Sorcha Faal

Assassination Of US Air Force Commander Sends US-China To Brink Of Total War

A tersely worded new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today strongly pointing to the likelihood of the “Coronavirus Pandemic War” soon erupting into open military hostilities between the United States and Communist China, reveals that a highly-classified “Of Special Importance” investigation conducted by the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) is behind the decision to keep Russian Pacific Fleet naval forces on their present long-distance deployment—an SVR investigation begun on 13 May when electronic intercepts detected an emergency mobilization of numerous Critical Incident Response Group (CIRG) elite forces teams belonging to the FBI—all of whom were rushed to Peterson Air Force Base-Colorado—where upon arriving, Ministry of Defense (MoD) satellite observations detected an unusually high amount of heavily armed US military and federal police force activity—unusual activity that was followed within 2-hours by a shock Pentagon announcement that US Air Force Colonel Thomas Falzarano had been “discovered dead” at his Peterson Air Force Base home—a home both the SVR and MoD confirm Colonel Falzarano has rarely visited sine late March, as he, along with the entire top war leadership of the US military, have been stationed underground at the Cheyenne Mountain Nuclear Bunker Complex—and from where Colonel Falzarano had been commanding his 21st Space Wing forces that are responsible for ground-based missile warning and space control operations, and exercises operational control over the Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station, the Cavalier Air Force Station, the Clear Air Force Station, the Cape Cod Air Force Station, and the Thule Air Base in Greenland—the latter of which is critical to note, as in the hours just prior to Colonel Falzarano being “discovered dead”, Communist China attacked the US for its “predatory interests in the Arctic while seeking to buy Greenland”—with that attack then being followed by Communist China threatening that American politicians seeking to hold them accountable for the coronavirus pandemic will face “severe consequences”—a grave threat SVR intelligence analysts combined with all other available data to make their determination that the most likely case of death for Colonel Falzarano was “murder by assassination”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

FBI Slams Top Republican Senator With Coronavirus Criminal Warrant—But True Target Is Democrat Leader Pelosi

A stunning new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the latest battlefield moves being made by President Donald Trump in the still raging “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, says most critical to note about them involves United States Senator Richard Burr, the powerful Republican Party chairman of the US Select Committee on Intelligence—who, a few hours ago, was slammed when the FBI raided his Washington D.C. home to serve on him a criminal warrant to seize his cell phone—which followed the FBI using another criminal warrant to seize Senator Burr’s iCloud account—which means that a US Federal Judge signed off on these warrants after being persuaded by FBI agents and US Department of Justice  prosecutors that there was probable cause that a crime was committed—not just any crime, but a vile “coronavirus crime” making money off of misery and death—as after his having received a top-secret briefing on the coronavirus by US intelligence officials before any of the American people were even aware of it, Senator Burr used it to sell $1.7 million of his stocks before the pandemic crushed global markets—as did Republican Party US Senator Kelly Loeffler use this same top-secret information to sell millions-of-dollars of her stocks, too—but whose greatest perpetrator of this “coronavirus crime” is socialist Democrat Party leader US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who used her top-secret knowledge of the coronavirus to buy up to $3.3 million in stocks that have skyrocketed in value since the pandemic began—thus making her the undisputed main target of the FBI and US federal prosecutors—and when charged and arrested by them for her “coronavirus crimes”, won’t be able to convince anyone that President Trump is singling her out while Senators Burr and Loeffler are sitting in the dock right beside her.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Baffling Quagmire To War Strategy

An interesting new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today focusing on events occurring in the United States during this current stage of “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, notes with grave concern the shocking admission just by made by Ambassador James F. Jeffrey, the United States Special Envoy for the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS, that his role was not to fight radical Islamic terrorism in Syria, rather he said: “My job is to make it a quagmire for the Russians”—a shock admission responded to by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov questioning US military biological activities in various parts of the world and asking “what is really going on there”—while adding: “We have to state that even in the conditions of a pandemic, our American colleagues and their allies do not abandon their attempts to escalate confrontation, to use the current situation to impose their point of view, their vision of world order, which they call an order based on rules…As you know, they invent the rules themselves”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Four Horsemen Of Apocalypse Warned Are ACTIVE—One Gets New Name: “Trump Derangement Mob”

