Sorcha Faal

US Navy Sunk By West Point Mafia Forces After Attack On Trump

What Navy Secretary Spencer actually did was make a proposal to Trump that “would ensure that Gallagher was able to retire as a Navy SEAL with his Trident insignia”—a proposal Navy Secretary Spencer made to Trump in private thus circumventing his established chain of command because he went behind the backs of his superiors Secretary of Defense Mark Esper and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of States US Army General Mark Milley—and was why Defense Secretary Esper and General Milley—NOT TRUMP—jointly fired Navy Secretary Spencer for “Dishonesty And Undermining The Military Justice System”—which, once again, proved the power of the “West Point Mafia” cohort of former and active US Army officers surrounding Trump to protect him and their nation from vile leftist attacks like this.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Issues Grave Ultimatum To Queen Elizabeth II At Same Time He Retakes Control Of US Navy

FBI agents are now demanding to interview and caused the Queen and future King Charles to “sack” Prince Andrew in a stunning move showing that “his royal career is over” as Buckingham Palace “braces” for a subpoena from the FBI, who view Prince Andrew as a “key witness” in their probe of Epstein’s sex trafficking operation—a probe of unimaginable consequences heightened this week when the FBI criminally charged Epstein’s prison guards with felonies that could see them spending decades in prison—and were arrests followed 30-minutes later by US Attorney General William Barr’s appointed acting federal prison chief Kathleen Hawk Sawyer telling the United States Senate that the FBI is now conducting a “criminal enterprise” investigation into Epstein’s death—which is the feared designation of an FBI investigation previously only seen in terror related and mafia cases spanning international borders involving dozens, if not hundreds of defendants. […]

Sorcha Faal

18-Day Countdown To American Political Armageddon Warned Could See Anti-Trump Leftist Mobs Joining A World Already On Fire

An 18-day countdown clock is fast clicking down to the greatest political Armageddon event ever to be witnessed in modern American history—a catastrophic event due to explode on 9 December when the estimated over 1,000 page United States Department of Justice Inspector General document will be publicly released with criminal arrest referrals to expose the crimes committed against President Donald Trump and his campaign by top Obama-Clinton officials—is a document aimed squarely at the illegitimate impeachment of Trump designed to obliterate this undisguised coup attempt with the truth—but whose truths will be ignored by enraged leftists mobs that are warned could unleash a massive 1960’s-style violent revolt against Trump—thus joining these American leftist mobs with their global counterparts who have already ignited “Our World On Fire”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

US Navy Openly Defies Trump While Shockingly Ordering US Army To Train With Communist China Troops

WUS Secretary of State Mike Pompeo having warned a little less than a month ago that “America must confront China’s communist party”, followed yesterday by the FBI “raising the alarm over China’s recruitment of US scientists” and the United States Senate unanimously passing a Hong Kong rights and democracy bill that Chinese communists are threatening to retaliate against, states that beyond all logic and reason, to the actual point of its being shocking, top US Navy Admiral Philip S. Davidson has just ordered US Army troops under his Pacific region command to train with Chinese communist soliders—a US Navy order without doubt being relished by Chinese communist military officials eager to learn US Army tactics and get their hands on top-secret American military weapons and communication systems—but is being countered by US Army General Paul LaCamera whom President Donald Trump has just placed in command of the US Army Pacific Command and its 85,000 soliders, thus making him second in command to traitorous US Navy Admiral Davidson—a change of command order issued by Trump that was near immediately countered yesterday by US Navy Rear Admiral Collin Green—who in open defiance of his own Commander-In-Chief President Trump, declared he was going to severely punish US Navy Seal Chief Petty Officer Edward Gallagher who Trump had cleared of all charges last week—an act amounting to Admiral Green committing insubordination leaving Trump no choice but oust him—and had Chief Gallagher’s attorney Timothy Parlatore saying in shock amazement about Admiral Green: “How tone-deaf is the guy?  The commander in chief’s intent is crystal clear, that he wants Eddie left alone”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Alarming Trump-Clinton Death Drama Masks Biggest CIA Takedown Since Cuban Missile Crisis

