monarch Programming.
John Gittinger designed the PAS (Personality Assessment System). This is an extraordinary method to evaluate human behavior and predict their future behavior. As far as we know, most of the PAS is still classified SECRET. The PAS is based on the ability to differentiate different types of people.
There are 3 major differentiations (or dimensions). They are called the E-I dimension, the R-F dimension, and the A-U dimension. People are born with their original placement within each of these three spectrums. In other words there are 3 axes that can be graphed to describe a baby’s personality. The baby might be graphed– I (Internalizer), F (Flexible), and A (Role Adaptive).
If the baby were graphed this way (i.e. I-F-A), then the Programmers would automatically know this child’s mind will become a social or religious reformer. The child’s programming charts would then be labelled some suitable occupation such as “Environmental Activist”, “Pentecostal church reformer”, “Consumer Advocate”, or “Activist against Narcotics”.
The programming for that child then would follow 6 month goals to develop that mind-controlled slave into one of the best in that occupation. (In fact, one of the co-authors of this book, Fritz, is indeed I-F-A. which helps explain why he is trying to reform society and religion with this book. While it took Fritz many years to find his correct nitch in life, programmed multiples are steered in the correct direction very early in life with all the breaks and all the money needed from the Network to open opportunities.)
There are three possibilities for the child in regards to his original personality components. He can express the component, or suppress or repress it. As the child goes through life, he has two periods within which he can change (suppress or repress) his behavior/personality. In the PAS, the first period is called “compensation” and the second is called “modification”. The amount of punishment for a personality trait and pressure to change from others will determine the amount of change which the child’s mind will perform on its original personality. The activity level of a person at each point in their life is also measured. The intensity of each of the scores is also rated.
The actual PAS system is far more detailed than the example above, but it serves to give a simplified idea of how it works. The essential dynamics of an entire personality can be written in a short code which might be written for example 12(E-uc Fcu + A+u+u)H+. However, even that code is shortened E-uc can be written simply i’. The basic 3 dimensions to personality provide 8 basic types. However, the PAS allows for 6 basic positions in each of these 8 basic types which yields 216 discrete basic types.
Next, the person can change their predisposed primitive personality initially 5 different ways, and this then gives (30)³ or 27,000 different types. The second change can be done on 4 types of modification which makes for 1,728,000 types. Then the programmers can factor in activity level, their “Normal” level (intelligence base), age, sex, and education, and life experiences. In other words, what appears to be simple has a high degree of calibration to it.
The person who was best with the PAS was its brainchild Gottinger himself. His intuition along with his PAS system, gave him an uncanny idea of how a person’s s mind works now, and how it would work in the future. He sadistically reveled in putting his skill to use programming children.
The actual assessment codes that have appeared on programming assessment charts which the Monarch child assessment teams have used to evaluate, describe, & assess a child to be programmed follow the standard symbols created for PAS. Some about Gittinger’s work has escaped the secrecy of the intelligence agencies. Concerning the Gittinger Personality Assessment System see “An Introduction to the Personality Assessment System” by John Winne and John Gittinger, Journal of Community Psychology Monograph Supplement No. 38. Rutland, Vermont: Clinical Psychology Publishing Co., Inc. 1973. See also the Rolling Stone magazine article, July 18, 1974, “The CIA Won’t Go public”. Because so little is known about the PAS test, it needs to be explained some.
Observations in relation to the Wechsler Intelligence Test provided the initial ideas behind the PAS. The digit-span subtest of the Wechsler Intelligence Test, which rates the ability to remember numbers forms the basic test used for the E-I dimension. What Gittinger discovered was that short order cooks had good number-memory which = Internalizer personality or “I”. A high digit span in any person tells much about them. People who don’t separate themselves well from their environment are Externalizers= E. The “I” personality was a good baby. The “E” type who prefers doing to thinking is a “too-curious” baby, who will make demands. I’s would often be pressured to become more outgoing, and E’s are often pressured by parents to be more self-sufficient, and to progress from crawling (which they like) to learn to walk.
