Sorcha Faal

Putin-Trump Battle Demonic Socialist Monster As Soul Of Europe Hangs In Balance—And America’s Too

Western socialist leaders’ popularity continues to plummet—such as Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau seeing his popularity dropping to 35%, the British leader Prime Minister Theresa May having barely 36% popularity amongst her people, French President Emmanuel Macron having only 28% of his peoples’ support, and even Western socialist leader German Chancellor Angela Merkel watching as her popularity has fallen to 40% as her reign nears its end—thus creating, once again, a titanic struggle for free peoples against demonic socialism that after being fought in Europe in 2019, will cross the Atlantic and embroil America in 2020. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Singlehandedly Creates His Own “Blue Wave” Monster He Can Kill With “Red Tsunami”

President Donald Trump delivered a coup de grace (a death blow to end the suffering of a severely wounded person or animal) against his “Deep State” aligned Democratic Party enemies hoping for a “Blue Wave” inspired 2018 Midterm Electionthat would sweep them back into power—and that Trump was able to do by his singlehandedly masterminding an election rout in America’s third largest State of Florida yesterday—and that come November, will see an epic spectacle of Trumpian conservative-nationalist forces battling directly against the rising socialist-globalist forces of Bernie Sanders-George Soros for the very soul of the United States—all of whom will, no doubt, soon witness the full power of a Trump engineered “Red Tsunami”.  […]