In three seemingly disparate events that occurred in the United States over a 24-hour time span during 16-17 November 2019—the first occurring on Saturday 16 November when President Donald Trump was suddenly rushed without notice to Walter Reed Hospital for a “worrisome and unusual incident” that high-level unnamed sources say was due to “Trump being tested for deliberate poisoning of food with a time delayed chemical agent”, an incident matching what occurred last July-2018 when 19-year Secret Service veteran Nole Edward Remagen suddenly died and was returned to America from Scotland in a bio-hazard body bag after his testing toiletries personally used by First Lady Melania Trump—the second occurring on Sunday 17 November when Deep State coup leader Hillary Clinton was evacuated from the plane she was flying on after it experienced a “smoke and shaking” event that left debris on the runway. […]

Sorcha Faal

Wave Of Terror Washes Over Democrats After Trump Wins Louisiana Election These Socialists Know Foretells Their 2020 Destruction

An intriguing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today deliberating the significance of future foreign policy decisions in light of a stunning poll showing 85% of Russian peoples have a negative view of relations with the United States, states that this abysmal finding in regards to the world’s two biggest nuclear armed powers that have no choice but to get along with each other, lays right at the doorstep of the American socialist Democrat Party—who are best described as a demented group of radical leftists so enraged that President Donald Trump won his election victory in 2016 they blamed President Putin calling it an “act of war exactly like Pearl Harbor” that erupted into World War II—and nearly three whole years later, stills sees these deranged socialist lunatics living in a world having no basis in reality—best exampled this past Saturday by their reaction to an election in the State of Louisiana that saw these socialist Democrats maniacally celebrating fake news headlines like “Louisiana Delivers Trump A Black Eye” and “Trump’s Fading Superpower On Display In Louisiana Governor Loss”—whose true facts of, though, showed Democrat Governor John Bel Edwards receiving 774,469 votes to beat the 734,128 votes received by his Republican opponent Eddie Rispone—a 70-year-old businessman who financed his campaign with millions of his own dollars in a vicious campaign ran against his Republican primary opponent US Congressman Ralph Abraham—did see Trump holding rallies for Rispone that near entirely erased his 22-point polling disadvantage against Governor Edwards—but whose most significant event of this election, saw the vast family and supporters of Republican Congressman Abraham outright refusing to vote for Rispone—thus shifting the true measure of Trump’s influence in this election to Louisiana Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin—whom Trump also supported at his rallies and won his election with 867,449 votes—which is 92,980 more votes than Governor Edwards won his race by—and should Secretary of State Ardoin have run for governor, would have seen him winning it.  […]

Sorcha Faal

CIA Coup Plotters Clamor For “Golden Passports” In Bid To Flee Steel Barr Being Wielded By Trump

A very compelling and insightful new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the significance of Soviet Commissar turned impeachment coup leader US Congressman Adam Schiff vowing to send President Donald Trump back to his “Golden Throne”, states that if one is to start using precious metal references in regards to what is now occurring in the United States, it must now include the words “Golden Passports”—which refers to the three prime ministers who took to a stage in the ballroom of a five-star London hotel this week offering the world’s wealthiest people “golden passports” and citizenship in their countries in return for hundreds of thousands of pounds of investment or flat “contributions”—a shocking event headlined by former CIA Director David Petraeus on behalf of those soon needing these “Golden Passports” to flee America in order to escape justice for the coup plot crimes they’ve committed against Trump—not least of whom is “coup plot leader” former CIA Director John Brennan who has just threatened Trump with the warning: “May your downfall be swift, your penalty onerous, & your legacy condemned by all”—but whose truest present unhinged rage, along with those of Brennan’s fellow coup plotters, is against the US Attorney General William Barr led Department of Justice that has now blocked all of these state criminals from being able to submit written rebuttals to the charges soon to be leveled against them—a return to legal sanity in America that Barr furthered 48-hours ago by his excoriating the leftist socialist forces backing these coup plotters he says are “shredding norms and the rule of law to sabotage Trump by any means necessary”—and whose retaliation against by these coup plot supporting socialist forces came swiftly with their demanding that Barr be immediately impeached and thrown from power along with Trump.    […]