An in-depth new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing some of the most recent critical developments occurring in the continuing to rage “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, notes with grim concern that 72-hours after President Putin and Prime Minister Boris Johnson considered if the coronavirus was a “assassination by disease” weapon targeting President Donald Trump, a growing chorus of gleeful speculation has erupted among socialist forces in America about this disease taking out both Trump and Vice President Mike Pence to make Democrat Party leader US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi the new President of the United States—chief among them being top globalist-socialist leader George Soros, who says “trying to be a dictator” President Trump “is literally fighting for his life”, and declared about the coronavirus pandemic “This is the crisis of my lifetime…we were in a revolutionary moment”—a “revolutionary moment”, however, Soros knows his globalist-socialist forces are losing after Germany’s Constitutional Court moved to block the European Central Bank from creating money out of thin air to fight the catastrophic economic effects this pandemic is causing—which caused Soros to erupt in rage and proclaim: “If the German court’s verdict prevents the EU from resisting these developments, it will be the end of the EU as we know it”—and further ranted in madness that “I will also say that I have put my faith in Trump to destroy himself, and he has exceeded my wildest expectations”.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Charges Obama With Biggest Political Crime In American History While Preparing For War On China

A gripping new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the latest grave developments occurring in the “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, says that within 48-hours of President Putin and Prime Minister Boris Johnson discussing the likelihood of the coronavirus being part of an “assassination by disease plot” to down both President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence in order to install radical socialist Democrat Party leader US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as president, the American neoconservative political analyst Bill Kristol posted to all anti-Trump forces the chilling message: “Straightforward from here: President Trump has to self-quarantine due to possible exposure to coronavirus, can’t fulfill duties of presidency in quarantine, steps down…VP Pence has to self-quarantine, can’t fulfill duties of vice presidency, steps down…President Pelosi”—a threat quickly followed by President Trump openly charging former President Barack Obama with having committed “The biggest political crime in American history, by far!”—which is actually supported by the facts proving that Obama ran a secret operation to overthrow President Trump—and was followed by President Trump’s top White House advisor Peter Navarro declaring that “the Chinese Communist Party crashed America’s economy in 60-days”—an act of war President Trump is rapidly responding to by flooding US military forces into the areas around Communist China to prevent their invasion of Taiwan—all coming against the backdrop of German intelligence sources confirming that Communist Chinese leader President Xi asked the World Health Organization to cover-up the coronavirus—the same World Health Organization that just epically failed a secret test given to them by Tanzanian President John Magufuli—who in growing suspicious of what the World Health Organization is really doing, “sent them samples of a goat, a papaya and a pheasant”—all of which the World Health Organization preposterously claimed tested positive for the coronavirus—thus explaining why the world can’t wait any longer for President Trump to end this madness before the entire world goes up in flames.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Lobs “Satchel Of Terror” And “Bannon Bomb” Into Heart Of Obama-China Stronghold

A fascinating new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the latest battle moves being made on the various front lines of the “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, says the just pronounced declaration by President Putin that “patriotism means devoting oneself to the development of the country, its progress” has taken on a distorted vision by Communist China and India military forces whose “massive face off” has now erupted into an “aggressive confrontation” between these two nuclear armed powers—a rapidly growing more dangerous by the day conflict being watched over by the nuclear armed United States whose President Donald Trump is himself battling against a coronavirus that’s specifically designed, either by man or nature, to “assassinate by disease” elderly men over 70-years-old like the American leader is—and in fighting back against, is now seeing President Trump having his top intelligence director Richard Grenell “deliver by the satchel full” secret documents to the US Justice Department exposing the Obama-Clinton Regime plot to overthrow him—while at the same time, his top strategist Steve Bannon—who never really left the White House he’s expected to rejoin soon—has launched a withering attack against Communist China for their coronavirus crimes against humanity—both of which the “panicked and unhinged” radical socialist leader former President Barack Obama has emerged from his stronghold to viciously attack—with his first absurdly claiming that “the rule of law is at risk” because President Trump is exposing his crimes—and his then jumping to the defense of Communist China by echoing their vile claim that “Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic an absolute chaotic disaster”.   […]

