Sorcha Faal

Trump Checkmates “Deep State” With “Assange Gambit”

Using the same chess game metaphor used by Wikileaks leader Julian Assange on 12 January 2018 when he “accepted an offer” made to him by President Donald Trump, states this “Assange Gambit”—an opening move in chess where an initial sacrifice is made to gain a greater future advantage—came to fruition yesterday when British police forces in London announced that Assange had been “arrested on behalf of the United States authorities”—a move that can only be likened to Trump achieving “Checkmate”—a chess move in which a player’s king is threatened with capture and there is no way to remove the threat—against his “Deep State” adversaries—the most dangerous of whom is Hillary Clinton—who after her hearing of Assange being taken into custody for Trump, resignedly stated “he’s the only foreigner that this administration would welcome to the US” […]

Sorcha Faal

Moscow Warns It Knows About US-EU Military Plans To Attack Russia As Globalist “Hell Storm” Prepares To Strike America

With former Trump campaign chairman Steve Bannon now declaring that the upcoming 2018 Midterm Election is, in fact, President Trump’s first re-election campaign, this report continues, these demonic globalists are preparing to hit Trump with everything they’ve got—to begin with a “hell storm” of global economic news coming this week showing how close the Western economy really is to collapsing, and that has global markets in fear of—most particularly due to Japan offering to buy unlimited bonds to prop up their markets, China’s economy nearing a total system failure, and the US housing market accelerating towards a collapse that will rival that seen during the 2007-2008 global economic collapse. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Trump Counterattack Begins: “No One Knows Who Will Survive”

Interestingly, this report details, the motivations underlying the Obama-Clinton “Deep State” plot to overthrow President Trump lies in the perverse practice of top American intelligence, foreign ministry and military officials leaving government service to take multi-million dollar positions in private companies—all of whom live extravagant lifestyles unable to be paid for by their US government pensions, and that President Trump had vowed to destroy. […]