Sorcha Faal

Clinton Begs Trump For Mercy After “Rabid Dog” Biden Provokes War And Democrats Stage Rebellion Against Leader Pelosi

A gripping new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the nearly $4 billion paid to Russia by the United States for the transport of astronauts to the International Space Station, says it is no surprise that President Donald Trump is seeking to recoup this money by his hiking the amount of money South Korea pays for US military defense by 500% to $4.7 billion as one would expect an experienced businessman to do—an amount of money South Korea will now be forced to pay after former Vice President Joe Biden exploded relations between North Korea and the US by calling its leader Kim Jong Un a “murderous dictator”—a war provocation quickly answered by North Korea who called Biden a “rabid dog who is greedy for power and deserves to be beaten to death”, and who they’ll immediately attack with nuclear weapons if he ever became President—thus proving, once again, that the deranged socialist Democrat Party forces rampaging throughout America are nowhere even close to being mature enough to wield power—a fact recognized yesterday by the group of battleground House Democrats who staged a stunning dramatic show of support for Trump in support of his trade deal with Canada and Mexico against their own leader Nancy Pelosi—all of whom know the grave significance to their Democrat Party that came from a US Federal Court yesterday hearing criminal issues related to fired former FBI Director Andrew McCabe where US District Court Judge Reggie Walton ominously intoned “I don’t know what’s going on behind closed doors as far as the potential prosecution of Mr. McCabe is concerned. … Something must’ve happened”—which most assuredly is a “something” Trump knows full well about as immediately afterward he met in the White House Oval Office with US Attorney General William Barr—a meeting that delayed Trump’s departure to a campaign rally and saw him and Barr being joined by top White House aides and its full communication team—and after this mysterious meeting ended—then saw former President Bill Clinton making an unannounced live on air telephone call to the fake news television network CNN—an actual “beg for mercy” call that saw Clinton sending a message he hoped Trump would hear: “every day’s an opportunity to make something good happen”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Kanye West Led Great Awakening Event Casts New Light On “Trump Prophecy” Predicted By Hermit Of Loreto

An absolutely riveting new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the findings made by the Department For External Relations on the signing by His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of the historic Patriarchal and Synodal Charter on the Restoration of the Unity of the Archdiocese of Orthodox Parishes of Russian Tradition in Western Europe with the Russian Orthodox Church, states that this unification of Christian power to battle back against the forces of godless Western socialism is being met by growing signs that a “Fifth Great Awakening Event” is beginning to rise in the United States—that follows “The First Great Awakening” which occurred between 1730-1755—“The Second Great Awakening” which occurred between 1790-1840—“The Third Great Awakening” which occurred between 1855-1930—and “The Fourth Great Awakening” which occurred between 1960-1980—all of which mark epochs where the American people rededicated themselves and their nation to God—the last one being led by the late evangelical Christian leader Reverend Billy Graham—but in this instance, is being astonishingly led by the globally renowned African-American rap artist Kanye West—who this past week preached in front of nearly 20,000 people in Los Angeles-California and this coming week will preach in front of 45,000 more peoples in Houston-Texas, as well as over 10 million others who will be able to see and hear him live on television—which, in turn, is causing new light to be shed on “The Trump Prophecy” made by the Hermit of Loreto in the 1980’s—that saw this Holy man predicting that President Donald Trump “would return America back to God”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Dystopian Nightmare Attacked By Fearless Women Nikki Haley And Mollie Hemingway—Both Of Whom Spit In Face Of Deep State

