The Copy Cat Crime: Andrew Johnson and Lyndon B. Johnson
On January 23, 1923, William J. Burns, by then the acting director of the Department of Justice wrote “I have gone over with considerable interest the volume entitled “The Escape and Suicide of John Wilkes Booth” by Finis L. Bates of Memphis, Tennessee… The work contains very strong evidence in support of the old belief that Booth did escape and live many years after the assassination of President Lincoln…” Here’s a relevant portion:

All the conspirators against President Lincoln met here with Andrew Johnson conversant of the purpose to kidnap the President. On arriving at the hotel, about 3 o’clock, I called on Vice-President Johnson, when we talked over the situation and the changed conditions because of the surrender of Gen. Lee; and the Confederate forces at Appomattox, which had made the purpose of the kidnapping of President Lincoln and his delivery to the Confederate government at Richmond, to be held as a hostage of war, impossible, as the Confederate government had abandoned Richmond and the war between the States was considered practically over, which left, to my mind, nothing that we could do but accept defeat and leave the South, whom we had made our best efforts to serve, to her own fate, bitter and disappointing as it was. When Vice-President Johnson turned to me and said, in an excited voice and apparent anger:
” ‘Will you falter at this supreme moment?’
“I could not understand his meaning, and stood silent, when with pale face, fixed eyes and quivering lips, Mr. Johnson asked of me:
” ‘Are you too faint-hearted to kill him?’
“As God is my judge, this was the first suggestion of the dastardly deed of the taking of the life of President Lincoln, and came as a shock to me. While for the moment I waited and then said:
” ‘To kill the President is certain death to me,’ and I explained to Vice-President Johnson that I had just been arrested by the guard as I was coming into the city over the East Potomac bridge that morning, and that it would be absolutely impossible for me to escape through the military line, should I do as he suggested, as this line of protection completely surrounded the city. Replying to this Mr. Johnson said:
” ‘Gen. and Mrs. U. S. Grant are in the city, the guests of President Lincoln and family, and from the evening papers I have learned that President Lincoln and wife will entertain Gen. and Mrs. Grant j at a box party to be given in their honor by the President and Mrs. Lincoln at Ford’s Theater this evening.’

“At my suggestion Vice-President Johnson assured me that he would so arrange and see to it himself, that Gen. and Mrs. Grant would not attend the theater that evening with the President and his family, and would also arrange for my certain escape. I replied:
” ‘Under these conditions and assurances I will dare strike the blow for the helpless, vanquished Southland, whose people I love.’
“Mr. Johnson left the room and after a little more than an hour returned, saying that it had been arranged as he had promised, and that Gen. Grant had been, or would be suddenly called from the city, and that, therefore, he and his wife could not attend the theater that evening with the President and Mrs. Lincoln, as had been prearranged, and that such persons as would attend and occupy the box at the theater with the President and wife would not interfere with me in my purpose and effort to kill the President, and this he thought an opportune time, and that I would be permitted to escape by the route over which I had entered the city during the forenoon of that day. That is, that I was to go out over the East Potomac river bridge, that the guards would be called in from this point by order of Gen. C. C. Augur that afternoon or evening, but if there should be guards on the bridge, I was to use the password *T. B.’ or *T. B. Road,’ by explanation, if need be, which would be understood by the guards, and I would be permitted to pass and protected by himself (Mr. Johnson) absolutely in my escape, and that on the death of President Lincoln, he (Vice-President Johnson) would become president of the United States, and that in this official capacity I could depend on him for protection and absolute pardon, if need be, for the crime of killing President Lincoln, which he had suggested to me and I had agreed to perform.
“Fired by the thoughts of patriotism, and hoping to serve the Southern cause, hopeless as it then was, as no other man could then do, I regarded it as an opportunity for an heroic act for my country and not the exercise of a grudge or any feeling of malice toward the President, for I had none against him as an individual, but rather to slay the President that Andrew Johnson, a Southern man, a resident of the State of Tennessee, should be made President of the United States, to serve the interests of the South. And upon the further promise made me by Mr. Johnson that he as President of the United States, would protect the people of the South from personal oppression and the confiscation of their remaining landed estates, relying upon these promises, and believing that by the killing of President Lincoln I could practically bring victory to the Southern people out of defeat for the South. Moved by this purpose and actuated by no other motives, assured by Mr. Johnson of my personal safety, I began the preparation for the bloody deed by going to Ford’s Theater, and among other things, arranging the door leading into the box to be occupied by Mr. Lincoln, which had already been decorated for the occasion, so that I could raise the fastenings, enter the box and close the door behind me so that it could not be opened from the outside and returned to the Kirkwood hotel. I then loaded afresh my derringer pistol so that she would not fail me of fire, and met Vice-President Johnson for the last time and informed him of my readiness to carry out the promise I had made him. About 8:30 that evening we * left his room, walked to the bar in the hotel and drank strong brandy in a silent toast to the success of the bloody deed. We walked from the barroom to the street together, when I offered my hand as the last token of goodbye and loyalty to our purpose, and I shall not forget to my dying day the clasp of his cold, clammy hand when he said:
” ‘Make as sure of your aim as I have done in arranging for your escape. For in your complete success lies our only hope.
“I replied, ‘I will shoot him in the brain.’
” ‘Then practically, from this time I am President of the United States,’ replied Vice-President Johnson, and he added, ‘goodbye.’
“I returned to the theater. I saw the President and party later take their seats in the box. I moved my position to a convenient space, and at the time when the way was clear and the play was well before the footlights I entered the President’s box, closed the door behind me and instantly placed my pistol so near it almost touched his head and fired the shot which killed President Lincoln and made Andrew Johnson President of the United States and myself an outcast, a wanderer, and gave me the name of an assassin. As I fired the same instant I leaped from the box to the stage, my right spur entangled in something in the drapery on the box, which caused me to miss my aim or location on the stage and threw my shin bone against the edge of the stage, which fractured my right shin bone about six or eight inches above the ankle. (At this point St. Helen, exposing his shin, called attention to what seemed to be a niched or uneven surface on the shin bone. This I did not notice closely, but casually it appeared to have been a wound or fracture.)
