Sorcha Faal

Trump Clone War Socialist British Massacre Victory Joined By Doomsday Plane Flight When Empire Strikes Back

President Putin wished Prime Minister Boris Johnson “good health and success” after this British populist leader led his conservative forces yesterday to their historic “bloodbath massacre defeat” of socialist-globalist Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn and his demented leftist followers—a battlefield victory so profound it sent a “catastrophic warning” clear across the Atlantic Ocean to leftist Democrats in America on the grim fate that awaits them in the 2020 election. It was more than fitting that top socialist Democrat Party presidential candidate Joe Biden was in California yesterday viewing this bloodbath massacre defeat, where he declared Prime Minister Johnson is President Donald Trump’s “clone”, at the same exact time obsessed Star Wars fans in California with sleeping bags and a portable movie projector have started camping outside Hollywood’s Chinese Theatre, more than a week before the next installment of this movie blockbuster begins playing—the comparisons of which between this futuristic science fiction movie franchise depicting freedom loving peoples rebelling against an evil space empire and present day reality are becoming harder to ignore—most particularly because this socialist-globalist election battlefield massacre masterminded by Trump-clone Boris Johnson occurred on the 11th anniversary date of 13 December 2008 when top climate change religious figure Al Gore warned the North Pole would be completely melted and free of ice by 2013—an important fact to note as within hours of Prime Minister Johnson achieving his historic victory yesterday, the “evil empire” European Union threatened to slam the United States with crippling climate change tariffs—a threat quickly responded to by President Trump ordering his nation’s feared Doomsday plane to begin nuclear war exercise flights—a Doomsday plane sure to be placed under the command of the new Space Force military command the US Congress just gave money and authority to Trump to create this week—which comes during the same week veteran NASA astronaut Michael Collins posted a shocking Tweet hinting at alien life and its being reported the US Navy is covering up new technology—advanced space technology further alluded to this past week by retired US Air Force Lieutenant General Steven L. Kwast stating that “fantastic technology exists that could transport a human anywhere on earth within an hour”—which one knows would be developed at the highly secretive Area 51 base where its been revealed all of its visitors now have to wear “Foogles” to severely limit their vision when moving about.   […]

Sorcha Faal

US Army Puts Washington On Lockdown As Rebel Forces In Virginia Gather Strength

A cautiously worded new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today reading like it could have been written in 1863 during the darkest days of the American Civil War when the Russian Fleet sailed to New York and San Francisco to protect the Republican Party government of President Abraham Lincoln against the British and French supported Confederate States of America, states that the United States Army has just made permanent its classified aviation mission over Washington and disclosed that it’s aimed at responding to a terrorist attack or natural disaster—a near unprecedented domestic military combat operation to protect the capitol city of America not seen since the 1940s during World War II—but which does come at the same time millions of peoples living in the neighboring Commonwealth of Virginia are being threatened by their socialist Democrat Party overlords who are vowing to throw them all in prison because they legally own guns—a threat the free and armed peoples of Virginia are rebelling against by creating for themselves 85 sanctuary cities and counties from where they’re preparing to fight for their rights.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Clone War “Nightmare Before Christmas” Battle Hands Democrats Socialist British Massacre

A riveting new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting that at the present time there are no grounds to hope London seeks to build good ties with Russia, states this outlook is subject to change after the West rewrote the words to their famous The Twelve Days of Christmas song to match the verses sung during the President Ronald Reagan-Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher Alliance in the 1980s which saw them winning the Cold War and defeating Soviet communism—and in this generation sees clone-like blond-topped leaders President Donald Trump and Prime Minister Boris Johnson arising to form an alliance to wage war against socialist-globalist forces the world’s top theologians have designated as being Anti-Christ and demonic—a major battle of which was just fought and won fittingly on this Friday the 13th Twelfth Day of Christmas of 2019 when Prime Minister Johnson massacred British socialist-globalist forces in what is now being called an “historic landslide win”—is the biggest election win for conservative-populist forces since they put Prime Minister Thatcher into power—and now sees socialist British Labour Party Leader Jeremy Corbyn being “buried in a conservative landslide” so complete, he’s now given up his leadership post after watching “his dreams of global far-left revolution being shattered”—a shattering of these socialist-globalist forces caused by sane British peoples “telling these leftist loons to bugger off”—all of whom have just been rewarded for their sanity by President Trump vowing that this victory now “opens the door to a massive UK-US trade deal”—a massive deal to be made in an atmosphere of Trump being so fond of Prime Minister Johnson that he gave him his private cell phone number—and further sees Johnson election general master mind Nigel Farage hinting that he will join Trump’s presidential campaign next year to, likewise, smash into oblivion Democrat Party socialist-globalists in America. […]