A thought provoking new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the just staged military coup d’etat against Bolivian President Evo Morales has predictably now been met with an illegal warrant being issued for Morales’s arrest and thousands of newly-created generic Twitter accounts defending this coup, states that the dangerous complicity of American social media giants in this coup cannot be overlooked as their dystopian nightmare tactics are currently playing out in the United States in an effort to overthrow President Donald Trump—best exampled by Twitter who, while allowing these thousands of anonymous accounts to propagandize the Bolivian peoples, vowed to suspend any account daring to mention the name of CIA operative Eric Ciaramella—that joins Twitter with Facebook and YouTube who have, likewise, vowed to destroy any account mentioning CIA operative Eric Ciaramella—a mass Soviet-style censorship effort designed to keep the American people from knowing that CIA operative Eric Ciaramella is the Deep State, Democrat Party and former Vice President Joe Biden aligned whistleblower at the center of the impeachment coup launched against Trump—and is also designed to keep hidden from these peoples that Mark Zaid, the leftist Deep State attorney representing Ciaramella relishes watching little girls dress and dance around in Disney costumes, while at the same he brags how he gets US government security clearances for “Guys Who Have Child Porn Issues”—but whose mass censorship effort was defied yesterday on live television by a fearless reporter named Mollie Hemingway—a senior editor for the Federalist news service and Fox News contributor who stunned the Deep State by openly saying CIA operative Eric Ciaramella’s name during a live broadcast seen by millions of Americans—who was then near immediately followed by Trump’s former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley spitting the face of the Deep State too by her shockingly revealing that former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and White House chief of staff John Kelly tried to enlist her in a plot to undermine Trump’s presidency—a rare act of courage displayed by these two heroic women that was immediately rewarded by the powerful Republican Party US Senator Lindsey Graham declaring: “I consider any impeachment in the House that doesn’t allow us to know who the whistleblower is to be invalid because without the whistleblower complaint we wouldn’t be talking about any of this”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Terror Shakes Deep State After Iran Comes To Defense Of Trump By Revealing They Have FBI Agent Able To Throw Hillary Clinton In Prison

Former CIA acting Director John McLaughlin having issued the ominous words to anti-Trump forces “Thank God For The Deep State” barely a fortnight ago while seated next to Obama’s disgraced CIA Director John Brennan and fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe during a televised forum at the Brookings Institution, states that there is no doubt at all that all of these Deep State operatives are shaking in terror today after Iran broke its 12-years of silence to admit that they have in their custody FBI agent Robert Alan Levinson—a shocking admission Iran has just made to the United Nations in a filing stating: “According to the last statement of Tehran’s Justice Department, Mr. Robert Alan Levinson has an ongoing case in the Public Prosecution and Revolutionary Court of Tehran”—and whose beyond enormous benefit to President Donald Trump lies in the fact that, in 2007, retired FBI agent Levinson was working for the CIA while conducting a secret mission in Iran when he was captured—after which, in 2009, then FBI Director Robert Mueller secretly accepted over $25 million from Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska to gain Levinson’s release in a deal worked out by FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe—a release deal Deripaska then personally worked out with the Iranians, and had his private jet in Tehran on the runway ready to fly Levinson back to the United States—was a release deal brought to then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton by CIA Director John Brennan and FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe because it needed her final approval—but which Secretary Clinton immediately denied—thus causing Levinson to remain in the secret custody of Iran—while Clinton confiscated for herself the millions-of-dollars given by Deripaska to FBI Director Mueller for the operation to secure Levinson’s release.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Opens “New Portal Of Hell” For His Deranged Democrat Enemies Writing Political Suicide Notes

