Sorcha Faal

Communist China Throws Full Support Behind “Prairie Fire” Riots Destroying America They Call “Beautiful”

A disturbing new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting its 28 December 2019 dire warning that the socialist stronghold Commonwealth of Virginia was preparing to unleash “Red Guard Forces” that are similar to those deployed in China by communist leader Chairman Mao Zedong in 1966, who unleashed his angry and violent fist raising mass student-led paramilitary social movement called the “Red Guards” to kill up to 20-million Chinese peoples not bowing to socialist ideology—grimly reveals that Virginia socialist Democrat Party tyrant Governor Ralph Northam rejected a call by the White House to deploy National Guard forces to protect innocent lives—a rejection coming at the exact same time Richmond-Virginia Police Chief Chief William Smith broke down in tears on live television while describing how these “Red Guard Forces” set ablaze an apartment building with children inside, and then kept fire officials from being able to reach the scene and save them—a tragedy totally ignored by socialist leader former President Barack Obama, who yesterday used his time to hold a virtual roundtable where he said he’s “encouraged by mass protests” and stated: “We have seen in the last several weeks, the last few months, the kinds of epic changes and events in our country that are as profound as anything I’ve seen in my lifetime”—which most remarkable about saw Obama quoting verbatim from the socialist war manual titled “Prairie Fire: The Politics of Revolutionary Anti-imperialism”—that’s called “the magnum opus written by Obama friend Bill Ayers”—and wherein it demands that ordinary American people be forced to bow down and pledge their allegiance to socialist revolutionaries—which is now happening as young white women are being stopped in the streets of America and ordered to kneel before these socialists and beg forgiveness for their “crimes”—as well as large crowds of white citizens being rounded up in America and forced to kneel in socialist servitude, too—acts of subservience to these socialist revolutionaries also being exhibited by Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, who knelt before these socialists then vowed to cripple the Los Angeles Police Department by taking $150-million of their budget and giving it to socialist revolutionary groups—all of which Communist China has just declared “Is A Beautiful Sight” and “Retribution” for a  US political system they say is “declining at an accelerating rate”—and is why they’re suggesting they are going to support these riots tearing America apart.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Feared Zaslon Assassins Deployed To America With Orders To Wipe Out ANTIFA Leadership

A cryptically worded new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today detailing certain aspects of the President Donald Trump initiated call with President Putin on Monday, notes that following the conversation held between these two leaders of the world’s largest nuclear armed nations, President Putin signed into force Russia’s new nuclear deterrent policy—a policy this report clarifies the extent of by stating: “Moscow will only use nuclear weapons if Russia or its allies come under nuclear attack or if there is an attack involving conventional arms that threatens the very existence of the state”—and in further response to the talks held between President Trump and President Putin, saw International Affairs Council member Andrey Kortunov declaring about them: “Attempts to involve Russia in a fight against China are bound to fail….It is unclear what Moscow could gain from it…Western countries haven’t put forward any practical proposals that Moscow would see as worthy of consideration…No one is offering to remove the sanctions, recognize Crimea’s reunification with Russia or ensure major investments in the Russian economy…This is why it is a fool’s errand to try to make Russia part of an anti-China front”—a declaration considered by Security Council Members (that Kortunov is not a part of) then put aside for future deliberations and analysis. […]

Sorcha Faal

NASA Issues Incoming Asteroid Alert As Combat Warplanes Fill Night Skies Of America

A striking new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today, whose discussions note Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova describing the situation with ongoing mass protests and riots in the United States as an “American tragedy”, quickly turned its attention to a Ministry of Defense (MoD) document revealing they’ve just been alerted by the Planetary Defense Coordination Office (PDCO) that NASA scientists have detected a “potentially dangerous asteroid” approaching Earth on 6 June having a diameter between 250-570 meters—that was then followed by a discussion related to President Donald Trump having called his nation’s socialist Democrat Party governors “fools” and “jerks” for them having failed to use enough forces to stop the rioting in their States—which itself was followed by President Trump vowing to use military force to restore order himself—a vow quickly put into action over these past few hours in the night skies over America, where into them have flooded multiple C-130J and C-17A combat troop loaded warplanes from Fort Riley, Fort Drum, and Fort Bragg that are now arriving into Andrews Air Force Base outside of Washington D.C.—as well as five C-17 combat warplanes that have left Fort Bragg flying towards Washington D.C., too—the latter of which are known to be carrying the US Army’s elite 82nd Airborne Division’s Immediate Response Force.   […]


Russia Designates Floyd George “Incident” Psyop Operation—Warns CIA Is Main Target