“From the stage I reached my horse in safety, which by arrangement was being held by David E. Herold, back of the theater and close to the door of the back entrance. With Herold’s assistance I mounted my horse and rode away with full speed without hindrance, and reached the bridge at the East Potomac river, crossing the same with my horse at full pace. When I came to the gate across the east end of the bridge there stood a Federal guard, who asked me a question easy to answer:
” ‘Where are you going?’
“I replied, using the simple letters ‘T. B.’ as I had been instructed, and the guard then asked: ” ‘Where?’
“I then replied, ‘T. B. Road,’ as I had been instructed by Mr. Johnson, and without further question the guard called for assistance to help raise the gate quickly, when I at once again urged my horse to full speed and went on to Surrattville, where I waited for Herold to overtake me, as prearranged, whom I expected to follow closely behind. After waiting a few minutes Herold caqie up and . we rode the remainder of the night until about 3 o’clock on the morning of the 15th of April 1865, when we reached the home of Dr. Mudd, where Dr. Mudd, by cutting a sfitin it, removed my riding boot from the injured right foot and leg and proceeded to dresd it by bandaging it with strips of cloth and pieces of cigar boxes, and the riding boot was left at the home of Dr. Mudd, where we remained during the rest of the day, and at nightfall proceeded on our journey, my bootless right foot being covered only by the sock and the leg as bandaged and splinted by Dr. Mudd.
RFK Asks Johnson Why he Killed his Brother
The moment this picture was taken, RFK had just been handed a slip of paper by an aide, hit the post, and asked LBJ directly “Why did you have my brother killed?” Note the expression on Johnson’s face. More on this incident in video 12 below.
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The Klan’s Lodge Recruitment StrategyKlan meeting in- you guessed it- a Masonic lodge, circa 1964. This is one reason secrecy and deception are the hallmark of the lodge then and today |
Washington D.C was a Militant Segregationist Sanctuary
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Hoover and the Scottish Rite
He hated the Kennedys and Martin Luther King, slandered them as Communists, and was a key player in undermining all investigations into their assassinations. (see below) |
Nov. 9, 1963: The Klan Death Threats to JFK“Threat to assassinate President A Nov 17, 1963 FBI telex details J. Edgar Hoover’s cynical request to maintain updates through “logical racial hate group informants to determine if any basis for threat…” Once received, the warnings would be dutifully scrapped by Hoover, and these informants had a nasty tendency to pay dearly for their patriotic duty- their attempts to protect President Kennedy often cost them their lives. Note the reference to a planned assassination plot by a militant segregationist group [the Klan, White Citizens Council, et al], which had led to the cancellation of Kennedy’s trip to Miami, Florida days earlier (below) FBI Tapes: The Klan in Florida and Dallas
The Klan in the Dallas Police Dept.Nov. 22, 1963: Note the Klan patch on the left arm of the officer leading the infamous Three Tramps moments after the assassination (left to right: Frank Sturgis, Charles Harrison and Howard Hunt.) |
Louisiana Klan leader David Duke under the flag of the KKK, 1974. It was in New Orleans, Louisiana, where DA Jim Garrison’s Clay Shaw Trial of 1967 would link Johnson to the obvious coup. |
“Some say it was the Mafia who killed JFK, some say it was the CIA and FBI, some say the Klan, and some say it was elements of the military. Before you miss the forest for the trees, stop a moment, and consider this: Not everyone could be in the FBI or CIA, not everyone could be a general, a Supreme Court Chief Justice, a network executive, a major publisher or a mob boss. But just about anyone in the all-white FBI, CIA, Supreme Court and Mafia of 1963 could be a member of the KKK. And many were, particularly Klansmen recruited in Masonic lodges.” | |||||||
A Warning Against Freemasonry Unheeded
Specter’s Role: Protect Johnson and Segregationist Masons Used in the JFK Assassination “…He says maybe you shot too fast because I know they didn’t want a shot coming from the front…they tried to put everything from the back side.” James E. Files, commenting on Charles Nicolletti’s criticism of the hit on Kennedy. |
Bill Hicks on the JFK AssassinationYes, a few words to remind us about Artlen Specter, the infamous Magic Bullet’s creator. (There is no statue of limitation on murder, and we haven’t forgotten, Arlen) |
The Worshipful Master of the Laws of Physics
Concealing the Throat Wound
Dr. Malcom Perry, one of Kennedy’s attending surgeons at Parkland Memorial Hospital, noted there “was an entrance wound below his Adam’s apple.” Later, the Warren Commission, faced with yet more evidence of multiple shooters, would attempt to deny this entrance wound existed, offering the implausible contention that it was a tracheotomy….on a man that was dead on arrival. Indeed, there was no swelling or discoloration on Kennedy’s face, indicating he died instantly. |
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King’s Bullet Obeyed Laws of Physics
Johnson did this: Kennedy’s Missing Brain The whereabouts of Kennedy’s brain remain a mystery, and it’s a shame too, because not only did it hold bullet fragments, it conclusively proved trajectory. It was last seen in a steel bucket, preserved in a formaldehyde solution in Admiral Calvin Galloway’ cabinet in Bethesda Hospital, Maryland. This was critical evidence, because it not only verified the trajectory of the fatal head shot, but through bullet slivers which were found in the first set of x-rays taken in Parkland Memorial Hospital, proved more than one weapon was used. At least two bullet fragments in Kennedy’s face betrayed the presence of mercury loaded ammunition, traces of which were found on brain tissue in what are now missing slides. |
Nixon in DallasDallas Morning News, Nov. 22, 1963. According to Johnson’s mistress, Madeleine Brown, one of the Warren Commission members, director John J. McCloy (CIA), actually met with Johnson, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, Clyde Tolson, and Richard Nixon the night prior to the assassination. (Nixon was also in Dallas on the day of the assassination.) |
“”Public figures or guarded officials may be killed with great reliability and some safety if a firing point can be established prior to an official occasion. The propaganda value of this system may be very high.”“…a) The precision rifle. In guarded assassination, a good hunting or target rifle should always be considered as a possibility. Absolute reliability can nearly always be achieved at a distance of one hundred yards. In ideal circumstances, the range may be extended to 250 yards. Public figures or guarded officials may be killed with great reliability and some safety if a firing point can be established prior to an official occasion. The propaganda value of this system may be very high…. “ |
CIA Instructional Guide for Political Assassinations“…..However, there are many cases in whic *Note: Link above opens to web image of posted, and since removed CNN page. Links therein inactive; please refer to National Security Archives for original document images. Related links in the Cold War series: |
The Sick Obsession with the “Lone Gunman” Theory
Source: Associated Press, March 28, 1999 JFK’s Casket Dumped at Sea
Nov. 20, 2003: Official ABC News-Time Warner (AOL news) assertion from “Beyond Conspiracy”.
