
US Federal Witness Due To Testify Against Hillary Clinton For Drug Crimes Killed In Massive Explosion

A highly disturbing new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today says that a US federal government witness who was due to testify this coming week before a grand jury in the expanding FBI probe into Hillary Clinton and her Clinton Foundation was violently killed, along with her husband, in a massive explosion that completely obliterated her New Jersey home—and whose expected testimony centered on a notorious American-based pharmaceutical company who gave money to the Clinton Foundation in a bid to cover up their drug price gouging crimes. […]

Clinton Foundation

VIDEO: Hillary Clinton Threatened NBC Staff Over State Dept. Pedophile Ring Story

Chuck Todd: “Allegations of prostitution and pedophilia, and allegations that those crimes were somehow covered up or not looked into. So the State Department this morning is having to respond to those claims, and those investigations involve misconduct by State Department officials, including an Ambassador and security agents attached to then secretary of state, Hillary Clinton.” […]


Margaret Sanger’s “The Pivot of Civilization” Reviewed

“Authorities tell us that 75 % of the school-children are defective. This means that no less than fifteen million schoolchildren, out of 22,000,000 in the United States, are physically or mentally below par.”The Pivot of Civilization, by Margaret Sanger. Margaret Sanger would deeply influence America’s infamous sterilization laws. Adolf Hitler, while in prison, was so influenced by the eugenics movement it would literally form the foundation for the Holocaust: the Final Solution as to the question of “race hygiene.” […]