Communist China Throws Full Support Behind “Prairie Fire” Riots Destroying America They Call “Beautiful”
A disturbing new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting its 28 December 2019 dire warning that the socialist stronghold Commonwealth of Virginia was preparing to unleash “Red Guard Forces” that are similar to those deployed in China by communist leader Chairman Mao Zedong in 1966, who unleashed his angry and violent fist raising mass student-led paramilitary social movement called the “Red Guards” to kill up to 20-million Chinese peoples not bowing to socialist ideology—grimly reveals that Virginia socialist Democrat Party tyrant Governor Ralph Northam rejected a call by the White House to deploy National Guard forces to protect innocent lives—a rejection coming at the exact same time Richmond-Virginia Police Chief Chief William Smith broke down in tears on live television while describing how these “Red Guard Forces” set ablaze an apartment building with children inside, and then kept fire officials from being able to reach the scene and save them—a tragedy totally ignored by socialist leader former President Barack Obama, who yesterday used his time to hold a virtual roundtable where he said he’s “encouraged by mass protests” and stated: “We have seen in the last several weeks, the last few months, the kinds of epic changes and events in our country that are as profound as anything I’ve seen in my lifetime”—which most remarkable about saw Obama quoting verbatim from the socialist war manual titled “Prairie Fire: The Politics of Revolutionary Anti-imperialism”—that’s called “the magnum opus written by Obama friend Bill Ayers”—and wherein it demands that ordinary American people be forced to bow down and pledge their allegiance to socialist revolutionaries—which is now happening as young white women are being stopped in the streets of America and ordered to kneel before these socialists and beg forgiveness for their “crimes”—as well as large crowds of white citizens being rounded up in America and forced to kneel in socialist servitude, too—acts of subservience to these socialist revolutionaries also being exhibited by Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, who knelt before these socialists then vowed to cripple the Los Angeles Police Department by taking $150-million of their budget and giving it to socialist revolutionary groups—all of which Communist China has just declared “Is A Beautiful Sight” and “Retribution” for a US political system they say is “declining at an accelerating rate”—and is why they’re suggesting they are going to support these riots tearing America apart. […]