1967 CIA DISINFORMATION GUIDELINE DOCUMENT #1035-960 RE: Countering Criticism of the Warren Report…
Still peddling the same bullshit they peddled since 1963, this is pretty glaring proof ABC News and Time-Warner/AOL have nothing but contempt for the American people. After all, since Johnson is dead, what’s the worst that can happen? the chance that a slain war hero and president might find a justice which most of us take for granted? or is the possible exposure of senators, judges, legislators still in office as a result of Nov. 22, 1963 still too unsettling to the status quo? |
President Lyndon Johnson’s Personal Attorney: Johnson Killed JFK
In 1967, Jim Garrison’s case against Clay Shaw wasn’t just about Shaw. Shaw was a way to get to a much larger fish: Johnson. And Johnson knew this. The Garrison case implied Johnson was to blame for Kennedy’s assassination, and the findings in that trial actually helped lead to Johnson’s refusal to run in 1968…despite Shaw’s acquittal. At the time of the assassination and until his death, Johnson was represented by a law firm partnered by Barr McClellan, the author of “Blood, Money & Power: How L.B.J. Killed J.F.K.”. So in terms of credibility, you can’t get a better source: the very lawyers who defended Johnson against accusations of complicity. An interesting quote by the author, Barr McClellan: “When asked if he was concerned for the safety of his twin sons, he said: ‘The Democrats are pretty much out of power, really, in the state of Texas. So…they’re in good shape.'” (Barr McClellan is father of the present White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan) |
Adding Insult to Injury: ABC Attempts to Re-Write HistoryWhat ABC also ignored…the Warren Commission was officially debunked over 20 years ago– by Congress itself, when it was determined Oswald could not have acted alone. In 1979, the House Select Committee on Assassinations, the most intense and public Congressional investigation into the Kennedy assassination, declared the strong likelihood of conspiracy. “The committee believes, on the basis of the evidence available to it, that President John F. Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. The committee is unable to identify the other gunman or the extent of the conspiracy.” |
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George Wallace ![]() |
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The KKK Revival |
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JFK’s Civil Rights Address: Comments on the University of Alabama, new Civil Rights legislation (1964 Civil Rights Act)Federal troops enforcing a desegregation order at the University of Alabama.
“We do not accept Jews, because they reject Christ, and, through the machinations of their International Banking Cartel, are at the root center of what we call “communism” today. We do not accept Papists [Catholics], because they bow to a Roman dictator, in direct violation of the First Commandment, and the True American Spirit of Responsible, Individual Liberty. We do not accept Turks, Mongols, Tarters, Orientals, Negroes, nor any other person whose native background of culture is foreign to the Anglo-Saxon system of Government by responsible, FREE individual citizens.” Also see Pope Leo XIII’s Encyclical on Freemasonry of April 20, 1884. More on the long standing feud between the freemasons and the Catholics, as most evident in northern Ireland with the Orangemen freemasons and the Catholics. The Klan was founded by freemasons. |
Mac the KnifeM |
Specter’s role? Protect Coup Lynchpin, V.P. Lyndon Johnson, and Brother Segregationist Masons implicated in the JFK Assassination These facts are self-evident: in 1963, much of American society still supported segregation, and it wasn’t just the south.
Specter’s role? Protect Coup Lynchpin, V.P. Lyndon Johnson, and Brother Segregationist Masons implicated in the JFK Assassination
These facts are self-evident: in 1963, much of American society still supported segregation, and it wasn’t just the south. The militant branch of this element found a means to undermine recent Supreme Court rulings, particularly the desegregation of public schools, in masonic lodges throughout the country. This was especially so in the south, since Southern masonry included members in law enforcement, politicians, lawyers, judges, publishers, etc.
There in the secrecy of the Brotherhood, hypocrites and pseudo-moderates whom publicly praised the popular civil rights movement were trying desperately to undermine it and its leaders inside the lodge. Those who found the thought of black children attending public schools and universities odious enough to risk civil war over it weren’t just Anglo-Saxon bigots in the Craft, some were right-wing masonic Jewish leaders like Arlen Specter, the Worshipful Master of the Laws of Physics, whose own children- being white- never faced the same type of discrimination as blacks in America, whose own children were never turned away from public schools and universities.
Indeed, in 1968, when King and RFK were assassinated, over 5 million Americans were segregationist freemasons, with both Gentile and to a smaller extent, Jewish members. All of them were white, conservative males and most of them so opposed to civil rights they would do anything in their power to secretly undermine federal law, starting at the local level and ending at the Supreme Court, where at least two Supreme Court Justices, Hugo Black and Chief Justice Earl Warren, had ties to the KKK but distanced themselves from the ideology long ago, giving us the same desegregation ruling their former kin were rioting over in the south. Because the KKK was implicated in the JFK assassination from the very beginning, Warren- as an ex-Klan leader in San Bernadino, California- had a conflict of interest in taking over the investigation, which was precisely why Johnson chose him. Warren had a duty to recuse himself from the case. He didn’t. And what we got was a mockery of justice so obscene even Nixon called the Warren Commission “the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on mankind.” Worse, the true extent of the Klan’s “Invisible Empire” in our executive, judicial and legislative branches of government was concealed for over 40 years, and this was due largely to segregationist and bigot press assets recruited into the same society.
