Disgraced Telegraph Writer Nina Burleigh Says U.S Women Should Give Bill Clinton Oral Sex for Abortion Rights
As of January 31st, 2019, the retracted Telegraph article by Nina Burleigh (another hit piece on Melania Trump) marked the second time in less than one year Burleigh’s pieces have been retracted, Before that, a piece about Russian bots taking down Sen.Al Frankin. Now Burleigh is suing The Telegraph for defamation because the paper apologized for Burleigh’s piece. So Nina, now that you know the sting of defamation, if indeed that is what the Telegraph did, perhaps you’ll ease up on the pointless dehumanization of the Trump family, for you may soon discover, in a most unpleasant manner, the liability of your past inaccuracies and falsehoods. If I may offer a humble suggestion, you may want to mark your pieces as “fiction” to avoid any future embarrassments. […]