Sorcha Faal

Obama-Clinton Leftist Trained Lawyers Carry Out Deadly Rampage While Horrified World Watches

A grimly astounding new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that Russia is now joined in shock horror with the rest of globe after the world’s largest police organization INTERPOL issued a member country notice a few hours ago detailing a First Information Report filed under the anti-terrorism act laws of Pakistan—which reveals that a group of 200-250 lawyers led by Lahore Bar Association Secretary Maqsood Khokhar and Vice-president Ejaz Basra carried out a deadly rampage yesterday when they attacked the Punjab Institute of Cardiology causing at least 12 deaths—a deadly attack made more notable due to the fact that all of these lawyers were educated by monies paid to them through what was called The Enhanced Partnership with Pakistan Act of 2009 forced upon the unwitting peoples of America by the rabidly leftist Obama-Clinton Regime, who dementedly believed they could social engineer Pakistan into becoming a modern-style Western democracy—the insane stupidity of which was noticed by President Donald Trump, who wisely cut off this $1.3 billion leftist social engineering aid to Pakistan in 2018.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump “Spring Spectacular” Said Is Reason US Continues To Block Release Of Secret Documents Proving No Russia Collusion

An intriguing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting that US-Russia trade has increased to $27 billion under President Donald Trump from its low of $20 billion under former President Barack Obama, all despite sanctions Trump intends to keep in place, states that this issue, coupled with the growing alarm about NATO military activity near Russian and Belarusian borders as this Western war alliance prepares for its largest European exercises in 25 years involving over 20,000 US troops, has led to the decision that it’s premature to talk about a thaw in Russia-US ties—ties which were gravely damaged due to the provably false accusations that Russia interfered in the US presidential election occurring in 2016—but is proof the US will still not allow the release of as its permission is needed to publically reveal these top secret communications between the Obama Regime and Moscow—a fact Foreign Minister Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov pointed out in Washington yesterday when speaking to American reporters when he told them Moscow wanted to publish this cache of communications that cleared Russia of allegations it interfered in the 2016 US election, but that the United States has blocked their release—and whose reason for Trump blocking these top secret documents from being released, was explained in January-2018 to Russia’s three top intelligence chiefs who made their historic and unprecedented trip to Washington to meet with top Trump intelligence agency directors—where they were told that these top secret documents proving Russia didn’t interfere in this election would be released when they could cause “the greatest political damage” to those who perpetrated this lie in the first place—now expected to be in the Spring of 2020—which begins with the April-2020 trial of the Russian company comically slammed with a “joke indictment” for interfering in the 2016 election, that still hasn’t seen Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s prosecutors presenting before this trial’s presiding US Federal Judge what laws were supposed to have been violated—and when this so-called Russian collusion case goes down in flames in full public view, it will then be followed by criminal indictments being issued against these Trump coup plotters by US Attorney John Durham—which yesterday US Attorney General William Barr revealed he expects to happen “in the late spring or early summer”—thus comporting to the master showman style of Trump, whom one can rightly suspect is eagerly awaiting the chance to put on this “Spring Spectacular” spectacle before the American people.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Wins Bombshell Victory After US Supreme Court Orders Mothers To Listen To Heartbeats Of Their Babies Before Abortion