Pure Internalizers become more withdrawn after several drinks, and uncompensated E’s are more likely to become sloppy drunks, garrulous. Based on the E-I dimension, predictions can also be made for how LSD will affect a person. This is the E-I dimension. The block design subtest shows whether a person is a Regulated (R) or a Flexible (F) person. This is the R-F dimension. The regulated person had no trouble learning by rote but didn’t understand what he learned. The Flexible person on the other hand had to understand something before he learned it. R children could learn to play the piano easily, but the great concert piano players were F children who had persevered to master what they considered drudgery.
The third dimension is the Role Adaptive (A) or a Role Uniform (U) person. A could be defined as Charisma, while people tend to ignore the U. The CIA has 40 patterns that a skilled observer looks for, and these then are related to the PAS and Wechsler subtests.
Illuminati Mothers-of-Darkness alters trained in observation chart what they see a child do. A child’s behavior with certain toys, certain hand responses, and certain social responses can be observed and used to assess how this child would score on the PAS test. EEG (Electroencephalogram) patterns co-relate to the PAS digit-span test. This allowed them to use the EEG patterns to overcome cultural bias in the test. It also gave the Monarch programmers the perfect tool to assess small children before they have verbal skills.
David R. Saunders, at the Univ. of Col. working with the CIA. wrote a paper in 1961 showing the connection between alpha waves and digit span. In 1960, Mundy-Castle wrote about the connections between EEG printouts and Wechsler-Bellevue Test variables. Here is the tip of the iceberg that EEGs were being used to determine
pre-verbal personality in children. And Salvatore et al wrote at the Massachusetts Mental Health Center, Boston, Mass, clear back in 1954 about the “predictive potential of Gittinger’s theory” in an unpublished research paper. (The Massachusetts Mental Health Center was an early participant in all this.)
The child’s guardians must teach the small victim obedience. They must teach the child to keep its eyes open and to hold still. These skills are important, because the child will be subjected to the EEGs in vast amounts. The hospital equipment would be something like an 11-channel Grass EEG machine where 11 electrodes are placed on the child’s head, and brain wave patterns are printed out charting such things as background, variability, discharges, background suppressions, sharp waves, etc.
The electrodes will have designations such as T3, T4 etc. In special programming sites, a machine with electrodes will be hooked up to the child’s head for repeated tests. The newer machines accomodate up to 30 1/2 diameter pads (electrodes) which are attached with electrode adhesive tape or small needled ends to the child’s scalp. The child’s hair will be parted in an area, and the electrodes will be hooked to the skull. The attendant will tell the child, “Don’t move. Keep your eyes open. Look at this point. Don’t blink. Don’t move your body.” Then this procedure will be repeated for 45 minutes to an hour.
Eventually hundreds of readout from electrodes clipped to the skull of the child will chart the brain waves of the child. From these brain waves, the programmers can determine what type of personality the child has. This personality assessment criteria and ability is one of the guarded secrets of the programming. Should unexpected behavior crop up, the slave may be hauled in for more EEGs. The PAS tests would reveal to Gittinger what a person’s weaknesses were. The PAS shows what a person wants. And these are called the soft spots of a person’s personality. Also the PAS shows mental weaknesses, on where a person will be instable and can be broken down.
Certain types of stresses will have a cumulative effect of hurting a person. A stress-producing campaign is run against CIA targets, and by doing this they can neutralize a potential enemy. This information collected from children who are potential victims for the Monarch programming, is essential for knowing how to structure that child’s programming. For instance IFU children often are autistic, IRU are schizophrenic children, and IR or IF are fantasy prone. It will be further explained shortly how this aids programming.
An Internalizer personality would be important deep inside an alter system, while an Externalizer would be useful for a front personality. (Internalizers are predisposed to the production of mental fantasy.) By knowing what the child was, the programmers know what they already have, and what they must add or build into the thinking of the alters they will create.
Likewise, some alters need to be R and some F. And some need to be A and some U. Regulated (R) personalities like to have narrow limitations on their activity. This makes them suitable for programming. The R’s readily accept authority, and will not try to step out of the range of their habits. The R has a marked ability to learn without understanding. They easily learn material by rote, because they do not need to understand it before they will learn it. This is another asset they have that the programmers like.
The programmers may or may not want an A (Role Adaptive personality). A future country singer needs charisma — a future computer programmer doesn’t. Without being able to finely determine what is there, the programming could not be fine tuned. If the child is good in math it will have its programming scripts steered in that direction. If it has artistic brainwaves, then the programmer will use art work in programming.
