Benjamin Fulford 

Secret war centers on SWIFT after George Bush Sr. is executed

Since the death of Nazi Fourth Reich Fuhrer George Bush Sr., the battle for control of the world’s financial system, and thus of the process of deciding humanity’s future, is now centering on control of the SWIFT international interbank electronic transfer system. A final battle is taking place between the 13 bloodlines which have traditionally controlled the planet, and the meritocratic Gnostic Illuminati who control the U.S. military-industrial complex, multiple sources agree.  The battle is heading for a climax of sorts now that George Bush Senior has been “executed,” as confirmed by both Pentagon and CIA sources. […]

Sorcha Faal

Hail Of Bullets Cuts Down Hollywood Actress Exposing Actor George Clooney As Leader Of Gay Sex Cult

A chilling new Federal Security Service (FSB) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that Hollywood actress Vanessa Marquez was killed in a hail of bullets this past Thursday (30 August), a day prior to when she was scheduled to meet with Pulitzer Prize winning American journalist Ronan Farrow, who wanted to interview her for what is being described as a “bombshell” story he is writing about the NBC Television Network she once worked for as a cast member on one their most valuable programme series named ER—and whose co-star, the world-famous actor George Clooney, Marquez had previously accused of being a gay cult leader in the international criminal organization known as Scientology.   […]


Benjamin Fulford: Is Donald Trump too scared to name George Bush Sr. and P2 Freemasons as Kennedy assassins?

U.S. Corporation President Donald Trump last week announced he would release all records related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, “other than the names and addresses of any mentioned person who is still living.”  In other words, it appears he is too scared to mention the involvement of George Bush (Scherf, Pecce) Sr. and the Vatican P2 Freemason lodge fascist New World Order faction. Pentagon officials, however, say, “Trump muscled the CIA, Mossad, the FBI, and the Bush cabal to release ALL JFK files, since [then Israeli Prime Minister] Ben Gurion wanted JFK dead, and the same perps also did 9/11.” […]

Cloak and Dagger

George Soros “Republican Massacre” Birthday Gift To President Trump Stuns World

“The “Republican Massacre” that occurred near Washington D.C. yesterday was a not so subtle “birthday gift” to President Donald Trump from George Soros (who considerers himself a “god” and is called “the most evil man in the world”)—one of whose “community organizers”, named James Hodgkinson, attempted to assassinate up to 14 Republican Party lawmakers—but his being thwarted from doing so by the quick action US Capitol Police special agents, and (of course) the known fact that leftist-communist radicals are notorious for being inept assassins.”  […]