An extremely concerning new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the grave warning just issued by United States Attorney General Barr that “highly organized violent operators are operating behind the veil of protests”, says the substance of this being true is evidenced in the shocking fact that aides working for socialist Democrat Party leader Hillary Clinton engineered a violent mob attack on Republican Party leader US Senator Rand Paul—though even more troubling about these “violent operators” is that they include socialist-globalist leader George Soros and his comrades that are pumping billions-of-dollars into an effort to turn the 3 November election into a an all mail-in voting scheme—a mail-in voting scheme making no sense, as top White House coronavirus expert Dr. Anthony Fauci has already declared that “there is no reason Americans can’t vote in person in November”—a declaration supported by top White House coronavirus expert Dr. Deborah Birx, who says “in-person voting is as safe as visiting Starbucks”—but does make sense when noticing the top socialist Democrat Party operative who anonymously confessed to the New York Post how he had been submitting thousands of fraudulent mail-in ballots over the last several decades—though the greatest danger posed by mail-in ballots due to COVID-19 is the Lancet scientific study showing that this virus remains alive on paper surfaces and money from 3-hours to 4-days—thus making it insane as to how anyone in an America where “violent operators” are in play would even risk the likelihood that mail-in paper ballots will be weaponized with COVID-19 in order to sow even more fear and chaos—a grim fact known to this anonymous top socialist Democrat Party operative, who chillingly states:“ This is a real thing…And there is going to be a fucking war coming November 3rd over this stuff”—as well as by President Donald Trump, who a few hours ago issued a warning about puppet Biden and the socialist Democrats stating: “They will have taken over your cities…It’s a revolution…You understand that…It’s a revolution and the people of this country will not stand for that”—that was joined by President Trump further grimly warning the American people that “Biden is being controlled by people in dark shadows”. […]
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