Source: CNN
Lampreys have developed a symbiotic relationship, and groom their hosts with pube braids.
Source: NBC
I'M WITH HER: Joy Behar plays follow the leader.
A botched circumcision left George Soros with a ball sack for eyes. Embittered ever after, this created the greatest super villain ever known, Globalist Man.
Source: CNN
Yangil Kim
March 3, 2013
“In her mind he was the answer to her fervent prayers, a man villainous enough to slam it in her tail pipe without warning.” And the more celebrated reincarnations… Ghandi Yangil Kim pictured here, in...
Netanyahu: Old Testament is Anti-Semitic "Hate Speech"
February 20, 2015
"It accuses us of consulting wooden idols and diviners; of genocide, of incest, of harlotry and all sorts of really mean and anti-Semitic things with no basis in fact. He has cursed us into many...
I'm a Fire Truck Trapped in a Man's Body
November 27, 2016
In the meantime, because fire trucks have unique anatomical features, it is only fair to have have public restaurants, schools, government buildings , etc., modify their bathrooms into fire stations to accommodate my special needs,...
The Society for the Appreciation of Bitch Slappin' the Mimes
March 29, 2014
The Impious Digest hires only the best and strongest pimps to administer the bitch slappin' we give to mimes across the nation. But it's not cheap. Ice packs (for bruised knuckles), travel expenses, bail money...
Agent Joe Mahma
September 22, 2013
Joe Mahma, Impious Digest staff writer, stars in his first feature film set in 1960s Mexico. Here's a clip from "We Hope You Don't Speak Spanish."
911 Reasons Rudy is an Asshole
February 26, 2013
"Hang on... my wife is calling..." Six seconds into the video, the moment he announces the call is from his wife, the cell phone is still in his pocket. Yet he makes the psychic announcement...
Bat Fight with Will Ferrell
March 9, 2013
Bat fight. With a baseball bat. It's a game of honor and diplomacy.... This and a few other "Funny or Die" video gems from the inimitable Will Ferrell, including "Green Team", "Will Ferrell Answers Internet...
Hillary is Political Herpes, a Gift That Keeps on Giving
July 15, 2017
Political herpes Hillary Clinton is a gift that keeps on giving, and she's flaring up again in time to lose again in 2020.
The Literary Bucket List: Ghosts/Aliens
March 20, 2013
On "Ghosts/Aliens": "THE BEST BOOK OF ALL TIME! (EVEN BETTER THAN THE BIBLE!)." So writes one soldier from Baghdad, Iraq in his customer review. Although I wouldn't go so far, it got me thinking. With...
News Management, Yang's Cribnotes
February 25, 2013
The Mass Media are all businesses that need to satisfy their audiences, advertisers, and governments to further their goal, namely, making money. By breaking news items into small sound bites that the average person can...
Celebrity Psycho Therapy
March 23, 2014
My name is Dr. Hugh Janus and I am a psychologist. I have been commissioned to analyze the following celebrities with only their public behavior and writings to guide me through the twisted wreckage of...
Ignorant, Senile Bastard Decries "Hostile" Media Portrayal
May 25, 2017
Warhawk, songbird and Lindsey Graham life partner John McCain declared this morning that Russian President Vladimir Putin is a Russian sympathizer and possibly a spy, citing a trusted source he obtained from gay dating app...
I am upset because...
October 14, 2015
Complaints! A news personality butthurt most egregiously.
19th Century Romantic Gangsta Poetry
March 1, 2013
And most importantly, have you ever wondered what 19th century Romantic poets like Lord Byron and John Keats would write like if they were gangsta rap stars? Admit it, we all have, so look no...
Victim In Fatal Car Accident Tragically Not Glenn Beck
March 25, 2013
An honors student died in the crash today, leaving the nation to wonder why the grisly experience of burning alive was not reserved for Glenn Beck.
March 3, 2013
Please Don't View Donnie Hoyle's Secret Thu--
Let's Get Sexy with Craig Robinson
College Humor: Oh baby, baby
The Ultimate Revenge...
Video Faves
March 27, 2013
Video Favorites
Trump vs. Anne Frank Rap Battle: Washington Post Hoax "Exposes" Trump’s Top Secret Time Travel
June 23, 2017
The Washington Post bravely risks it all to reveal that by 2016, Donald Trump used his access to Gen. Michael Flynn to quietly direct DARPA, then in secret works with CERN in Switzerland, to commission...
In Brief: Pocahontas Rises from Dead to Sue Trump for Liz Warren Comparison
June 25, 2017
In a stunning development today, Native American legend Pocahontas rose from the dead in zombie form to file a lawsuit against President Donald Trump for defamation of character. "He has consistently compared Sen. Elizabeth Warren...
Boycott These CNN Advertisers. With Extreme Prejudice.
March 31, 2018
The Children's Crusade didn't end well. And it won't end well this time, either. The script is simple. The network is promulgating a demagogue and crisis actor as we can see in this video shot...