March 25, 2020
Coronavirus War Leader Trump Throws Afghanistan To Wolves To Protect His Own “Zero Risk” Pampered Herd
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A very intriguing new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting that President Putin still plans to participate in an emergency G-20 leaders video conference on the coronavirus tomorrow, says the timeliness of this decision is due to the explosion of violence occurring in Afghanistan, where over the past few hours radical Islamic terrorists belonging to ISIS laid siege to a Sikh religious complex in Kabul killing dozens—an explosion of violence coming 48-hours after President Donald Trump ordered his Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to secretly travel to Afghanistan and immediately obliterate $1 billion in aid to this war torn nation—a literal “throwing to the wolves” sacrifice of Afghanistan necessitated by “coronavirus wartime leader” President Trump having to turn his focus inwards towards his own nation as this global disease pandemic has exposed just how broken the American economy and society are—and most particularly is an American society living in a Western world populated with tens-of-millions of people having a pampered herd mentality demanding “zero risk” for everything facing them, none of whom are able to see true things any more—best exampled in the coronavirus panicked peoples living in the United States stripping their stores bare of bottled water, while at the same time they leave their store shelves full of water purifiers and jugs—but more ominously is exampled by these “pampered herd” peoples in America being forced to believe against all logic and reason the bogus coronavirus data sets created by radical socialist Democrat Party activists designed to scare local and State officials into making rash, economy-killing mandates—all of whose dire predictions have already been proven to be wildly wrong—and has led to it now being warned about these bogus coronavirus data sets: “How they became a ubiquitous resource across the country overnight, suggests something more sinister”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
According to this report, as to the “something more sinister” that’s occurring in the United States, it’s been printed out like a road map even the smallest school child could follow—and whose first stop on this road of demonic globalist-socialist insanity occurred three-days after President Trump was sworn into office on 20 January 2017—and was when, on 23 January 2017, Trump ordered a mysterious raid on the headquarters of Centers for Disease Control—a mysterious raid followed in December-2017 when Trump ordered an equally mysterious air evacuation of a heavily guarded convoy of vehicles coming from the CDC.
As to why President Trump targeted the CDC just three days after taking office, this report explains, becomes explainable when noticing that in the days just prior to his being sworn in, he was directly threatened by top socialist Democrat Party US Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer who warned him: “Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you”—and was a warning followed near immediately by the US intelligence community dragging President-elect Trump and his top aides into a tabletop exercise exhibiting a disease crippling the United States worse than the influenza pandemic of 1918.
Most critical to note about this early January-2017 “tabletop pandemic exercise” President Trump was dragged into by the US intelligence community in the days just before he was sworn into office, this report continues, is that it was led by Anthony Fauci, MD, who has been the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)since 1984—and upon his emerging from this “tabletop pandemic exercise” that envisioned the United States being destroyed, saw Dr. Fauci shockingly proclaiming that there was “no doubt Trump will face will face a surprise infectious disease outbreak”—but after making this shock proclamation that Trump would be struck by a “surprise infectious disease outbreak”, saw a beyond stunning series of emails being revealed by Wikileaks sent from Dr. Fauci to top Hillary Clinton lawyer Cheryl Mills that said: “Very rarely does a speech bring me to tears…please tell her I love her more than ever…please tell her that we all love her…Please tell her that we all love her and are very proud to know her”—which makes it understandable as to why Trump ordered the series of actions he did against the CDC to see what they were planning—and why today Trump has now totally compliant Dr. Fauci on White House lockdown.
President Donald Trump enacts “keep your friends close, and your enemies closer” policy to deal with traitorous Dr. Anthony Fauci.
While at the same time having to deal with his own nation’s traitors who unleashed what history will record as one of the most monstrous crimes ever committed against humanity, this report details, President Trump is also closely monitoring Hillary Clinton’s co-conspirator Communist China—who after praising Clinton for attacking Trump this week, sees its leadership in peril, and who know that their economic fate depends on a Western world led by President Trump—the same President Trump whose Republican Party lawmakers in the US Congress are now calling for an international probe into China’s coronavirus cover-up—and in a sign of bipartisan rage against China, sees both Republican and Democrat lawmakers introducing a bill condemning the Chinese government for its handling of the coronavirus outbreak.