Some say it was the Mafia who killed JFK, some say it was the CIA and FBI, some say the Klan, and some say it was elements of the military. Before you miss the forest for the trees, stop a moment, and consider this: Not everyone could be in the FBI or CIA, not everyone could be a general, a Supreme Court Chief Justice, a network executive, a major publisher or a mob boss. But just about anyone in the all-white FBI, CIA, Supreme Court and Mafia of 1963 could be a member of the KKK. And many were, particularly Klansmen recruited in Masonic lodges. They were told desegregation was a Communist plot, and that it was their duty to “protect Southern heritage” or “defend America” against Communism by subverting federal rulings ordering the integration of schools. Civil Rights movement and its leaders was attacking Communism, Klan leaders claimed. In reality, and obvious to everyone else, they were simply attacking and subverting federal law. Tacit members, of course, in this segregationist “fraternity.” The Klan was a Masonic society that even then was almost 100 years old, and it was its numbers which gave it the significance afforded it here..
Segregationists Use Cold War to Discredit Civil Rights Movement as Communist, Provoke Invasion of Cuba
FBI director Hoover was one of many Masonic leaders of the time to claim that the Civil Rights movement was a Communist plot. Integration, he claimed, was introduced by the Commies to destroy America and it is no mystery that he secretly attempted to smear Martin Luther King as a Communist sympathizer.
The CIA and FBI segregationists in the plot, knowing Kennedy would be mourned, also tried to pin the assassination on the Communists by creating a pro-Castro patsy in Lee Harvey Oswald. This was the element New Orleans DA Jim Garrison discovered: a segregationist plot to kill the president, blame Castro and use the public outcry to win support for an invasion of communist Cuba (operation Northwoods). This was, in fact, already a tactic in the CIA playbook:
“…a) The precision rifle. In guarded assassination, a good hunting or target rifle should always be considered as a possibility. Absolute reliability can nearly always be achieved at a distance of one hundred yards. In ideal circumstances, the range may be extended to 250 yards. Public figures or guarded officials may be killed with great reliability and some safety if a firing point can be established prior to an official occasion. The propaganda value of this system may be very high…. “
The segregationists wanted a fellow mason as President, and Lyndon Johnson, as VP and as a mason, was in the position to make a coup possible. It would have been impossible otherwise, because if Johnson was true to Kennedy and his own office, there would have been no cover-up by federal authorities. Kennedy’s limo wouldn’t have been washed and refurbished, as Johnson ordered, destroying all evidence therein that pointed to multiple trajectories.
Indeed, of all the missing evidence in the Kennedy assassination, most of it pertains to that which could be used to prove ballistic trajectories; that is, evidence that substantiated witness, film, analog and photographic evidence of multiple shooters. All such evidence, including Kennedy’s brain, was in the hands of people hired by, and controlled by Johnson. Johnson had motives rooted in self-preservation to volunteer for the coup, as he was already facing conspiracy and/or murder charges in Texas for the murder of agricultural agent Henry Marshall, and he knew Kennedy planned to drop him from the ticket in ’64 for that very reason- his mafia ties and the uncovered Texas murder sprees. But he also knew that segregation would be key to uniting the segregationist conspirators in the CIA, FBI, military, etc. To call Johnson a bigot would be incorrect, he was not, but he did hate the Kennedys enough to lead him into a segregationist ambush in Dallas. Johnson, as a mason, was surrounded by segregationists, such as SR 33rd degree mason J. Edgar Hoover, and he used them to do his dirty work when it was convenient.
He did, however, generally act independently once in power, making it clear to all that the segregationists he used in the coup that they would not dictate his agenda. Or did he? Despite signing the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and pushing for it, Johnson, was also the lynchpin in the assassinations of Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King. In the case of RFK, Johnson knew RFK was on to him, and should Robert Kennedy become president not only would he face justice but so would all those who helped him. As for King, then protesting fiercely against the Vietnam war, his assassination would not have been possible without Johnson’s wink and nod. That is another story, however, to be covered later.
The Rise of the Neo-Segregationist on “Liberal” and Conservative Networks
Those segregationists of the 60s are still highly visible figures thanks to network executives hoping to legitimize a neo-segregationist movement which has already eliminated every black senator and congressman from the GOP. Among them is “former” Klansman Pat Buchanan, a fierce segregationist and unabashed white supremacist, Sen. Trent Lott, Sen. Robert Byrd, etc. But these are just the obvious ones. Leaders who favored segregation, secretly, you don’t know.
They are in both parties, and the only thing you do know is that they are not just tacit fraternal brothers in silly aprons, they are married in spirit and intentions. They are network executives in CNN, FOX, ABC, CBS, they are publishers, they are businessmen, lawyers, and judges. Their secret handshake is a big middle finger to you and the rule of law. If you don’t believe it, ask yourself these simple questions: How is it that an extremist group, with a history of terrorism ranging from the murder of political leaders to the bombing of federal buildings and churches nationwide, can do so under the banner of “free speech”? How is it that a group which has plotted cyanide gas attacks against Americans as recently as 2003; how is it this group of extremist, anti-American terrorists can have each and every atrocity excused as “lone nut” activity far removed from the the group the “lone nut(s)” belonged to, a group which publicly threatened and promoted the same violence before it happened? How is it?
One would think those in charge were sympathetic to, were members of, or once members of the same terrorist group. And one would be right. We are, of course, talking about the Klan. We are, of course, talking about a terrorist group whose violent activities are defended by BOTH parties as an innocent and harmless cross-burning, secret fraternal brotherhood exercising their free speech, a free speech unique in that it includes a right to kill and terrorize Americans under the banner of the First Amendment. This can only be so if both parties have members whom tacitly endorse or excuse the activity of these fellow masons, and make no mistake, the Klan is a Masonic organization and always was. They meet in the lodge, when not out burning crosses, and though many masons in other secret orders who meet therein detest them, they are in denial about the actual number of neo-segregationists in the Brotherhood as a whole. Nor can they ignore the obvious as they hold their tongues, being oathbound to silence as a prerequisite to seeing the “light”: powerful men in the highest levels of office, fellow masons, protect the Klan because secretly they share the same ideals, which if spoken aloud, would cost them their seats. Sen. Robert Byrd, a Klan recruiter and Democrat, for example, calls his own membership in the Klan a “youthful indiscretion” but if you think about it, it’s a claim easily countered. If you ask Sen. Byrd, under oath, to testify against other Klansmen past and present, or answer yes or no as whether he was involved in, or even witnessed any Klan lynching or murder, you will have the true sum of his “remorse.” The Democrats won’t call him on it, because they know it will condemn them all. And the GOP won’t call him on it because their party has even more extremists, and besides, both parties have members who meet in the same temple of secrecy.