A highly-classified “Of Special Importance” new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the announced intention of President Donald Trump to designate the radical socialist group ANTIFA as a terrorist organization, says that prior to this announcement being made yesterday, FBI Office-Moscow, in early March-2020, made an urgent request to meet with senior SVR officers—a meeting the SVR assumed the FBI wanted to discuss the movement of ANTIFA terrorists from Canada into the United States, where in both countries they were derailing trains—whom the SVR knew both US military and intelligence assets were tracking since they discovered ANTIFA terrorists were training in Venezuela in August-2017—but were surprised during this meeting when FBI officers, along with US Department of Justice and US State Department investigators, began asking about a rather small and insignificant organization named the Russian Imperial Movement—that’s never committed an act of terrorism, though some of its members have been “linked” to terrorist activities in Europe, though never in America—but when revealed to the FBI by the SVR that a few US citizens had visited this organization’s website, which the Americans already knew and had the files on, saw this being enough “evidence” needed for the US State Department to brand the Russian Imperial Movement and members of its leadership as “Specially Designated Global Terrorists” a few weeks later on 7 April 2020.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Socialists Declare American Revolution As Low-Intensity Conflict Erupts In United States

A gripping new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today warning that “the situation in Libya continues to deteriorate after massive outside aid changed the balance of powers”, notes this balance of power change is not attributable to a Pentagon that’s otherwise occupied by drawing up withdrawal plans for President Donald Trump to have all US military forces removed from Afghanistan by his nation’s election day on 3 November—withdrawal plans being overshadowed by events in Minnesota that expose human rights problems in US, which the Ministry responded to by stating: “This incident is not the first in the string of incidents exposing lawlessness and unjustified violence by guardians of law and order in the United States”—an incident, however, itself being shadowy as a Minnesota police officer has been arrested and accused of killing a co-worker he pressed his knee onto the neck of for an extended period of time while taking him into custody—though the just released autopsy revealed no physical findings that support a diagnosis that this death was caused by either traumatic asphyxia or strangulation. […]

Sorcha Faal

QAnon Arises To Counter Chinese Claim Americans Are Eating Coronavirus Dead

A mind-blowing “You Just Can’t Make This Stuff Up!” new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today wondering about the societal-sanity of peoples living through the current “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, questions the wisdom of Communist China this past week having had their main broadcaster China Central Television (CCTV) air a movie called “Soylent Green”—a  dystopian thriller film produced in America in 1973 wherein its main character Thorn discovers in the year 2022 that the US government is secretly killing people and processing them into a food named “Soylent Green”—and predictably after airing, saw millions of Chinese citizens flooding onto their social media site WeChat to claim that American officials have been processing dead bodies of Chinese coronavirus victims into burgers and feeding them to the masses—an insanity being matched in America, where there it’s now been discovered a new religion is arising—a religion being called the “Church of QAnon” that’s named after an anonymous pro-Trump internet poster who goes by the name of “Q”—and in a just published research article about titled “The Church of QAnon: Will conspiracy theories form the basis of a new religious movement?”, sees Concordia University doctoral student Marc-André Argentino describing about this new religion: “It has two-hour Sunday services with several hundred attendees that consist of prayer, communion, and interpretation of the Bible in light of Q drops and vice versa…The leader’s goal is to train congregants to form their own home congregations in the future and grow the movement”.   […]

Sorcha Faal

“Rabbit-Dragon War” Warned Could Explode US Rocket Launch As Battle For Mars In Yemen Takes Strange Turn

A gobsmacking new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today appearing to throw the confines of the “Coronavirus Pandemic War” from our planet into outer space, stunningly reveals that an assessment conducted by the High Command of the Aerospace Forces (HC-AF) rates the viability of the successful 27 May scheduled launch of the Space X Dragon-2 mission to the International Space Station from its Florida launch pad at less than 20%—an assessment made on the “seething anger” still coursing through the Chinese National Space Administration (CNSA) over America naming this spacecraft after its most revered “Chinese Dragon” symbol of national pride, and will do everything it can to insure this mission’s failure to further show the incompetence of President Donald Trump—is a mission that China sees as a direct threat to its own Chang’e Space Programme that, in 2013, became the first in history to successfully land a spacecraft on the dark side of the Moon—is a programme named after the “Chinese Moon Goddess Chang’e”, whose pet “Jade Rabbit” lives on the dark side of the Moon. […]