An interesting new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today mocking the leftist mainstream propaganda media establishment in the United States for its hysterical revision of Russian history—a butchering of historical facts caused by their insane reaction to President Donald Trump suggesting that he might attend the 9 May V-Day celebration in Moscow next year to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the defeat of Nazi Germany, but which these demented leftists insanely claimed was a military parade celebrating the 1 May communist event that was last seen in Moscow over a half century ago in 1968—says that even more demonic displays of insanity like this can be expected to occur after Pope Francis renounced the central tenant of Christian faith with his denying the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead—a denial of Christianity that the socialist Democrat Party in America has now acted upon by their stunningly writing a series of “political suicide notes” in advance of the peoples of their nation lowering them into the grave of the 2020 US Presidential Election—with the first of these political suicide notes coming from the entire socialist Democrat Party in a death document titled The Green New Deal that will saddle every American household with a staggering $600,000 in debt to pay for its $93 trillion price tag—that was followed by the death document political suicide note written by socialist Democrat Party presidential candidate US Senator Elizabeth Warren disguised as a health plan costing over $53 trillion and will cover all illegal aliens—then saw socialist Democrat Party presidential candidate US Senator Kamala Harris writing her death document political suicide note demanding that all American children be imprisoned in their indoctrination camps called schools for 10 hours a day—and in socialist Democrat Party presidential candidate US Senator Bernie Sander’s death document political suicide note, sees its words being contained in his just released immigration plan that calls for the dismantling of all borders, elimination of all US border police and agencies, and halting deportation of all illegal aliens he says have a right to free health care—a plan fully supported by top socialist Democrat Party leader US Senator Dick Durban who has now told all US citizens that “American Families Must Accommodate The World’s Ambition To Be Part Of America”—but all of whom now have to contend with a “New Portal Of Hell” just opened up for them by Trump himself—which are the actual words being used by deranged leftists to describe a rap contest called #MAGACHALLENGE for America’s black youth being sponsored by Trump—a contest supported by their nation’s top black rap artist icon Kanye West, who just told his tens-of-millions of black followers: “Own your power…Your power is not to just vote Democrat for the rest of our lives… That’s not the power”—and to those black peoples in America fearing Democrat Party retribution against them if they don’t do what they are told, saw Kanye West telling them he’s been there and done that with the words: “I’ve been canceled before.  That was canceled culture.  Who told you that my career would be over?   The same people that are telling you that you can’t have a right to say who you will vote for are those people who will soon take Jesus out of school.  Those people will be soon to remove Jesus, period, from America, which is the Bible Belt.  Those people will be so mad.  Come on, man.” […]

Sorcha Faal

CIA Director Gina Haspel Investigating ISIS Link To Mexican Massacre Threatened By Trump Coup Forces

CIA Director Haspel being immediately attacked by spies within her own agency warning her to stop President Donald Trump from releasing the name of the so-called “whistleblower” the coup forces against him are using to overthrow him—a “whistleblower” top socialist Democrat Party leader former US Senator Claire McCaskill is now calling a “tipster” who has no obligation to testify before anyone about anything—is actually known the world over to be CIA operative Eric Ciaramella—but whose deranged efforts to keep the American people from knowing about him and his crimes, now sees social media giant Facebook enacting a policy to remove all content that mentions his name—and Facebook further warning that they will remove any page found daring to even say the name Eric Ciaramella—which logically means that for Facebook to follow this new censorship edict they’ve just enacted, they must now remove all pages that mention and/or contain the Mueller Report—most specifically because the Mueller Report cites CIA operative Eric Ciaramella and his links to the leftist The New York Times multiple times.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Impeachment Coup Against Trump Warned Paves The Path To Jail For Top Obama-Clinton Officials

Interest by the United States in having Trump celebrate with President Putin and other world leaders the greatest wartime defeat of an enemy in modern history, clearly shows the impeachment coup against America’s leader is fully expected to be ended before this historic event takes place six months from now—an ending fast approaching after it was revealed yesterday that Mark Zaid, the leftist lawyer representing CIA whistleblower Eric Ciaramella, sent out a message upon Trump taking office in 2017 declaring “The Coup Has Started” while calling for “impeachment and rebellion”—followed by his sending out another message saying “We Will Get Rid Of Him”—vile messages handed to Trump a few hours ago before he took the stage before tens-of-thousands of his supporters, and upon reading them aloud, stunned and shocked all of them—but in spite of, still sees the Deep State mounting a full defense of this whistleblower in league with his attorney to overthrow Trump—a defense that even has Fox News ordering its hosts and contributors not to say the name of this anti-Trump whistleblower—but is a defense making no sense at all as CIA whistleblower Ciaramella requested his bio be stripped from a book review just days before he launched his attack against Trump—as well as deranged Trump impeachment coup leader US House Intel chairman Adam Schiff  having openly talked about Ciaramella during one of his secret basement hearings that he released the transcript of so everyone could read it—and whose insane absurdity of protecting the name of someone everyone in the world who cares to already knows, became too much for Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr., who Tweeted out Ciaramella’s name anyway—that was near immediately followed by former US Attorney Joe diGenova revealing where this entire coup plot is heading by his warning that the soon coming evidence against these plotters “Is Going to Be Devastating…It’s Going to Ruin Careers”—and his further affirming that top Obama-Clinton regime officials “WILL BE INDICTED”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