As for the Klan agenda, if the aforementioned supposition of Klan sympathy and membership in the highest levels of federal office is true, it follows there would be a parallel agenda from its members in both parties. And that, too, is there. Clearly there. From the very beginning, the Klan agenda was one of terrorizing blacks and depriving them of their rights; formulating the Jim Crow laws that lasted well over 100 years, and waging war on Catholic immigrants, particularly Irish-Americans and their immigrant forebears. What do you see on the broadcast media and major print media today? On FOX? on CNN, ABC? etc. You see stories about white victimization, and poor and middle class whites whom are truly victimized, but not by those the media would have you think. Who placed the yoke on your backs, if not wealthy white CEOs trying to divert the attention of constituents from their own corporate misdeeds, from manipulating the price of oil to enrich election coffers, to price-gouging hurricane victims in Hurricane Katrina.
Who killed your president in Dallas, and let loose over 40 years of darkness and confusion, if not the mason Johnson and the neo-segregationists crying wolf today? They point fingers at the nearest scapegoat lest you turn around and see the Washington cabals who would enslave Americans anew, but this time, the shackled will be black and white, Jew and Gentile, mason or “profane” (non-mason). The Pat Buchanans, the Rush Limbaughs and Ann Coulters of this self-styled elite, this ancient and accepted brotherhood of domesticated, blueblood carnies; literally carry on the work of their own segregationist idols who “stood up to the federal tyranny” of integration; idols who lined the Central High School with the Arkansas National Guard, that nine black school children be denied an education. These fascist mouthpieces are, by design, given air time to make segregation palatable to unwary audiences who never lived through it. Don’t think for one second that a show which airs their hate-mongering imbecilities do not necessarily share their ideology, because the very reason they are invited on such shows is to make that ideology legitimate.
This a textbook PSYOP targeting a domestic audience, and MSNBC, FOX, CNN, ABC the most grievous purveyors. You see attacks on immigrants, Muslim and Catholic (Hispanics in particular) with the same vitriol and ignorance of 100 years ago, with the same language you would find in Klan founder and Scottish Rite Sovereign Grand Commander Albert Pikee‘s Arkansas newspaper, this by the same group of pseudo-Christians who burn the cross to say it honors Jesus. The agenda is the same, and the Klan has become acceptable in “civilized” debate, thanks to FOX and CNN in particular. The broadcast and print media, in a democracy, are the eyes and ears of a nation. Without an objective media, committed to hard truth at any price, the nation is deaf, dumb and blind. As such, the people of this nation are helpless in protecting themselves against those who would destroy their rights. Masonic law now supersedes the Constitution but it does so by subversion, and no judge, lawyer, or public official who secretly honors Masonic law above the Constitution can be expected to protect your rights. Inasmuch as the Bill of Rights threatens the tacit rule of Masonic law, the Constitution will be attacked. And is it not so today? it follows that if your rights are an inconvenience to the establishment, they will use their assets in the press and broadcast media to tell you these Constitutional rights are bad for you, bad for the nation and a threat to your security, and that you wouldn’t miss them anyway. Yet they themselves are the biggest threat of all to your liberty.
They will pardon each and every Klan conspiracy because the link between the neo-segregationists in the Scottish Rite and Klan is one impossible to hide, and politicians in both parties would fall in scores. Literally. Those of you who believe them deserve the contempt they show for you behind your back. Now, it is perhaps understandable that the media remain silent in the face of evidence that condemns them, but they have gone far beyond that. All the networks, at one time or another, and sometimes concurrently, attacked those who simply tried to tell the truth. And it is for this crime they will be held to account as the sleeping giant of public awareness finds the true extent of the criminal betrayal. The illusion of consensus or fact is easily attained by a monopolized press. Only five CEOs now control everything you hear and see, and in 1963, it was three. In the 1960s, the Ku Klux Klan had led uprisings and riots which prompted federal troops to enter the south. Despite unchecked terrorism and political killings throughout the south, and Klan death threats which led to Kennedy’s cancellation of a Miami visit on Nov 9, 1963; despite threats which outlined, in precise detail, the Dallas plot of Nov. 22 1963…. the Klan escaped scrutiny.
Only five CEOs control what you read, see and hear.
The widespread and affiliated agency, i.e. high-level Illuminist cabals President John Adams and Winston Churchill warned us about, has this to say about the press: “What is the part played by the press today? It serves to excite and inflame those passions which are needed for our purpose or else it serves selfish ends of parties…Not a single announcement will reach the public without our control. Even now this is already attained by us inasmuch as all news items are received by a few agencies., in whose offices they are focused from all parts of the world These agencies will then be already entirely ours and will give publicity only to what we dictate to them…. All our newspapers will be of all possible complexions –aristocratic, republican, revolutionary, even anarchical. . . Those fools who will think they are repeating the opinion of a newspaper of their own camp will be repeating our opinion or any opinion that seems desirable for us. In the vain belief that they are following the organ of their party they will in fact follow the flag which we hang out for them…” “Capital… must be free to establish a monopoly of industry and trade…. This freedom will give political force to those engaged in industry, and that will help to oppress the people.”
Let’s have a long and objective look at the man who presently judges our Supreme Court judges. It’s not a pretty picture. It is Arlen Specter, the hero of the Washington Post that promulgated the findings of the most discredited and corrupt murder investigation in American history- The Warren Commission, which even Nixon dismissed as “the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on mankind”. It was created by the number one suspect in President Kennedy’s assassination, vice president Lyndon Johnson, who would not be on the ticket in 1964, who was about to be prosecuted for the murder of Texas agricultural agent Henry Marshall in 1961. Among those who now concede Johnson was the lynchpin of this segregationist Masonic coup of 1963 is Barr McClellan, his personal lawyer.
