AG Barr, Special Counsel Mueller and Rod Rosenstein Discuss Russia Investigation

Former FBI Director Robert Mueller testifies before the Senate Intelligence Committee during the annual open hearing on worldwide threats on March 12, 2013. Mueller has been named special counsel to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election.
Barr to Mueller:
“Bob, show me the evidence and reasoning for why this investigation was started and still ongoing.”
Mueller to Bart:
“With regards to the President we have found no links or ties to any foreign entity etc”
Barr to Mueller:
“Mandate was clear – verify and investigate reports of possible foreign collusion between President & Russia.”
“What justification existed to effectively launch a massive domestic / foreign surv campaign against the President (pres elect / president) and members of his transition / campaign team?”
Mueller to Barr:
“Steele dossier along w/ media corroboration of those findings.”
Barr to Mueller:
“Was the Steele report a ‘trusted and verified’ report per Intel to continue especially considering the funding party was the opposition party?”
Mueller to Barr:
“Those facts were never taken into consideration.”
FISC granted auth to conduct based on conclusions presented.”
Barr to Mueller:
“Was FISC made aware of all details surrounding the dossier?”
Mueller to Barr:
“No.” “We believe there was urgency placed on the auth given the gravity and timeline of events that those involved negated to populate fully.”
Barr to Mueller:
“Why were efforts made to continue investigating the President, interrupt his official capacity in governing, if the only doc presented was unsubstantiated and unverified?”
“Why were questions and threat of subpoena communicated to the President if no factual foundation existed?”
“All charges thus far are unrelated to the original mandate – why are you still active and pursuing a crime if no verifiable evidence or evidence through discovery exists?”
Barr to RR:
“What justification did you have to effectively expand the mandate, not report that expansion to Congress, in order to seek a crime outside of R collusion?”
“What specific reasoning and/or facts existed to justify the appointment of a SC to begin with per the law?”
“Why did you recommend to Sessions that he should recuse?”
“Why wasn’t the mandate / budget and regular updates provided to Congress upon request?”
“Why is everything kept confidential and under inappropriate classification?”
“Was the purpose of investigating to find a crime vs investigate evidence of a crime?”
CLAS 1-99
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Methinks I am a conspiracy theorist. Art thou? Thou block, thou stone, thou worse than senseless thing, for whilst thou slept didst this become a badge of honor. Informed dissent shall always prevail, wherefore art thou worthy, or art thou this unwholesome fool in the group conformity experiment herein?