A fascinating new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin this morning discussing agenda items for today’s meeting between Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and President Donald Trump in the White House Oval Office, lists as one of it most important items of discussion a congratulation due to Trump for winning yesterday the prestigious “Courageous Witness for Life Award” for his efforts to defend the lives of the unborn—an award shortly followed by Trump winning a bombshell victory for human life when the United States Supreme Court, also yesterday, left in full force a law ordering that doctors must perform ultrasounds and have women listen to fetal heartbeats before performing abortions—a staggering once-in-a-generation ruling on abortion that saw no Supreme Court Justice publishing a dissenting opinion—is a ruling fully expected to be followed by even more pro-life decisions being made by this Supreme Court . […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Impeachment Meant To Stop Populist Storm In Britain Becomes Epic Fail

Socialist-globalist Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn against “populist storm” Conservative Party leader Prime Minister Boris Johnson—with Corbyn being an exact carbon copy of his socialist-globalist American counterparts in his vow to oversee a radical expansion of the government’s role in the economy, that includes spending hundreds of billions of dollars on projects including free internet for all—as opposed to Johnson siding with Trump and vowing to remove Britain from the European Union in the Brexit process in what his forces call “the battle for our independence”—and against whom these globalist-socialist forces have thrown the impeachment of global populist leader Trump in their deranged hopes it will turn the British peoples away from voting for Johnson—an apparent epic fail of monumental proportions as Johnson holds a double digit lead over Corbyn with just days to go before this vote—but whose margins are tightening as Trump’s impeachment nears its clash with this election. […]

Sorcha Faal

Global “Day Of Reckoning” Arrives With Trump Towering Over Entire World

President Donald Trump is towering over the entire world with an economy that just smashed forecasts by adding another 266,000 new jobs in November while dropping their unemployment to a 50-year low—all occurring during the same week Trump attended a summit in London with his NATO leader counterparts that have turned this once formidable military alliance into “gossip circle”—and is due to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, and French President Emmanuel Macron being caught on video mocking Trump behind his back—the same Trudeau who was then crushed with the news that Canada lost 71,200 jobs in its biggest employment drop in decade—the same Johnson who was then smashed over the head with the news that the British economy grew at the slowest annual rate in a decade as he faces an election this week—and the same Macron whose entire French nation remains shut down this week due to its citizens revolting by the tens-of-millions against his socialist economic policies—the hypocrisy of which was not lost on the Russian Embassy in Canada, who posted to these Trump and Russian hating for no reason socialist Western leaders: “While ‘brain dead’ NATO annual military budget exeeds $1 trillion, Russia spends on defense 23 times less (only $46 billion). Nevertheless, fake Russian threat is used to justify even more waste of taxpayers’ $?  Good for business strategy, dangerous for international peace and security”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trial Of Mafia Boss Killer Linked To Trump Exposes Epstein-Mossad Satanic Orgy Readied For Democrat Party Elite

Former Israeli master spy Ari Ben-Menashe, who now admits child sex slaver Jeffrey Epstein was a Mossad asset gathering intelligence on American elites for blackmail purposes—and in past dealings with McKinsey & Company, saw master spy Ben-Menashe working closely with former McKinsey associate Pete Buttigieg—an admitted homosexual now running to be the Democrat Party nominee for president, but who is now refusing to talk about or release any information about his work at and for McKinsey & Company—but nevertheless, will undoubtedly see Buttigieg attending the massive sex orgy planned for American celebrity and Democrat Party elites this month in Miami—which in reality is a Mossad event celebrating their now having taken over the CIA’s sex blackmail operation. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Opens Door For Staggering $500 Million Lawsuit Against Obama Law Firms That Aided Hillary Clinton

During the 2016 US presidential election, one of Michelle Obama’s former law associates at Sidley Austin, named Joseph Wyss, made repeated trips to the Washington D.C. based international law firm Perkins Coie LLP—who quickly hired Wyss right before Robert Shapiro was arrested this past Spring—a hiring suspected to be due to what Wyss knows about why Obama’s official campaign organization funneled through the Sidley Austin law firm $972,000 to Perkins Coie beginning in April-2016—the same Perkins Cole law firm Hillary Clinton hired and paid at the exact same time to make up the Steele Dossier meant to destroy Trump—and upon hearing the news yesterday about this massive lawsuit being filed, saw socialist Democrat Party leader Nancy Pelosi rushing to her podium to declare that she had “no choice” but to proceed with articles of impeachment against Trump—and saw Pelosi further absurdly declaring “Civilization As We Know It Today Is At Stake”—a “civilization”, no doubt, not containing any normal peoples, but only those who have enriched themselves for decades at the endless money trough of socialist Democrat Party ill gotten gains.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Hillary Clinton Money Launderers And Key Mueller Witness Slammed With 53 Count Federal Criminal Indictment