According to Johnson’s mistress, Madeleine Brown, one of the Warren Commission members, director John J. McCloy (CIA), actually met with Johnson, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, Clyde Tolson, and Richard Nixon the night prior to the assassination. Nixon was also in Dallas on the day of the assassination. Here we have eyewitness, credible evidence the Warren Commission was formed before the assassination. Actually, we have had it since the 60s. But your friends at the Washington Post and similar news assets believes you don’t need to know this. Or perhaps don’t want to know this.
In 1963, anti-Civil Rights, anti-Catholic segregationist Masons numbered over 5 million. Of these, many were in high office, particularly members of the Scottish Rite, whose members include segregationist Trent Lott, Fritz Hollings, Sen. Strom Thurmond and Sen. Robert Byrd, the latter a Democrat who filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964. As you may recall, these segregationist masons had a presidential candidate in Alabama Gov. George Wallace, and at their disposal they had a terrorist branch called the Ku Klux Klan. Indeed, through the protection of the Scottish Rite, the Klan has acted with impunity in the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s. (The Scottish Rite, in fact, created the Klan soon after the Civil War.) Even SR member Sen. Byrd was a high level Klansmen, a Klan recruiter, a Kleagle. Nixon’s speech writer, Pat Buchanan, was so fiercely segregationist and pro-Klan it became a White House joke.
In 1963, at least two Supreme Court Justices, Hugo Black and Earl Warren, were members of the Klan. FBI records reveal that Chief Justice Warren, in fact, was a Klan leader in Bakersfield, CA. It was for this reason Johnson chose him to lead the Warren Commission, because the inherent conflict of interest would tie his hands. Exposing the Klan’s role would expose his own past, hitherto concealed, and seriously threaten his right to remain on the Supreme Court on 14th Amendment grounds. The Klan, at the time, was reviled by most of the nation and even many in the South. Ironically, Warren had gone a long way in distancing himself from the Klan. In the 50s, it was his court that desegregated the schools in Brown vs. The Board of Education, a ruling which was the very thing the segregationists despised Kennedy for defending.
Warren’s spurious objective in protecting Johnson, some have noted, was to prevent a civil war between the segregationists and the rest of America. But if this were true, he would have exposed the Washington segregationist cabals that were willing to risk civil war, thereby negating their political influence as criminal conspiracy charges would be leveled on a scale unseen in American history.
He didn’t expose the cabals, however, because he was a member. Warren was Scottish Rite. Just like Johnson, J. Edgar Hoover, Allen Dulles, Gerald Ford, John J. McCloy, etc.
That segregationist masons were a powerful force in Washington DC is without question, but they were also powerful outside of it. In the broadcast and print media, closet segregationist Masons were overwhelming. They owned the three major networks of the time- ABC, CBS, and NBC; and “liberal” papers like the Washington Post and the New York Times. As such, for advancement or sheer bootlicking, editors and broadcasters and were more than happy to print stories dismissing Johnson’s possible role in the assassination, however obvious.
No one likes to think their own government is capable of such profound obscenities, much less that they have done it unchecked for so long. But ignoring the problem will give you the government you deserve. Maybe you think you have no power, but you do.
You don’t have to buy from GE, Disney, or Viacom, or any of the products advertised on their propaganda organs, e.g. NBC, CBS, and ABC. You choose to. You own stock in these companies, you don’t have to accept CEOs bound by the Mason’s cable-tow- you can unseat them. (Look what they did to Enron.) You have the power of the purse.
To these men, you are the “profane” non-mason that number in the vast majority of Americans, and if not, you are the lower ranking masonic base of the feudal pyramid, appeased by secret perks and flattery, that will never advance to any degree beyond that of a muzzled servant; bound lifelong in servile obedience to masters known and unknown; for ends had you known from the beginning, you would recoil in horror and disgust.
Like the Harlot on the Beast drunk with the blood of the saints and prophets, they believe you cannot touch them, that they will never know grief. They believe that they are a sovereign nation unto themselves, and their authority exceeds the Constitution’s. But is this confidence truly warranted? Actually, it is anything but true. All of this immunity and power depends on your not knowing its true face, and now you know it.
You have a trump card.
You now know who they are. You know what they can do, and what they have done. And most of all, you know they are in power because you put them there, and now that you know at what cost, you can also remove them.
Dems and GOP: Designed to Serve Same Ends- how and why they unite to conceal the assassins…
If you are one to label yourself a liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican, the following should give you pause for thought. All scientific methodology depends on experiments that can be reproduced, and here is a test you can try for yourself. Is our press the greatest threat to our peace, education, and political integrity?
The surest test of a monopolized or controlled media is an absence of true diversity. If you read the BBC news feeds, or Yahoo, or Google, they will often point to the same stories. The many papers linked within, as well, are going to point to AP, Reuters or UPI source feeds. That’s why all of these news portals are basically carrying the same stories. Look at the left hand pane of this blog with the news feeds to Yahoo, Google, Reuters, AP. Notice how the same stories keep popping up? And usually, this stories are of little or no relevance to you because the primary purpose of the print and broadcast media is to distract, inflame or mislead the public. Informing you is incidental.
John Quincy Adams, in his Address to the People of Massachusetts, said of the Masonic press:
“I saw slander organize into a secret, widespread and affiliated agency…”
Even in his time, it had become a threat. The role of the press in undermining republics or protecting the architects of tyranny can not be overstated here. One infamous protocol describing the means of their controlling the media rings so true as to bring a chill up your spine, particularly when you consider corporate cabals such as AOL-Time Warner ((CNN), Viacom (CBS), General Electric (NBC) or Disney (ABC):
“What is the part played by the press today? It serves to excite and inflame those passions which are needed for our purpose or else it serves selfish ends of parties…
“Not a single announcement will reach the public without our control. Even now this is already attained by us inasmuch as all news items are received by a few agencies, in whose offices they are focused from all parts of the world. These agencies will then be already entirely ours and will give publicity only to what we dictate to them….