2019 American Election Shows Deranged Democrats The Abyss Of Hell That Awaits Them In 2020

A gripping new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today displaying outrage, contempt and disgust towards the 11,000 demonic Western scientists who have now declared that their “Final Solution” to global warming is to just kill off billions of innocent people, says the American branch of these genocidal maniacs have turned themselves into a “Russiagate Cult” that comes complete with its own unquestionable doctrine, dissent-shaming, and an us-versus-them cosmology—all of whom have ensconced themselves in their nation’s radical-socialist Democrat Party—and whose latest example of derangement came just hours ago when they “claimed victory” over President Donald Trump due to the outcome results in their 2019 elections—the reality of which, however, saw Trump himself Tweeting the truth about in his election win congratulations to Republican Party candidates—two of the most important of whom were Attorney Daniel Cameron—who became the first Republican elected to be Kentucky Attorney General in more than 70 years and is the first African-American to ever be elected to the position in a State having a white population of over 87%–and Republican Lieutenant Governor Tate Reeves who won the race for Mississippi governor by defeating Democratic Attorney General Jim Hood—and with the landslide of election of Reeve’s Republican lawmakers, too, now sees them in control of all statewide elected offices in Mississippi where they will rule by super-majority control of the Legislature—the first time since the 1865-1877 Reconstruction Period that Republicans will have total control over all statewide elected offices in Mississippi—and whom were aided in this stunning election victory by its over 37% African-American population who voted to throw the Democrats from power—both of which prove conclusively that white peoples will support black Republican candidates, and black peoples will support white Republican candidates—which are undeniable facts that now sees these deranged socialist Democrats facing next year’s 2020 US Presidential Election staring into the abyss of hell because without near 90% of the black vote, none of their candidates can beat Trump—and are black peoples flocking by the tens-of-millions to the side of one of their most celebrated Trump supporting music icons named Kanye West—who last week warned his nation’s black peoples they had been brainwashed by the Democrats who were forcing black babies to be killed their mothers’ wombs—and who, also, released his “Jesus Is King” album, every song of which made it to the Hot 100, with the song “Follow God” leading the way at number 7.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Family Of US Senator Mitt Romney Massacred In Mexican Ambush—9 Infants And Children Sent To Heaven In Hail Of Bullets

An absolutely horrific highly-classified “Of Special Importance” new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that no less than 37 combat armed and surveillance drones under the control of their US Air Force operators located at Creech Air Force Base in Clark County-Nevada have now flooded the skies over the Mexican states of Chihuahua, Sonora and Sinaloa—the territories of which are home to the one of the most feared illegal drug organizations in the world known as the Sinaloa Cartel who just last month won a decisive battle against the Mexican Army—but whom also, in the past 12 hours, targeted for “extreme death” the family of United States Senator Mitt Romney—a family headed by Romney’s late father George Romney who was born in the Mexican state of Chihuahua—and whose current family members living there are powerful farmers residing in the hills of Casas Grandes in Chihuahua where they oversee their vast fields of peppers, peaches, pears and apples—and when a convoy of Romney family members were returning to their farms yesterday evening, saw them being brutally ambushed and massacred [English] with mothers being raped and babies being burnt alive—a coordinated massacre that killed two infants, seven children and three mothers when Sinaloa Cartel commandos interrupted all communications in the region while maintaining a security fence in the kill zone to avoid intervention of police forces [English]—did see several wounded children escaping and running for their lives into the mountains [English]—after which their farm community armed themselves to look for their missing children [English]—to which the Governor of Sonora Claudia Pavlovich Arellano could only declare in tearful anguish: “I don’t know what kind of monsters dare to hurt women and children”.   […]