Sorcha Faal

“Assassination By Disease” Plot To Make Pelosi President Discovered

A mind-blowing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the most terrifying event yet to occur in the “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, says that during yesterday’s telephonic conference held between President Putin and Prime Minister Boris Johnson, a “frank” discussion was held between these two leaders involving Prime Minister Johnson’s dire health battle against the coronavirus that was so severe it had his doctors preparing to announce his death—a discussion wherein Prime Minister Johnson revealed that the British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS-MI6) could not give him a positive assurance that he wasn’t deliberately infected with the coronavirus as a means to assassinate him, but which he said under British law would have meant his Conservative Party would still remain in power if he had died, as they would have just chosen a new leader—but thereafter saw Prime Minister Johnson expressing his fears to President Putin that this same type of leadership didn’t apply in the United States—fears based on the US having what is known as the 25th Amendment that the sets forth the succession of leadership if President Donald Trump was struck down by death or disease—which would then see Vice President Mike Pence taking power—though if both Trump and Pence were struck down at the same time, all power would go to radical socialist Democrat Party leader US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Gets Green Light To Attack Iran—But Instead Chooses Coronavirus War With California

An informative new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting some of the more strategic moves taking place in the still raging “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, says the decision made to approve funds for RT America to hire more US journalists ahead of the 2020 American Presidential Election is based upon the reality that this will be the most critical battlefield front that will decide the fate of this global conflict—a global conflict President Putin and President Donald Trump discussed at great length yesterday—after which President Putin stated: “Russia and the United States are today at the forefront of countering global challenges…Following the traditions of cooperation laid down in the wartime years and acting in ‘the Elbe spirit,’ our countries could do much for ensuring international security and stability”. […]

Sorcha Faal

America Puts Fear Gun To Head And Pulls Trigger

A terrifying new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing additional national defense measures needing to be immediately taken as the “Coronavirus Pandemic War” teeters ever closer to an eruption of sudden global conflict, says approval was granted to the Ministry of Defense (MoD) to float out in late June the highly secretive Project 09852-Belgorod special-purpose nuclear submarine—a submarine to be armed with the feared Poseidon attack drone capable of delivering an up to 100-megaton nuclear warhead, that Western military experts call the “Doomsday Torpedo” because they claim its 200-megaton nuclear warhead is capable of unleashing a 500-meter (1,640-feet) high radioactive tsunami against its targets—targets that could include the seaports Communist China has been buying up all around the world—but in such a circumstance, would only be considered if the United States requested a military alliance with the Russian Federation to defend themselves against Communist China. […]

Sorcha Faal

Hero Arises As Coronavirus Deaths Shockingly Reveal Democrat Party Genocide Of Black Peoples

An analytical new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting various inconsistencies rising to the forefront in the currently ongoing and raging  “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, says one of the most dangerous of them occurred after US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper demanded that Communist China allow immediate access to its early coronavirus patients and the scientists who examined them—a demand coming at the same time a mysterious coronavirus-like syndrome is spreading from London to New York attacking children—that Communist China responded to by calling US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo “a degenerate politician who’s brought shame to evangelical Christians” and warning that if the US placed more tariffs against them they’d view at as a weapon—a Communist China warning that was then inexplicably responded to by the United States and United Kingdom naval forces launching a Cold War-style provocation in Russia’s Arctic backyard. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Declares “Unprecedented Emergency” As Chinese Leaders Told To Be Ready For War With America

