by Yangil Kim
Piet Mondrian Dutch Artist (1872-1944) “The simplicity betrays his own lack of complex motive behind his craving for the cock. It was…as instinctual and undeniable as his need to breathe.” Yangil Kim,
Cult Leader and Pimpologist
Where to begin with this transcendent bag of sin. The beauty and order in straight lines theory was obviously based on a subconscious need to absolve him of his own homosexual tendencies by insinuating that if straight is beautiful, anything else will not do.
Mondrian originally wanted to have his painting completely in gray tones, but could not totally contain his flamboyance, hence the dash of color here and there. Aside from his motives for painting in his neoplastic style, his work says a few things own its own. I have not seen this caliber of work since overseeing a kindergarten class pasting paper shapes to the bulletin board.
The simplicity betrays his own lack of complex motive behind his craving for the cock. It was simply as instinctual and undeniable as his need to breathe.
As a novelty his art can be used in a pinch as a level for those carpenters suddenly lacking, but I have seen plastic table cloths with more inspiration behind their patterns, and subtle implications and nuances that Piet could not comprehend around the giant phallus in his frontal lobe.
Simplicity does have it’s appeal, but only when one is true to oneself. My own opinion is that if he wanted to keep artistic integrity, Piet Mondrian should have painted his heart, a big thick black cock.