The art work of the european artist M.C. Escher is exceptionally well suited for programming purposes. For instance, in his 1947 drawing “Another World”, the rear plane in the center serves as a wall in relation to the horizon, a floor in connection with the view through the top opening and a ceiling in regards to the view up towards the starry sky. Reversals, mirror images, illusion, and many other qualities appear in Escher’s art work which make all 76 or more of his major works excellent for programming. The use of these kinds of elements will explained later.
Five children each given the same Alice In Wonderland script will each use the script differently during programming. The programmer takes the child’s own creativity and works with that unique creativity. The child must create the images itself if the programming is to hold. It won’t work if the images are someone else’s. The child organizes its internal world to suit his/her own experiences such as castles, boxes, rooms, and dollhouses. The PAS type testing will continue during the early years of the slave’s life to make sure the programming has not driven the child crazy or psycho. The child will move down the script decided for it for its whole life, based on these early tests. More about how this works later.
The EEG tests run frequently on children to be programmed also show brain tumors, and medical problems beside just the brain wave patterns. The PAS tests can show how easy a person can be hypnotized. If the testing by the EEG’s doesn’t reveal a child who can be easily hypnotized, they will be rejected for programming, even though modern drugs and extreme torture in some cases will be applied to “salvage” children they really think they need to program but are clearly not easily hypnotizable. EEG’s can also be used to see what state of consciousness the brain is in. The Monarch Programming is based on structuring MPD alter systems which is covered in Chapter 7.
The success of this structuring (its excellent finetuning) comes from the initial testing, which means programs are properly built on whatever foundation the mind has. The CIA front Human Ecology Society tested the PAS. In 1962, the CIA moved Gittinger’s base of operations to another CIA front on Connecticut Ave., Washington, D.C. called Psychological Assessment Associates.
Because Gittinger believed genetic-based differences exist in people, which is one of the bases for the Monarch Programming, his work was not accepted by main stream psychology. In 1974, Gottinger described the PAS system, “…the Personality Assessment System (PAS): (a) indicates the kinds of internal and external cues to which the individual is most likely to respond; (b) suggests the types of stimuli that are most likely to produce behavioral change; provides an understanding of the inter-, intra-, and impersonal environments in which a person is most likely to function efficiently; and (d) offers insight into what constitutes stress and predicts probable behavioral response to such stress, including maladjustments, should they occur.”In the area of experience, the PAS offers a method for obtaining specific clues to personality structure and functioning. Thus, the PAS: (a) allows for direct inferences concerning an individual’s primary response style: (b) suggests the quality of the compensations and modifications he has achieved in response to social and environmental pressures; (c) provides an understanding of personality development in terms of the interaction of primary structure, environmental pressures, and adaptive tendencies; (d) offers a procedure for evaluating the surface or contact personality developed over time; and(c) makes possible the assessment of the fundamental discrepancies between the surface personality and the underlying personality structure–discrepancies that typically produce tension, conflict and anxiety.” Winne,John F. and John W. Gittinger. “Journal of Community Psychology Monograph Supplement No. 38. Rutland,Vermont: Clinical Psychology Publishing Co., Inc. 1973,p. 99.Wow! Gottinger’s description of PAS is specifically the needs & goals that the programmers had when they initiate programming the personality splits in tiny 18-month old children! People associated with the following listed organizations may assist the Network to use their child for trauma-based programming. Children from families where one or both parents belong to the following organizations are often routinely sent off in early childhood for trauma-based mind control.We are now in 3rd and 4th generations of people who are programmed multiples. (And even into deeper generations in some Illuminati bloodlines.) What can’t be covered here is the enormous secret drama involved in Moriah finding and implementing control over parents via prescribed or illegal drugs, fear, blackmail etc. so that they will assist them in getting the children programmed.If the motherly instinct is too strong, the mom may be prescribed tranquilizers, so that there is a stable house for the child’s front alters to grow up in. Unreliable non-multiple fathers are “debriefed” by Ilium, multiples who debrief & then erase their memories of what is happening to their children. Parents may have only a limited view.
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