“All our newspapers will be of all possible complexions –aristocratic, republican, revolutionary, even anarchical. . . Those fools who will think they are repeating the opinion of a newspaper of their own camp will be repeating our opinion or any opinion that seems desirable for us. In the vain belief that they are following the organ of their party they will in fact follow the flag which we hang out for them… “Thanks to such methods we shall be in a position as from time to time may be required, to excite or to tranquillize the public mind on political questions, to persuade or to confuse, printing now truth, now lies, facts or their contradictions, according as they may be well or ill received, always very cautiously feeling our ground before stepping upon it. . . We shall have a sure triumph over our opponents since they will not have at their disposition organs of the press in which they can give full and final expression to their views owing to the aforesaid methods of dealing with the press. “Cases of the manifestation of criminality should remain known only to their victims and to chance witnesses — no more.”
The Neo-Segregationist Mouthpieces Whether aired on conservative or “liberal” channels, racist neo-segregationists such as Pat Buchanan, Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter are given airtime to make segregation palatable to unwary audiences who never lived through it. These pundits form a self-styled elite, spawned of an Ancient and Accepted Brotherhood of domesticated blueblood carnie rejects on a crusade to carry on the work of segregationist Masters. Idols like George Wallace, Strom Thurmond, etc., one of whom “stood up to the federal tyranny” of desegregation and lined Central High School with the Arkansas National Guard that nine black school children be denied an education (see above).
“I am a former kleagle of the Ku Klux Klan in Raleigh County…. The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia …. It is necessary that the order be promoted immediately and in every state of the Union. Will you please inform me as to the possibilities of rebuilding the Klan in the Realm of W. Va …. “
Sen. Robert Byrd, as a KKK recruiter, in a letter to Imperial Wizard Samuel Green of Atlanta, April 8, 1946
This letter was written AFTER Byrd claimed to have left the Klan. 18 years later, his notorious filibuster against the 1964 Civil Rights Act was behavior consistent with other unrepentant “ex-Klansmen” who remained in office. These men publicly distanced themselves from the domestic terrorists, yet privately condoned or advanced Klan agendas; e.g., killing civil rights legislation or appointing sympathetic judges.
In another letter Byrd wrote that he would never serve in the military: “…with a Negro by my side. Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.”
Comparing the 1967 CIA Disinformation Guideline to the Nov. 2003 ABC News Release
See for yourself how ABC News is simply using a page from a 1967 CIA disinformation guideline to counter critics of the Warren Commission. Compare the ABC News excerpt below and the CIA memo to media assets (NBC, CBS, ABC, etc) on how to handle “conspiracy theorists,” a derogatory term most often applied to those who simply believe Johnson was ultimately responsible. (click image to enlarge) To see the full text of this document, click here.
If indeed, a cabal of criminals can buy up press assets of all possible complexions to direct your thinking into their own opinions, how can you tell if what you’re reading now isn’t propaganda too?
Simple. They will all have this in common: if they cannot avoid discussing it altogether, they will avoid discussing freemasonry in a negative light.
These are protocols written by masons, and the easiest way to determine the integrity of a newspaper or broadcast media is to see their reaction when questioned on the mere existence of a Masonic press. Like the mason’s seal on the dollar bill, a Masonic press is self-evident. But unlike the seal, it is self-evident BY WHAT IS NOT SEEN. If they deny partisan, secret collusion amongst editors and broadcasters is rampant today, you know they cannot be trusted; either for the outright lie, journalistic incompetence or pure gullibility. If they deny its power or influence, you likewise know you have been lied to, because if there was no Masonic press, Lyndon Johnson would have been arrested the same day Kennedy was shot. Why? The Billy Sol Estes Affair would have dominated the news stories, because a grand jury was now hearing evidence that Johnson was responsible for the 1961 murder and cover-up of Texas federal agricultural agent Henry Marshall. Johnson would be suspect number one, particularly after he destroyed evidence in a presidential assassination by immediately ordering the president’s limo washed and refurbished. Why did he do it? because that limo held key evidence- slugs and trajectories that pointed to multiple trajectories, and hence, multiple shooters.
In the same protocols we read: “We must compel…action in the direction favored by our widely-conceived plan, already approaching the desired consummation, by what we shall represent as public opinion, secretly prompted by us through the means of that so-called ‘Great Power’ — the Press, which, with a few exceptions that may be disregarded, is already entirely in our hands.”
The Great Power, the Masonic Press, isn’t a fantastic concept at all. It’s here now, and it is the aforementioned handful of companies we know as mediaopolies.
So the question remains…
What is it about obstructing justice in a presidential assassination that makes Specter, as lead investigator in the Warren Commission, especially qualified to chair the Senate Judiciary panel that will grill Supreme Court judges? After all, that Johnson killed Kennedy is an open secret in Washington DC. They know that enough Americans know the truth about Johnson to represent a true threat, but as long as it’s kept out of the news, they also know they won’t have to answer for the silence that marks complicity. It is an open secret like the one that we can never win the drug war on a prohibition model that is always linked to massive spikes in organized crime and political corruption.
I think the Washington Post owes us an answer to that. What makes Specter exceptionally qualified, as a man of no character, to judge men of superior character? Those of superior character qualifies just about 99% of the population, unless you also have blood on your hands and advanced your career in politics through it.
Incidentally, you may be interested in the phone calls Johnson made to Washington Post columnist Joseph Alsop right after the assassination as efforts were made to create a truly independent commission. Johnson calls the Washington Post Dare we challenge the Post? Oh yes. Yes we do. Now, kind reader, this is no call for anarchy. This is a call for you, as a voter, to search your conscience. This particular American was murdered in cold blood, in front of women and children. He was a war hero, he was also our president. The men who gained from this murder are not all dead, some remain in power, some know all the players: for instance, former President Gerald Ford, a member of the Warren Commission whom is also Scottish Rite. Another is Sen. Arlen Specter. But they are not the only ones alive, or the only ones protected by the establishment press. You wouldn’t vote for a murderer if you had the choice. You have that choice. The first step must be taken by Pennsylvania constituents. But it must be taken.
ABC and AOL Revive Discredited Warren Commission on 40th Anniversary of JFK’s Death; Execute Textbook Propaganda Offensive
The cynical “Kennedy tributes” have nothing to do with honoring President Kennedy or healing the nation; it is about keeping an industry’s blood-tainted stooges in office.