Sorcha Faal

Leftist Meltdown Also Slams American War Dead

A thought-provoking new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting some positive developments happening in the “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, says Chief Sanitary Officer Anna Popova has authorized over half of Russia’s regions to begin loosening their lockdowns as the coronavirus abates, while at the same time Director Alexander Gintsburg of the Gamaleya Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology has revealed mass vaccination against the novel coronavirus in Russia may start in autumn, but says this process may take as long as nine months—an assessment agreed with by US Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar with his announcement yesterday that it is “a very credible objective” for the United States to have “100 million doses” of a coronavirus vaccine as early as October and triple that amount by the early part of next year—though predictably these positive moves against the coronavirus are being met with leftist meltdowns, as to cure this disease ends their tyrannical reign of power over innocent peoples’ lives—best exampled in Britain where Prime Minister Boris Johnson is being pummeled by leftists because one of his aides broke lockdown rules—and in America, where just days after the US Army announced one its largest recruitment drives in history to give well paying careers to young people left jobless by the coronavirus, the vile leftist New York Times choose this weekend that America mourns its war dead to attack the US military and dementedly accuse it of “celebrating white supremacy”—but whose greatest example of leftist meltdown lunacy came after these idiots discovered the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had tweeted information about how to get the Economic Impact Payment in Russian—proof these mindless idiot leftists screamed that “Putin is running the US government through encrypted communications”—and if true, according to leftist logic, must mean this applies to every other leader in the world, too—as the IRS tweets out such information in all of the world’s languages.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Doomsday Deadline Nears As Communist Chinese Hong Kong Anschluss Turns 2020 Into 1938

A foreshadowing of horrors to come new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the most dangerous escalation to date occurring in the “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, says that after the National People’s Congress (NPC) of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), a few hours ago, raised their second largest in the world, after the United States, military budget to $178.2 billion, they introduced legislation that would “prevent, stop, and punish” activities endangering national security in Hong Kong, and allow Beijing to “set up agencies in Hong Kong” to carry out these duties—an actual “Anschluss” action exactly like the one that saw the German Nazi Empire taking over Austria in 1938 in violation of all international laws and norms—and upon introducing saw Hong Kong declaring to the world “the worst nightmare is happening before our eyes” as it watched “its economy freefall into collapse”—with it further being warned that Communist China “Has Now Lit Hong Kong’s Funeral Pyre”—all of which was swiftly met by the British government issuing a gravely worded statement in an official war document titled “Joint Statement from the UK, Australia and Canada on Hong Kong” that warned Communist China the legally binding Joint Declaration they signed in 1984 with the United Kingdom giving full autonomy to Hong Kong is still in force—which itself was immediately followed by President Donald Trump “warning Communist China of a strong US response if it imposes this new Hong Kong law”—and is a “strong response” now in the hands of United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo—who not only has just condemned Communist China for its planned destruction of Hong Kong, he has just 8-days to respond to the 31 May deadline mandated in the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019—a “doomsday deadline mandate” that legally demands Secretary Pompeo certify Communist China has in no way whatsoever interfered in Hong Kong—and if they have, then imposes on Communist China and all of its leaders crushing sanctions designed to destroy them.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Communist Chinese Saboteur Identified By Russia Killed In Texas Naval Base Shootout

An informative new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing some of the latest actions being observed taking place in the “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, says most important of them to notice is what occurred during the 48-hours following the FBI Office-Moscow making an urgent request for aid to the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) on 20 May—an urgent request the FBI made after saboteur-terrorists had destroyed over this past week two US fighter jets worth over $420-million at a Florida military base, and last December killed 3 US Navy soliders at another Florida military base—with the commonality of these attacks being these US military bases were training centers for radicalized Saudi Arabian pilots and aircraft technicians training at them—and whose greatest present fears about were them being devoted followers of the most feared terrorist in the world Masood Azhar, who is best known for being “China’s Favorite Terrorist”—and upon receiving this urgent request from the FBI, saw MVD intelligence analysts coordinating an investigation with the Russian Reconciliation Center for Syria, whose military intelligence assets maintain constant surveillance of all known and/or suspected Masood Azhar supporters in Syria—a list of whom the MVD turned over to the FBI within hours of this urgent request being made—one of whose names upon was a Syrian national named Adam Salim Alsahli who was residing in the United States, was also a student at Umm Al-Qura University located in Mecca-Saudi Arabia, and was training as an aircraft technician at Naval Air Station Corpus Christi-Texas—information provided to the FBI by the MVD that was followed at 6:15 a.m.(local Corpus Christi time) yesterday (21 May) with US news reports saying that a terrorism related shootout with security officers at the North Gate of Naval Air Station Corpus Christi had occurred—followed by Adam Salim Alsahli then being identified as the only person killed in this shootout—the “official story” being that this terrorist began the attack—but has MVD intelligence analysts stating that this terrorist was killed in an ambush conducted by elite FBI and/or US military commandos—as their SOP (standard operating procedure) in dealing with terrorist threats is to lure their suspects into tightly controlled tactical situations, such as guard posts and road blocks, then “shoot first and ask questions later”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Accuses Communist China Of “Mass Worldwide Killing” Then Issues Documents Of War

