Independent Press

Coming Soon: Damnatio Memoriae May End Copy Cat Shooters with a “condemnation of memory”

Make it a crime to utter their name. Herostratus — or Erostratus — was a 4th-century BC Greek arsonist sought notoriety by destroying the Temple of Artemis, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. His acts prompted the creation of a damnatio memoriae law, forbidding anyone to mention his name. Unconfirmed reports suggest Herostratus actually means “evil loser who shall not be named.” […]

2017 JFK Files

Declassified JFK Files: Multiple Shooters, FBI Paid Oswald, CIA Makes Fake News, LBJ Was Coup Linchpin and in KKK

While yesterday’s pre-planned release of JFK files was significantly neutered at the request of the CIA and FBI, enraging Lou Dobbs among others, the 2800+ files which were released have been poured over extensively, revealing evidence of a second shooter, a massive CIA infiltration of the MSM, a tipoff phone call received 25 minutes before the assassination, and Soviet intelligence indicating the assassination was a coup involving LBJ among other things.

Summary of findings so far:

Two shooters, one escaped: […]