Sorcha Faal

Trump Economic Miracle Meets NATO 10-Day “Destruction Countdown” Clock

A thought-provoking new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting that production is set to begin on the world’s most feared anti-aircraft/anti-missile/anti-satellite defense system known as the S-500, states that its S-400 predecessor (one of the best air-defence systems currently made)  has just started a 10-day “destruction countdown” clock for the Western military alliance North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) without its even having been fired—and is when Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says his NATO aligned nation having this military alliance’s second largest force will begin receiving the Russian built S-400 missile defense system in outright defiance of President Donald Trump’s threat to impose “crippling sanctions” on them for doing so—and if imposed, will very likely see Turkey leaving NATOfracturing this military alliance—but is an action not cared about by Trump who today now presides over the longest economic expansion the United States has ever seen in its entire history.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Polling Blunder Fails To Spot Trump Forces “Miracle Win” In Australia

The “miracle election victory” of Christian evangelical Prime Minister Scott Morrison to lead the southern Pacific Ocean continent nation Commonwealth of Australia comes fittingly on a weekend that sees our last Blue Moon appearance for this decade—that revives the idiom “once in a blue moon” used to describe rare events—of which this one has “sent shock-waves echoing across the world” after this nation because the latest to succumb to President Donald Trump’s populist wave sweeping the globe—that, in turn, has American’s hailing “The Trump Effect”—while at the same time, they’re laughing at the ”catastrophic blunder of pollsters” who didn’t even see this shocking election victory coming straight at them. […]

Sorcha Faal

President Trump’s “Tennessee Miracle” Met With Media Blackout And Democrat Party Horror 

The rise of this Bolshevik plague in the US that began in Russia and caused the greatest catastrophe in human history leaving over 100 million dead in the past 100 years, is entirely due to the radical leftist-socialist American mainstream propaganda media establishment and their Democrat Party allies being in fear and horror to the extent that they refuse to tell their citizen’s the truth about President Trump’s “Tennessee Miracle”—that is the term used to describe how one of the most deeply Christian, conservative and lowest taxed States in America used capitalism to give all of their citizens free college without their having to raise taxes.  […]

Sorcha Faal

“Miracle Of Russia” Throws American And European Elites Into Total Panic

A very interesting Ministry of Finance (MoF) report circulating in the Kremlin today is warning the Security Council (SC) to expect “swift retribution” from the West after the latest “Miracle of Russia” accomplishment of paying off the entire debt owed by the former Soviet Union is due to occur within 45 days—and that has thrown the entire elite structure of both the American’s and Western Europeans into “total panic” should their citizens discover what the Federations nationalistic monetary polices have been able to achieve. […]