A grimly foreboding new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today contemplating the grave significance of the largest escalation to date in the now raging out of control “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, reveals its Members met with unanimous acclaim President Putin’s declaration that “Russia is now fully self-sufficient in basic food products”—a declaration that now insulates the Motherland from the soon to come ravages visited upon the world by Communist China and the United States as the battle against each for global supremacy—with the most dangerous moves in this conflict coming yesterday after United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo issued a statement saying: “I would like to congratulate Dr. Tsai Ing-wen on the commencement of her second term as Taiwan’s President…Her re-election by a huge margin shows that she has earned the respect, admiration, and trust of the people on Taiwan… Her courage and vision in leading Taiwan’s vibrant democracy is an inspiration to the region and the world”—a statement immediately followed by the US approving the $180-million sale of advanced torpedoes to Taiwan—not just any torpedo, but one of the most feared in the world knows as the MK-48 Mod 6 Advanced Technology Heavy Weight Torpedo that’s able to destroy any Communist Chinese warship it’s fired against. […]

Sorcha Faal

Communist Chinese Saboteurs Destroy US Fighter Jets Worth Over $420-Million At Florida Base

A highly disturbing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing military related issues occurring in the “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, notes with alarm the Ministry of Defense (MoD) revealing that President Donald Trump has just ordered the emergency deployment of the nuclear armed aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt to confront Communist Chinese harassment of US spy planes and ships—an emergency deployment so sudden this aircraft carrier has left behind 1,800 of its sailors and is sailing with a scaled-back crew of about 3,000—and came within hours of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) reporting on an urgent meeting they had just concluded with the FBI Office-Moscow—a meeting that began with FBI officials handing their MVD counterparts a United States Department of Justice document titled “Attorney General William P. Barr and FBI Director Christopher Wray Announce Significant Developments in the Investigation of the Naval Air Station Pensacola Shooting”—that was followed by the MVD being grimly informed by the FBI that two of the most expensive fighter aircraft operated by the US Air Force have been destroyed in the past 5-days—an F-35 fighter aircraft that costs $89.2-million and an F-22 that’s the most expensive fighter aircraft in the world costing over $334-million—both of which crashed for unknown reasons and were destroyed shortly after taking off from Eglin Air Force Base in Florida—and like Naval Air Station Pensacola trains Saudi pilots to fly these fighter aircraft, Eglin Air Force Base trains Saudi technicians to perform maintenance on them—training specifically done by the Field Training Detachment 19, 372nd Training Squadron whose stated mission is to “Train, Inspire, and Develop Higher Levels of Maintenance Competencies in U.S. and Allied Warfighters”—and all of whose currently under training Saudi maintenance technicians the FBI urgently requested the MVD immediately undertake an investigation to probe any possible links they may have with Masood Azhar—the most feared terrorist in the world having ties to both ISIS and al-Qaeda—has traveled throughout the world and Middle East raising funds for his terrorist activities—is known as “The man who brought jihad to Britain” and is “India’s most wanted terrorist”—but most fearful to the United States, is best known in the world for his being “China’s Favorite Terrorist”. […]

Sorcha Faal

US Hospitals Have No More Coronavirus Patients—Hysterical Media Doesn’t Tell American People

A fascinating new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting an unusual development having just occurred in the “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, stunningly reveals that while reviewing the latest information provided by the Ministry of Health (MINZDRAV) regarding coronavirus cases in the United States, most critical to be noticed is that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) failed to give their 16 May 2020 weekly update—with the last one given by the CDC being their 9 May 2020 weekly update that showed a total of 19,637 coronavirus patients in hospital for treatment—broken down into age groups showing: 28 coronavirus patients ages 0-4; 74 coronavirus patients ages 5-17; 4,695 coronavirus patients ages 18-49; 5,851 coronavirus patients ages 50-64; and 8,959 coronavirus patients 65 years of age and older, all of whose cases, across all age groups, had serious underlying health conditions to begin with—a near statistical blip of just 2.1% coronavirus patients occupying the 924,107 total staffed beds in all US hospitals as of 9 May 2020—and due to normal recovery and death rates of in hospital coronavirus patients, means that US hospitals have no more coronavirus patients to treat—which explains why the US Army Corps of Engineers spent over $660-million to build field hospitals that saw only a bare handful of coronavirus patients, the US Navy hospital ships Comfort and Mercy saw hardly any patients, and why the United States has already shipped some 15,000 ventilators to more than 50 countries—200 of which were sent to Russia as a repayment for the plane load of medical equipment Moscow rushed to New York last month—all of which is being ignored by an hysterical leftist media that instead of telling the American the people the truth, is using its time slamming President Trump for sending ventilators to Russia—screaming in panic that President Trump is going to die because he’s taking a drug to fend off the coronavirus they don’t like—and whom they apparently want to live because the socialist Democrat Party has just informed the US Supreme Court that they may want to impeach President Trump again in 2021.  […]