A forewarning-centric new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing defensive military actions needing to be considered as the “Coronavirus Pandemic War” spins ever more dangerously out of control, notes that after former top White House trade negotiator Clete Willems grimly assessed the current state US-China relations yesterday with the words: “I know people get uncomfortable with the terminology, but I do think we have to be honest and call this what it is and this is the start of a new Cold War and if we’re not careful, things could get much, much worse”, Communist China announced it was set to unveil its new nuclear stealth bomber that could reach Los Angeles—an announcement followed by the grave revelation of a report that was presented by Chinese intelligence to their nation’s top leaders warning that they needed to be prepared for an armed confrontation with the United States—that itself came 72-hours after President Donald Trump ordered his Department of Agriculture to declare an “Unprecedented Emergency” as meat processing plants in the US began closing due to the coronavirus causing “Dangerously Close” shortages—and are shortages that have now caused meat to be rationed throughout all America.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Fearless US Marine Leads World Out Of Tyrannical Socialist Ruled Over Coronavirus Lockdown Hell

A compelling new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today examining the fallout occurring in global societies due to the still raging “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, says that even though the National Medical Research Center for Phthisiopulmonology and Infectious Disease has stated that Russia may reach the peak of disease spread in the next two weeks, it’s more critical to notice the findings just released by Doctor-Scientist Anna Popova—who as the Chief State Sanitary Physician of the Russian Federation is now declaring: “Today it’s impossible to completely stop the circulation of the coronavirus, no matter how closed the country is”—an obvious truth most astoundingly first noticed by common sense ordinary peoples, not scientists, and exampled as being true by just released scientific data showing people all over the world are rejecting their governments’ shelter in place tyranny—the powerful ripple effects of are now spreading throughout the United States where the City of Oklahoma backed off its mask mandate after its citizens neared revolt, as did the State of Ohio, whose Governor Mike DeWine dropped his mandatory mask order saying “it went too far”, and said: “People were not going to accept the government telling them what to do”—and who were joined by Arizona sheriffs declaring that they won’t enforce their governor’s stay-at-home order for citizens either […]

Sorcha Faal

Bigger Than Watergate Shock To The Conscience Collides With Military Operation To Overthrow Trump

An intriguing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the latest developments occurring in the “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, notes with grave concern that after President Donald Trump yesterday signaled his intention to slam Communist China with tariffs to punish them for the spread of the coronavirus, he ordered the immediate deployment of four B-1 nuclear-armed heavy bombers to their forward base in Guam as a “show of force” against the Communist Chinese military—a needed defensive measure coming at the same time the United States is down to its last nuclear-armed aircraft carrier battle group, with all their other ones being crippled by the coronavirus—which joins this battlefront to the even more critical one exploding in America that’s being called “Bigger Than Watergate”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Activates Doomsday Protocols While Surrounding China With Live Anti-Ship Missiles

A grimly foreboding new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting how close the “Coronavirus Pandemic War” is tipping towards open global conflict, reveals the reason behind President Putin stating that the action plan for economic recovery from the current crisis “must address a new reality” is due to the grave assessments being made by the Ministry of Defense (MoD) that yesterday led Russia to warn the United States of a massive nuclear response—a nuclear war warning coming at the same time the US has deployed its Doomsday communications planes into the skies over America and the US Northern Command has dispersed essential command and control teams to multiple hardened locations, including the famous Cheyenne Mountain bunker complex in Colorado—and following saw the White House abruptly declaring within the past few hours that President Donald Trump is preparing to flee to his hardened military compound at Camp David. […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Warns Of Crushing Nuclear Response After Bioweapon Attack On Trump Confirmed

A fearfully worded new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the latest grave developments occurring in the “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, says the just released Ministry of Defense (MoD) assessment of current Comprehensive National Power (CNP) alignments conducted with the United Service Institution of India (USI), conclusively confirms the findings of Major General Shashi Asthana that an “Undeclared World War III” now exists between the United States and Communist China, and to which “the coronavirus outbreak has added a new dimension”. […]