With their coronavirus crimes now being called “China’s Chernobyl”, this report notes, the staggering list of lies Communist China told to aid Hillary Clinton and her globalist-socialist forces in attempting to bring down President Trump are breathtaking in both vileness and scope—a fact known fully by top Chinese oligarch Ren Zhiqiang when he confronted head-on main Clinton co-conspirator President Xi with the stunning rebuke “Standing there was not an emperor in his ‘new clothes’, but a bare naked clown insisting on acting as emperor”—which, of course, led to President Xi “disappearing” Zhiqiang on 12 March—and has now ominously led to the cracking of the top Communist Chinese leadership ranks—as it wasn’t President Xi who addressed his nation a few hours ago, but was China’s second-in-command leader Premier Li Keqiang—who in knowing of the Trump wrath soon to be visited upon China, warned his nation’s local officials to stop hiding new coronavirus cases.
Communist Chinese criminal complicity with Hillary Clinton in the coronavirus plot to bring down President Donald Trump sees them now on the verge of total economic collapse.
Most sickening to notice about this Hillary Clinton-Communist Chinese coronavirus pandemic plot to bring down President Trump, this report continues, is that at the same time it crashed US stock markets and decimated the wealth of over 500,000 American millionaires—nearly all of whom are small business owners—the same cannot be said about the globalist-socialist elites in America supporting both Clinton and China—such as leftist Clinton-supporting Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos, who along with other elites were forewarned of what was to come and grabbed their money out of US stock markets so they wouldn’t suffer like others had to at their expense—but all of whom failed to notice that in his dealing with the coronavirus pandemic launched against him by these demonic elite monsters, President Trump has used it to his utmost advantage—nowhere better evidenced than in the illegal Mexican population living in the United States by the tens-of-millions that last year sent a staggering $36 billion of American wealth back to Mexico—but whom nearly all of are unemployed today because of the coronavirus pandemic shutting down their main places of illegal employment in the massive US service industry (restaurants, hotels, etc.)—and aside from these illegal Mexican peoples in the US not being able to siphon off any more American wealth to send to back to Mexico, none of them are eligible for any economic relief—a reality sinking into the demented minds of socialist Democrat Party activists in the State of California who are now calling for new taxes to pay these illegal Mexicans—which one doesn’t see any way the already under economic siege American people will approve of any time soon—and explains why open border globalist-socialist maniac George Soros and Hillary Clinton’s Democrats are now spending millions-of-dollars of his vast wealth not to help the coronavirus stricken peoples of America, but to run advertisements slamming Trump.
Death toll in Hillary Clinton started wars in Libya, Syria and Ukraine stands at over 1,000,000—and she really lost her election against Trump because the American people were tired of their sons, daughters, fathers and mothers coming home in body bags.
With it now being reported that President Trump has agreed with US lawmakers on the “Largest Rescue Package In American History”, whose staggering cost will be $6 trillion, this report concludes, his socialist Democrat Party enemies were able to inflict one last wound on him by placing into this rescue package a law singling out Trump’s hotels as being the only ones in America not able to receive any monies to recover from this coronavirus pandemic crisis—an economic wound harming Trump’s devoted and loving personal family, however, that President Trump himself shrugged off by turning to his American Family and telling them of the Great American Resurrection soon to come—an economic resurrection of the United States he proclaims will see the American people “Rarin’ to Go” by Easter—and whose support of President Trump a just released Gallop Poll shows now stands at an astonishing 60%.
March 25, 2020 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human being’s right to know the truth. Due to our mission’s conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]
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Other reports in this series include:
President Trump Orders FBI To Conduct Massive Raid On CDC Headquarters
Mysterious “Bio-Threat” Evacuation Shuts Down World’s Busiest Airport In Atlanta
“This Is Not Normal” Alarm Raised After US Military Discovered Erecting Massive Concentration Camp
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America Truly At War As Evidence Grows That Vaping Deaths Were Test Trial Run For Coronavirus
Fate Of World Rests On Which Of The Two Coronavirus Species Sweeping Across Globe Wins
“This Is War” Declaration Unleashes Trump’s “Ultimate Weapon” As $4 Trillion “Economic Bomb” Readied
Coronavirus Scared World Agrees With Top US Lawmaker Who Says America “Is Run By A Bunch Of Idiots”