Sorcha Faal

FBI Captures Communist Chinese Scientist Who Made Viruses That Modify Human Brain And Stop Heart

A terrifying new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing an alarming development occurring in the “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, reveals some actually mind-blowing findings contained in a highly-classified “Of Special Importance” case file compiled by the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR)—an investigative case file the SVR began compiling on 14 May after the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) suddenly posted to their Twitter account: “#BREAKING: A former Cleveland Clinic employee was arrested and is being charged with false claims and wire fraud related to more than $3.6 million in grant funding that he and his research group received from the National Institutes of Health”—and wherein this case file says National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director Anthony Fauci, M.D. personally authorized grant funding to this Communist Chinese scientist captured and arrested by the FBI—whom the FBI in their official press release called a former Cleveland Clinic employee named Dr. Qing Wang they “placed into custody at approximately 12:30 p.m.”—though the true full name used by this Communist Chinese scientist is Qing Kenneth Wang, PhD, MBA, and who worked for the Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute—and near immediately after being captured by the FBI, saw the Cleveland Clinic destroying their “” biography page for Dr. Wang, as did the Lerner Research Institute destroy their “” Dr. Wang biography page, too—and when viewing the Internet archived page from the Lerner Research Institute for Dr. Wang, it becomes clear why this done—as it shockingly reveals that “Dr. Wang was the first to show that mutations in ion channels cause arrhythmias and sudden death”—mutations ResearchGate (the European commercial social networking site for scientists and researchers to share papers, ask and answer questions, and find collaborators) show Dr. Wang has been working on for years—the most frightening about to notice is the research Dr. Wang has been conducting with his fellow scientists into how “Adeno-associated viruses effectively mediate conditional gene modification in the human brain”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Swift Retaliation For Assassination Of US Military Commander Kills Chinese Ambassador To Israel

A riveting new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting with alarm some of the more deadly activities taking place in the shadows of the “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, says that just 4-days after top American military commander US Air Force Colonel Thomas Falzarano was “discovered dead” in what Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) analysts determined was a “murder by assassination”, Communist Chinese Ambassador Du Wei has now been “discovered dead”, too—a death occurring in Israel a few hours ago where Ambassador Wei has been posted since February of this year—and who was well known by the SVR since his posting to the former Soviet Union in 1990, where at the time he held the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) title rank of Shang Wei (OF-2) Captain, and at the time of his death held the title rank of Da Xaio (OF-6) Senior Colonel—the exact equivalent rank held by Colonel Falzarano at the time of his death—thus leading SVR analysts to surmise that Ambassador Wei’s death was a “retaliation assassination” for the killing of Colonel Falzarano—and most important to note about, came within 48-hours of US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (the former Director of the CIA) making a lighting-fast surprise visit to Israel where he warned its leaders about the dangers of Communist China—that caused Ambassador Wei to have his embassy send out a message calling Secretary Pompeo’s claims and comments “absurd” and further state: “Historical experience also shows that pandemic is accompanied by conspiracies and the dark mentality of seeking scapegoats…our Jewish friends know it well”—which prompted Secretary Pompeo to fire back and ominously warn: “There will come a day when we evaluate what it is that needs to be done to convince the Chinese Communist Party that there are real costs—real costs—connected to this kind of misbehavior…we have to hold nations accountable”—but because he’s now dead, Ambassador Wei won’t be responding to. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Executes Most Powerful Order In History To Throw All American Companies Out Of China

A bombshell new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the latest critical moves being made in the growing more dangerous by the day “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, says that after President Donald Trump threatened to “cut off the whole relationship” with Communist China, he was officially asked to force the Chinese to pay a staggering $1.6 trillion debt they owe to a US bondholder group—an official request President Trump followed by issuing a rule to further crush the life out of Communist China’s tech giant Huawei by banning it from being able to purchase semiconductors made abroad with US software and equipment—that itself was followed by President Trump announcing that Communist China’s sworn enemy Taiwan is going to build a $12-billion semiconductor plant to employ over 1,000 American workers in Arizona.  […]