They won’t discuss President Johnson as his lawyers admit LBJ’s pivotal role in the assassination. These are people who more than anyone, should know. That says enough about your pals at ABC, AOL, Court TV etc…. Following the lead of NBC before them, on November 22, the anniversary of Kennedy’s murder in Dallas, ABC News will back the findings of a Klan leader who headed the long discredited investigation into JFK’s death: the Warren Commission. It will do so knowing that in 1979, Congress, in the House Select Committee on Assassinations officially discredited the Warren Commission’s “lone nut” findings. They will do so knowing approximately 80% percent of Americans believe Oswald either didn’t do it or wasn’t alone. They will do so knowing that the Warren Commission was headed by Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren, a Klan leader in Bakersfield, California…presenting a glaring conflict of interest because Kennedy’s assassination was preceded by documented and monitored Klan death threats. In November of 1963, numerous FBI telexes had warned of Klan threats to JFK in his planned visit to Miami and Dallas, which led to the cancellation of his Miami visit. (see document inset below) Dallas itself, at the time, was headed by a police force fiercely sympathetic to the Klan. This stunning conflict of interest made the Warren Commission a mockery of justice and this injustice will be ignored by ABC. So who supporting the Warren Commission is still power today? Sen. Arlen Specter, for instance, who gave us the infamous magic bullet theory, who came into power by protecting right-wing Klan members that detested Jews. Other Democratic supporters of the Warren Commission whom were in the Klan during JFK’s life include Sen. Robert Byrd and Sen. Fritz Hollings. Hollings, So. Carolina’s “Sen. Disney,” is from the state where much of Joseph Milteer’s Klan activities originated (Disney owns ABC). Around the time of JFK’s assassination, Hollings raised the confederate battle flag over the South Carolina state capitol, where it would stay to spite blacks for decades. (The Klan really thought that was cool.) Sen. Byrd, another Dixiecrat, was a Klan recruiter who filibustered against the Civil Rights act of 1964 along with Strom Thurmond, opposing an act which even Johnson supported.
In 2002, the entertainment industry gave $38,299,520, or 86% of their total political contributions to the Democrats. Time Warner (CNN and AOL), Viacom (CBS, MTV), and Disney (ABC) were among the top Democratic donors. The disinformation offensive has nothing to do with honoring President Kennedy or healing the nation; it is about keeping an industry’s blood-tainted stooges in office. After all, even ABC admits some 80%of Americans don’t believe Oswald acted alone, or if he was involved at all. And one crappy “news special” won’t change that, if 40 years hasn’t convinced the nation by now.
JFK’s Civil Rights Address: Comments on the University of Alabama, new Civil Rights legislation (1964 Civil Rights Act) Federal troops enforcing a desegregation order at the University of Alabama.
Joseph Milteer
Behold Milteer’s “Negroes Unwelcome Wagon”
Milteer worked on both Strom Thurmond and George Wallace’s campaigns, both of whom ran on fervent segregationist platforms. Miami Police Dept. Audio Transcript: Joseph Milteer [ca_audio url_mp3=”http://www.impiousdigest.com/milteer.mp3″ url_ogg=” width=”150″]
The Dixie Clan in Dallas Unlawfully in Office Under the 14th amendment, ex-Klansmen are specifically barred from holding office. So why are several ex-Klansmen still in office?
The Klan, was in fact, tracking Kennedy’s every move… The FBI informant drawing Klansman Joseph Milteer out is Willie Somersett. An excerpt from the Miami PD wire transcript… (Notes Page 121 Withheld by FBI) Nov. 9, 1963
INFORMANT: I think Kennedy is coming here on the 18th, or something like that to make some kind of speech. . . .
MILTEER: You can bet your bottom dollar he is going to have a lot to say about the Cubans. There are so many of them here. INFORMANT: Yeah. Well, he will have a thousand bodyguards, don’t worry about that.
MILTEER: The more bodyguards he has the easier it is to get him.
INFORMANT: Well, how in the hell do you figure would be the best way to get him?”
MILTEER: From an office building with a high-powered rifle… He knows he’s a marked man…
INFORMANT: They are really going to try to kill him?
MILTEER: Oh yeah, it is in the working. . . .
INFORMANT: Boy, if that Kennedy gets shot, we have got to know where we are at. Because you know that will be a real shake if they do that.
MILTEER: They wouldn’t leave any stone unturned there, no way. They will pick somebody up within hours afterwards, if anything, like that would happen. Just to throw the public off.
Earlier, in April 1963, Milteer had attended a Congress of Freedom convention in New Orleans. An informant there reported that Milteer was a director of the Dixie Clan of Georgia, a radical offshoot of the KKK. Political assassinations were discussed at the convention.
“It is his [the informant’s] considered opinion that for assassination through rifles, dynamite, and other types of devices, this is the worst outfit he has ever come across.” The Third Decade, Jan. 1986; see Russell, “The Man Who Knew Too Much” Somersett continued to supply reports on Milteer following the assassination:
“MILTEER advised that they did not have to worry about LEE HARVEY OSWALD getting caught because ‘he doesn’t know anything’ and that the ‘right wing’ is in the clear. MILTEER further related that, ‘The patriots have outsmarted the communists and infiltrated the communist group in order that they (communists) could carry out the plan without the right-wingers becoming involved’…”
More on the Klan stronghold of Florida (PBS) More here:
- Operation Northwoods and the Plot to Blame the JFK Assassination on Castro
- Penn & Teller’s Fail: Defending the “56 Grassy Knoll Witnesses Conspired to Lie to the Warren Commission” Conspiracy Theory
- RFK’s Statement on the Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Players in the RFK Killing
- RFK Eulogy by Ted Kennedy, 1968
- Johnson, Hoover and Nixon: How and why the “mystery” of the Kennedy assassinations can be maintained
- William Pepper- An Act of State The Execution of MLK
- CIA Propaganda Memo to Press Assets: Attacking Lone Gunman Critics
- How the Washington Post Censors the News
- NBC vs. America: The Network Attempt to Mislead the Nation
- 25 Media Disinformation Tactics
- The CIA’s Operation MOCKINGBIRD: Planting False Stories and Agents in the Mass Media
- Chinese Secret Society Takes on the Illuminati
- Why the Klan is Protected by Democrats and Republicans
- Klan Fronts Today
- LBJ Reloaded
- Are the Key JFK Files Already Destroyed?
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