Benjamin Fulford 

Attempts to start Muslim/Christian warfare backfire on Zionists

The recent massacre of Sri Lankan Christians plus attacks on churches and mosques have turned into a fatal mistake for the Zionists, multiple sources confirm.  In reaction, the U.S. Department of Defense is handling background checks to root out Israeli dual citizens, agents, assets, and sayanim (Hebrew for “helpers”), Pentagon sources say.Arab and Iranian TV broadcasts throughout the Muslim world have quoted this writer and others as saying ISIS stands for Israeli Secret Intelligence Service.  “Almost all Arabs think ISIS is created by Israel and regional governments,” one prominent Arabian TV personality confirmed. […]

Benjamin Fulford 

Revolution may start in France as crazy Zionists try yet again to start WW3

The key was the raid on the offices of Donald Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen, on April 9th.  The aim of the raid was to find material with which to blackmail Trump and thus force him to order an attack on Russian troops in Syria and start WW3, according to CIA and Pentagon sources.  Since Trump’s Atlantic City casinos went bankrupt in 1991, 1992, 2004, and 2009 and since Trump was likely to have been bailed out by Russian gangsters and other dubious characters, there can be no doubt that plenty of blackmail material was found. The U.S. military responded by posing for the following picture on the night of the raid. […]


Can you guess the year in which this was written?

"…a strong potential now exists for members of all faiths and ethnic groups to think about and to solve a central problem of our era: Fanatical Zionists are urged on by Anglo-American backers, to brutalize and displace Arab residents and Muslim religious institutions from Israeli occupied territory.
"Among the Anglo-Saxons cheering them on in their blind racialism are many known as "fundamentalist Christians." They have seen a vision of Semitic warfare in the Holy Land, ending in mankind's annihilation, which they cheer as "Gods will" and "Bible Prophesy." This madness has been called the British balance-of-power strategy. But its familiar name is, British Freemasonry." […]


Be Wise as Serpents, Part 2

Because the center of power is in Great Britian, a great deception has taken place. Great Britian has “given up” her empire, has seemingly lost her power. The Masons in Great Britian try harder not to be seen associated with revolution, and not to be associated publicly with the occult. The British MI5 and MI6 operate under far greater secrecy than the American CIA. The power in Great Britian that issues directives has been kept very secret. Under the disguise of conquering nature, of protecting us from enemies (which they themselves created—sometimes real sometimes fictitious) they have built powerful systems and technology to enable a few hundred men to rule over the billions of mankind. […]