The US Department of Justice yesterday slammed a 53-count criminal indictment against a cabal of money launderers who illegally funneled millions-of-dollars into the 2016 presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton—a cabal led by the now criminally charged Ahmad “Andy” Khawaja whom Clinton appointed to be a Commissioner of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom and key Special Counsel Robert Mueller witness George Nader.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Impeachment Coup Crashes World Markets As Global Leaders Watch In Horror

The West’s infinite monetary inflation faces as a final solution to 150 years of monetary failures the coming systemic and monetary collapse that will mark the final collapse of fiat currencies—with the most hard hit fiat currency warned to be the US Dollar whose Federal Reserve creator of has been flooding into the global financial system over the past few weeks through banking giant JP Morgan in what are called “mind boggling amounts”—all of which has been met by President Donald Trump crashing global markets with his threatening tariffs on EVERYONE and his now admitting that it’s better to wait until after the 2020 election for a trade deal with China—a reaction to this rapidly growing global economic chaos Trump was left with no choice of as the impeachment coup against him by socialist-globalist forces nearing total defeat appears intent upon bringing the whole world down along with them.  […]

Sorcha Faal

First And Only Soviet President Warns Destruction Of Entire Civilization Must Not Be Allowed

The true reason for Gorbachev dissolving the Soviet Union he stated in his own words: “the nuclear meltdown at Chernobyl was the real cause of the collapse of the Soviet Union”—a fact based on the unimaginable catastrophic Chernobyl nuclear power plant meltdown that proved our world has absolutely no defense against nuclear radiation annihilation—the lessons of which, however, the West has refused to learn and caused Gorbachev to warn last month that “the world is in colossal danger of a nuclear wipeout”—a grave warning Gorbachev most particularly aimed at the powerful warmongering socialist forces presently causing chaos in the United States who outright refuse to reach agreement with Russia on anything—and to whom Gorbachev just addressed with the warning words: “Speakers and politicians, people understand that this, the New Cold War, must not be allowed…This might turn out to be a hot war that could mean the destruction of our entire civilization…This must not be allowed”.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Virginians Awaken In Horror Over Socialist Democrat Plot To Throw Millions Of Them In Prison

The Commonwealth of Virginia—one of the 50 States that comprises the United States having a population of over 8.5 million, awakened in horror this past week upon their discovering that their socialist Democrat Party overlords have prepared a new law to strip them all of their guns and rights to protect themselves, while preparing at the same time to imprison anyone who opposes them—and in response to, sees other millions of these Virginia citizens openly preparing to defy these Democrat monsters.  […]

Sorcha Faal

War Imminent After Trump Surrounds Mexico With Aircraft Carriers And Admits Conflict Declaration Ready

United States Navy supercarrier USS Nimitz (CVN-68) left its Kitsap-Bremerton homeport in Washington during the past week and is now patrolling the waters of the western coast of Mexico—the Nimitz-class nuclear powered aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71) left its San Diego homeport in California this past week and is now patrolling the waters off the western coast of Mexico—and the Nimitz-class nuclear powered aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman (CVN-75) left its homeport in Newport-Virginia this past week and is now patrolling the waters off the eastern coast of Mexico known as “WestLant” (short for Western Atlantic)—all of whose war deployments are coming just a fortnight from when women, babies and children belonging to the extended Mormon family of Republican Party US Senator Mitt Romney were brutally massacred in Mexico—a massacre carried out by the murderous super-cartel known as the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) which is now the most powerful criminal organization in Mexico having a confirmed presence in 22 Mexican states as well as the United States, Central America, and South America. […]