Foreign Affairs

Virus-Infected Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Flavor Threatening Trump Raises Russian Terror Concerns

According to this report, defying all common sense, logic and care for their customers’ lives and safety, Unilever began flooding the United States with its Ben & Jerry’s virulently anti-Trump “Pecan Resist” ice cream flavor during the same week that the FBI captured a Trump “super fan” who had mailed over a dozen pipe bombs to President Trump’s leftist enemies—and whom, should this crazed bomber had known, would have most certainly placed Unilever on his bomb target list for its British government intelligence agencies’ role in colluding with the FBI to bring down President Trump—Unilever long supporting former President Bill Clinton and funneling millions-of-dollars to Hillary Clinton during the 2016 US presidential election through her money laundering criminal organization known as the Clinton Foundation—none of which is surprising for an international behemoth like Unilever who has been named as one of the most evil companies in the world. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Mysterious Virus Sweeps World As Bill Gates Warns 30 Million Will Die

As to the full “master plan/goal” of these globalists, this bulletin concludes, is to spread around the world this now “weaponized” H5 variant avian influenza virus that MoH scientists (in agreeing with Bill Gates estimate) say will kill over 30 million—but will, also, include these globalist aligned nations requiring mandatory vaccinations of all of their citizens—most particularly young women in order to render them sterile. […]